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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 1935 (+1965/-30)
ccp: 426 (+449/-23)
votes given: 903 (+869/-34)
score: 2361


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Retarded, Woodworking,
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Yeah, my family goes through about 20 eggs/week. Kids are still small, that number will increase over the next years.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63cf398d37895

You talk like hoodrat. If you actually are white then act like it. Who can pretend to be a white supremacist, join a far-right website and then constantly just try and stir shit up with the other white people. You're either a kike, or an extremely stupid white person.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63cd7d7b73c4e

3 niggers commit this crime, how do they adapt it for TV? Of course, it was an affluent white male lawyer who hit a jew. And in the other? An affluent white female who hit a nigger.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=63ca6b22759de

To a degree. I think the fault increases the longer the problem persists. We can't claim ignorance like the boomers unfortunately. They don't get a pass, hell, they don't even get a participation award but they didn't know. We do.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63c8a58e81d46

I think it's pretty hilarious that I clearly stated it wasn't the boomers the fault they didn't do anything, good nor bad, they were just complacent morons for the most part and how do you respond? By telling me that boomers didn't do anything they were just a bunch of complacent morons that did what they were told. But hey, they made internet! Haha loved the response, albeit maybe not necessarily for the reasons you would think.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63c8a58e81d46

It actually doesnt have the Jetta engine in it. It's got a Golf MK4 engine. It's a strange run that was limited to '07,'08 and '09. During this timeframe they were switching to the 2.5L 5cyl MK5 and did a limited run to clear out old stock. It's a good car.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63c5556636a5a

Yeah this is the main reason I liked this car for her. It has no features, not centered around a computer, roll-up windows, turn key, easily diagnosed/repaired, lots of parts available at local junkyards and considerably low kms.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63c5556636a5a

I didnt buy it because of some distant connection to Hitler, although I think the connection is a cool piece of history, however I do agree that's a retarded reason to buy a car. Also, take note of the year, it's an 08, no fancy electronics or digital mechanisms, low km, easy to fix. It's got the MK4 Golf engine, reliable car with lots of parts available... And Hitler; of course.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63c5556636a5a

I too have accidentally self-doxxed myself before...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63bf361f52b13

I too would be bothered if an Original Goat got slaughered.... err banned.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63bf361f52b13

Okay... I'm Canadian and I see a lot of faggot whining about this.

Chicken isn't at 37$ bucks a pound. What's happening is retards are willing to pay 37$ a pound in the richest suburb of Toronto. Fuck those faggots in the news for pretending this is some conspiracy.

Grocery stores will sell at prices retards will pay. Fucking fear mongering faggot asshats in the media.

How about they report that the grocery store near me is selling pork shoulders for 1.28$ a pound Canadian. That's like 70 cents a pound USD.

How about you say that the prices are the fault of the consumer and not the farmers/grocery store owners. How about you suggest people buy whole chickens and learn to butcher them, buy pork, buy on sale, get a freezer. Stop being a victim of circumstance.

I was blown away how many groceries I got for 100$ this weekend. Including 5L of milk, 30eggs,2 whole pork shoulders... If people are struggling it's because they're retarded.

Fucking Canadian news is the most retarded bunch of hogwash.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=63bc4d9531a35

Rebel News isn't journalism, it's a bunch of kikes embellishing stories to create platforms to beg like peasants for money. A squadron of kikes. A murder, a parliament, a whole fucking gaggle of kikes just donning the right-wing facepaint so they can meddle in both sides. Controlled opposition. Scoundrels.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=63b7d2e5e7f3f

Honestly, you're right. I thought about this after and I thought "wtf did I call him a nigger for... That was rude of me." But like fuck if I'm going to edit or delete anything. It's been said.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=636fc9d0cdb2f

Fuck you, faggot. Life sucks sometimes, sorry for your loss... Nigger

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=636fc9d0cdb2f

Fuck you, I can come and discuss whatever the fuck I want to you stupid bitch. There's a reason that you're the only person here crying about how I shouldn't be allowed to say what I'm saying, cause like all fucking worthless women on this planet you think that everyone you disagree with should be fucked off.

It's fucking retarded to pretend that you understand something is fake, or maybe, you're still so fucking stupid that you sit around all day thinking that only the icing of the cake is rotten but the cake itself is still good. Maybe you're just a naïve little moron that thinks that the corruption is only surface level and you can just scrape it off with a knife...

But there are a lot of people that believe whole-heartedly (myself included) that this entire dog and pony show is rotten to the absolute core. Every election isn't rigged by one side or another, there's only one side and to keep everyone under the illusion that there's not is the fucking game. Republican vs. Democrat is just fucking modern era sports, it's big money but those that stand to profit win either way. Give a little to either side, get the ponies on stage to dance, the retards will clap and fight amongst themselves.

I dont sit around and preach that I have a solution to the problem but at least I'm not so sheltered that I pretend that participating in the game is the way to oust the corruption. Damn.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=636b67b8ca424

We are people of colour now.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=636b4ff5315fb

I believe that fulltime, minimum wage employment SHOULD be able to afford a one-bedroom apartment in a shitty part of town. It can't, which isn't proper and I agree with people when they complain about that. What really gets my goat is when people pretend that pouring a coffee is just as important as working construction and they deserve the same wage and lifestyle. Fuck you, stupid bitch, nobody made you pour coffee for a living you dumb cunt and no, you don't deserve to be on the street if you have a job but you don't deserve to be on my street either just because you work. Fucking women in the workplace are such an entitled bunch of low-skill leeches. Fucking working women.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=632fe9b423061

Certainly not shocked by any stretch but that doesn't make it any less repulsive. Like watching a nigger commit some violent acts against an elderly person - it's not surprising in the least but it does make your heart fill a little bit more with hatred.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=632716121acbe

What's with this nigger music in the background?

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=63261165ea019

I don't know why it was tagged gory. I certainly didn't do it on purpose.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6282e3b862d82

Yeah they're everywhere now honestly. I know that moving into the woods is ideal but I'm just not there yet.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6282e3b862d82