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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 1935 (+1965/-30)
ccp: 423 (+446/-23)
votes given: 903 (+869/-34)
score: 2358


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Retarded, Woodworking,
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Fuck, look out faggots there's a post about pork. Gonna bring the swathe of kike-worshipping nigger-lovers out of the woodwork that have infected this site.

/v/Food viewpost?postid=643a9936d5655

It's strange that your government can win an election and then you can just quit and put someone else in without a new election.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=642197e4011c5

Researcher in charge


/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=642122e18927b

It is not.


/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=642122e18927b

I would give millenials a W for calling out retarded Qtard boomers before it was well-known.

Boomers are mostly cucks.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64136a59a7f78

What the fuck is this. "Neo-nazis AND communism" this is retarded.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641404496f907

Because he diddles, or wants to diddle kids. One could say that this goof operates with an intent to diddle at all times.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6411f396580e3

Saying cringe unironically is actually quite ironic in of itself. Also, sure, the media bastardized and weaponized science... But it's still done and the entire concept of science and scientists have been jeopardized.

We live in Christian built societies that have been corrupted by fake science at the whim of deviants and slavers.

The media is responsible for lots of detriment but saying "blame the media" is a cop out response that no longer carries any weight. Got overused during the Trump era and is just worthless rhetoric now.

Trust Christianity because tradition is what strong societies are built on. The world we live in now has been constructed by naive atheists and satanists holding hands. Eventually, you have to pick a side.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6403dc338a1d1

Yes,he appears to a rotund greek to me as well.

/v/random viewpost?postid=63e85ab08f218

Those weren't thots though, they were clearly faggot-ass dyke feminists.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=63e84d44b3930

"You're a racist"

"I'm a wha-? Oh, yea I am. I am."

"What if I beat cho ass right now?"

"You won't do it."

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63e80e66c0622

They gave her a 250$ hard hat for this picture damn.

/v/clusterBbitches viewpost?postid=63e22392f1bb7

I really think your plan has merit. I need to be in better shape but I have morals. Unfortunately my hardest fight is with my wife, she struggles with her own role in this world. We have 4 kids, she is a good mother but remains convinced she must be something to this world and not that her family is her world. I've no doubt she's coming around but it's hard to paddle your boat upstream against the current of society and brainwashing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63dbd47be93f1

I mean... I dont want my argument to come across as "I'm not doing anything so why would I care!" Because it's not that but I mean... They're watching you. Period. Everywhere. Obviously they're tracking you at the hospital, they're tracking your every move through your phone, traffic cams, satellites, anything connected to WIFI. I mean... and I dont want to seem crass here but... OBVIOUSLY. Give me an article on where they aren't tracking me and save me the reading time.... Because obviously it would just be a blank page.

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=63db1f7383ee5

Well-written article without being outright anti-semitic as to make it an acceptable read for those that have not yet accepted that we live in a world surrounded by enemies with a single puppeteer pulling their strings.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=63db9eb9af12a

Racism in of itself isn't funny but it certainly has potential. Cars aren't funny but people can use them to do funny things sometimes. Stupid.

/v/BuckBreaking viewpost?postid=63d342d2eedcf

I can't listen to a woman who's not my wife blather on. Let alone about medically assisted suicide for 7minutes straight. Fuck. I hate videos now, just give me something I can read so you aren't monopolizing my time.


Fuck. Everything she said is just the same fear mongering rhetoric the left spews. Both sides of this infinite battle are completely chock-full of retards.

People kill themselves. Always have. Always will.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63d460801f660

Fuck you! I would download a car, I would download a purse.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63d099401618f

On one hand you have a guy who killed and retarded thousands of children testing experimental vaccines on them.

On the other hand you have a man who was critical of a religion.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=63d0c6e22940b

Yeah, my family goes through about 20 eggs/week. Kids are still small, that number will increase over the next years.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63cf398d37895

You talk like hoodrat. If you actually are white then act like it. Who can pretend to be a white supremacist, join a far-right website and then constantly just try and stir shit up with the other white people. You're either a kike, or an extremely stupid white person.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63cd7d7b73c4e