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Member for: 1.4 years

scp: 315 (+463/-148)
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score: 375

Buckethead - Oneiric Pool .. Fractal Animation From the Bucketheadland Studio     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to Guitar 1 year ago


Hell ..     (truth-zone.net)

submitted by RexYehudi to whatever 1 year ago


When I got home from school one day in 1959 at 8 yo my father started choking flogging and bashing me I began to black out and knew he was killing me, I landed a left to his face and felt a squishing sensation as I landed a right to his gob area and kicked him .. no use blackout, coming around I could not move or shake off the blackness and blacked out again.


Like walking thru a stage curtain I stepped onto a path of white decomposed granite edged with gray blue stone, the path was undulating between hills of cotton wool texture .. along came a man leading a horse I asked if he knew where the path led and he assured me he did, I waited for him to move off planning to make my own way when he told me he had come for me.

I told him I thought I would have to go back, he glanced in the direction I came from and said I won't be going back which was great news to me and brightened me up considerably, I asked if it was his horse and did it have a name he told me it was his and his name is Bukephalus, after a little more chit chat he lifted me up onto the horse who he told me would take me the rest of the way.

Before I took off on the horse I remembered to ask him his name he said "Ah-Leg-Xander," I asked him to take it slower he said "Alexander" .. the horse took me slowly at first then at a full gallop me hanging on to its mane, along the path which ended at a pair of open arched gates framed by the same pearl blue gray stone that bordered the path, here the horse indicated I should dismount and as he galloped back so did the path recede with him.

The gates then appeared to be floating in space like the door drifting in space in the TV series The Twilight Zone, the outer view was as for a winter's night the stars of the Milky Way and the constellation Sagittarius, one star appeared to be moving and resolved into the figure of a man striding along a path similar to the one I had been on.

He was middle height aged in his early twenties with light olive skin and dark hair, he was lightly bearded and had long legs, he was attired similar to Alexander in a home spun smock affair tied at the waist and sandals Pisces, he drew near and said "Martin I'm Jesus," he gestured with his right hand down and to his right my gaze following his gesture.

I saw my body on the floor of the bedroom I shared with my brother, Mother had just walked into the room and seen my body and was screaming the house down, like making a performance shrieking .. Jesus said "you can stay with me or you can go back," I told him "I will go back," then instead of looking at him I was looking at the gray linoleum on the bedroom floor.

I was pushing myself up on to my hands when Mother came in she looked at me then walked out without saying anything, next Father came in and did the same .. things never changed much maybe nine days later both parents got stuck into me again, with Mother urging him on to batter me at eight years of age.

Later that year he would present me with the bodies of aborted twins to dispose of in a backyard incinerator, I had spoken up in their favor when Mother announced she was off to have an abortion .. after this flogging I am lying in bed when I hear a voice calling my name "Martin," I did not answer, he called me again and again I don't answer.

He called my name the third time "Martin" I said "who's that" he said "God," the next night I am laying in bed the same voice as the previous night calls "Martin..

**I said "you said you were God,
He said "I am.
I said "you're God,
He said "yes.
I said "you are actually God,
He said "yes.
I said "I hear voices all the time, they are not God,
He said "no, they're not,
I said "but you are,
He said "yes.**

I formed an image in my mind of a large sweeping bay of white sand beaches near where I lived in Adelaide South Australia, and asked if he knew how many grains of sand there were, he said he did .. I picked up a handful of sand and told him I have the same problem of being unable to check, then telling him not to look held three grains between thumb and forefinger and asked "how many?" he said "three" I told him ok I believe he is God.

I asked him if he knows everything he said he does, I said "if there was something that you did not know you would not know you did not know it, so you should not really say you know everything," he says he knows that too .. I said "you know there is nothing you do not know" he said "yes," I said "sure."

He asked if I wanted to know anything, I asked him if there is a Hell he said there is then asked if there was anything at all he could do for me, I told him "I would like a guided tour of Hell please", he said "sure..
The Suspicious Death of Senator Paul Wellstone Who With His Wife and Daughter Died in a Plane Crash in Minnesota Oct. 25, 2002 - He had taken a strong stance against the war in Iraq and wanted to investigate 9/11 .. then VP Richard Cheney had allegedly warned Wellstone of "severe ramifications     (ratical.org)

submitted by RexYehudi to conspiracy 1 year ago


[Who Murdered Senator Paul Wellstone?](https://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/10/prweb170339.htm).

[Quora](https://www.quora.com/How-strong-are-the-facts-supporting-the-notion-that-Senator-Paul-Wellstone-was-assassinated) How strong are the facts supporting the notion that Senator Paul Wellstone was assassinated? Vice President Cheney told Senator Wellstone there would be severe ramifications against him and the state of Minnesota if he continued to oppose the Bush Administration on the war against Iraq.

[American Assassination: The Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone, by Four Arrows and James H. Fetzer](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/american-assassination-the-strange-death-of-senator-paul-wellstone_james-h-fetzer_four-arrows/422589/#edition=3577329&idiq=4767398) - Senator Paul Wellstone was the first 1960s radical elected to the U.S. Senate. In his re-election race in 2002, the White House hand-picked Norm Coleman to run against him and the GOP poured in the funds. But Coleman still trailed the populist Wellstone in the late days of the campaign.

Then tragedy struck. Ten days before the election Wellstone was killed in the mysterious crash of his small aircraft, to this day the public mourns the loss. Some harbor suspicions. And some remember how the media blamed the weather. In American Assassination, two Ph.D. Professors, James Fetzer and Don "Four Arrows" Jacobs, prove that the weather did not kill Senator Wellstone, his wife and children, on that morning in October.

Nor were the two pilots incompetent, as per the later claims of the bumbling National Transportation Safety Board. With a scientific investigation, logical analysis, and a ruthless dismantling of the official story, American Assassination confirms the worst fears of a nation: Senator Paul Wellstone was murdered. At the time 69% of Minnesotans polled said they had a hunch a "GOP Conspiracy" was at play in his death. American Assassination confirms that the people had it right all along.


**[Israel Did 9/11](https://www.sott.net/article/215222-Israel-Did-9-11) - As far as is known Paul Wellstone is the only established political figure ever to question the official 911 fable.**
Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul Talks of Global War Saying "Forget Ukraine DC Hawks are Dragging NATO Into the Taiwan War - Despite the massive public support this creature received he with his wretched son US Senator Rand Paul have stood mute in the face of Jewish culpability for the 911 attacks     (thefreethoughtproject.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to USPolitics 1 year ago



Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul with his wretched offspring US Senator Rand Paul deliberately entered the 911 conspiracy on the side of the [Zionist](http://www.jesuswasnotajew.org/israel-did-9-11.html) perpetrators, which has well and truly rendered them liable to prosecution thence execution as capital traitors against the United States.

**The Pauls have wagered their lives that the Jews who perped 911, who carry out similar terrorist attacks world wide and the massive cover up that exists at every level of the US social order will never be brought to trial.**

They with the entire roll call at both houses of the US Congress, and all members of successive Presidential administrations, should be charged as capital traitors by way of the United States Justice Department. Via summons to appear in a duly constituted court convened under existing [US Law](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381), where after they will be put to death by order of the court if guilt is proven.

If they decry US Law as Texans and deploy weapons to prevent arrest, like Saddam Hussein’s kids did heroically following the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 there could be a similar bloody outcome.

[Jews](http://www.oilempire.us/put-options.html) at Mossad HQ in Tel Aviv Israel, made hundred$ of million$ wagering on airline “Put Options,” at stock markets in Frankfurt Germany and in Canada on the day of the attacks, [Jews](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/the-911-attacks-upon-the-us/28-911-australia-terrorgr%C3%BCppe-kurzberg-pizza-woodledoodledoo) were hoppin' about in glee filming as the WTC Towers turned to dust.

Thousands of [Jews](http://www.publiceye.org/frontpage/911/Missing_Jews.htm) never went to work at the WTC on the day, while warnings to stay away were distributed from [NY synagogues](http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/forumindex.php) the Friday before, via [telephone messages](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jew-told-to-stay-home-on-911-still-waiting-for-mossad-to-ok-leaving-house/) and from the [Odigo](https://www.haaretz.com/1.5410231) Hebrew language messaging service.

**Millions of Jews with their political mates and every member of the Ziomedia lobby that supports the deception, should go down the same hole of arrest, trial and execution as the Pauls.**
Desperado - Eagles Guitarist Joe Walsh Keyboard & Vocals, Sam Kinison on Guitar     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to music 1 year ago


Guitar Virtuoso Michael Angelo Batio on the Four Neck ..     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to Guitar 1 year ago


This guy is 100% ambidextrous .. what can you say, just upvote and move on I guess :)
Armenian Genocide Retro by Ricardo Ruiz de la Serna - The author blames 'Young Turks" Enver, Kemal & Talat Pasha and talks of the Hamidian & Adana massacres that preceded the 1915 murder of the Armenians, he says the Syriac Christians and the Greeks of Pontus suffered a similar fate .. No Jews!!     (thediplomatinspain.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to History 1.1 years ago


**Jews did the Armenians in after exploiting their well known penchant for treachery, the Turks do not deny they suffered however they say they had it coming for siding with Russia in the 1915 [Sarakamish Campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Sarikamish).**

Prior to the 1914-1918 First World War, Turkish politics had been infiltrated by Sephardic Jews called "[The Young Turks](https://sites.google.com/site/armenianfilesforsharing/armenian-issueshistory/sephardic-jews-turks?pli=1)," while political power in Britain, France and Russia was similarly in the hands of Jews, thus in 1915 Jew proxies in Russia attacked Turkey from the North, while [Winston Churchill](https://www.history.com/news/winston-churchills-world-war-disaster)'s British and French legions attacked at Gallipoli in the South.

The Turks repulsed the enemy on the Southern Front taking the lives of some one hundred and fifty thousand British, French, Indian, Canadian, South African, Australian and New Zealand troops, they conceded territory in the North however after the YT's sent an academic General from the Staff College to replace the General Officer in Command of the Northern Army.


In response to a coordinated campaign of criticism from the Zionist press, of his decision to place the Army into winter quarters while the tactical situation was at a stalemate due to the weather, and while the Russian Army complete with its contingent of Armenian Nationalists was similarly quartered on the other side of the Sarakamish Mountains.


The clown the YT's put in charge wanted to emulate Napoleon's crossing of the Alps, and after declining to participate in a duel with the General he was sent to replace, ordered the army into the mountains during a blizzard in the middle of winter with inadequate clothing and footwear, whence some sixty thousand or so froze to death.


Armenia has remained a proxy state of Russia thence Jews ever since, while the reprisals against the Armenians carried out in the name of Turkey now known as the Armenian Genocide, were coordinated by the same Young Turks agents of international Jewry who had started the trouble in the first place.

Who had worked in coordination with Jew proxy [Churchill](https://www.jw3.org.uk/whats-on/churchill-and-jews) and the Jew dominated Russian leadership to by way of war inherit what remained of the Ottoman Empire, and to provide an everlasting point of contention between Armenia and Turkey they would continue to exploit to their own ends.

[Nathanael Kapner - Jews Plotted the Armenian Holocaust](http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=77).
[Christopher Jon Bjerknes - The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians pdf](https://www.nli.org.il/en/books/NNL_ALEPH990044086140205171/NLI).
[MWCNews - Crypto Jews Perpetrated the Armenian Genocide & Blamed Turks](https://archive.md/ATB2W).
[NationalVanguard - Jew Bankers Caused Both World Wars and the Armenian Genocide](https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/09/jewish-bankers-were-the-cause-of-both-world-war-2-and-the-armenian-genocide/).

**Kurdish paramilitaries allegedly carried out the legwork of slaughter during the AG.**
Australian Health - Substack.com reports a 5,162% increase in excess deaths while Twitter talks of a 370% increase in young people with bowel cancer, a 20% rise in heart attack deaths and a 17% increase of stillborn births .. put the bowel probs down to buttsex and the rest to the Covid vaccinations     (Australia)

submitted by RexYehudi to Australia 1.1 years ago



"People who have anal intercourse develop an increased risk of bowel cancer." [CancerResearch.uk](https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/anal-cancer/risks-causes).

"Information from Australia paints a devastating picture of the destruction the government has wrought upon the population." [Substack.com](https://truth613.substack.com/p/australia-a-tragic-window-into-the).
Adolf Hitler Frankist Jew and Founder of Israel - Police Gazette     (i.postimg.cc)

submitted by RexYehudi to TellUpgoat 1.1 years ago


The German National Socialists never referred to themselves as Nazis, the word "Nazi" as in AshkeNAZI refers to a "Prince of Jewry," the title given the head of the Sanhedrin court which meted out life and death under Talmudic law. [Adolf Hitler, the Mass Murdering Jew](https://just-another-inside-job.blogspot.com/2004/03/adolph-hitler-jew.html).

[JNJ.org: Israel did 9/11, Islam Was Framed by Zionist Jews](http://www.jesuswasnotajew.org/israel-did-9-11.html).

Noahide Law which provides the death penalty for disputing Jewish dogma is another name for "Talmudic law," their plan to bring that about needs to be nipped in the bud, the best way to do that will be to bring the entire Zionist lobby that perpetrated the 911 attacks to trial and execution under [US Law](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381).
One More Free Speech Outlet Down, Club Conspiracy Forum is No More - It went until 2023 and despite many say it was a CIA honeypot it was one of the few places where you could post whatever you liked, I was there for 12 yrs and filled their boards with Pearl Harbor, 911, JFK & Life on Mars truth..     (web.archive.org)

submitted by RexYehudi to TellUpgoat 1.2 years ago


All to no avail .. [Real Conspiracy Forum](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=63c9c6c5a0a50) went down a couple of months ago.

[JCN: Jews Did 9/11](https://jewishcrimenetworkdid911.blogspot.com/).
[Wikispooks: Israel Did 911](https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it).
[Unz.com: 9/11 Was an Israeli Job](http://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job/).
[SteamCommunity: The Jews did 9/11](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=829497397).
[FortRuss.com: Israel Did 9/11, Not Moslems](https://www.fort-russ.com/2018/09/israel-did-9-11-not-muslims-and-anyone-who-thinks-otherwise-17-years-on-is-an-idiot/).
[LostScribeMedia: 9/11, Israel’s Masterpiece](http://www.lostscribemedia.com/news/911-israels-masterpiece/).
[800 Pound Gorilla: Israel Did 9/11, All The Proof You Need](https://ehpg.wordpress.com/israel-did-911/).
[Victor Thorn, Israel’s Central Role in the Sept. 11 Attacks](https://ehpg.wordpress.com/tag/victor-thorn/).
[JNJ.org: Israel did 9/11, Islam Was Framed by Zionist Jews](http://www.jesuswasnotajew.org/israel-did-9-11.html).
[ChristopherBollyn: The 911 Attacks Were by the CIA & Mossad pdf](http://www.bollyn.com/public/Review_of_Solving_911.pdf).
[GoonSquad: 9/11 Was by Israel & Traitors in the WH, Pentagon, CIA, FBI & NSA](https://careandwashingofthebrain.blogspot.com/2016/04/911-was-israeli-masterminded-false-flag.html).


There were no hijackers the planes that struck the WTC Towers were piloted by remote control, using hardware developed by [Rabbi Dov Zakheim](https://100777.com/node/1836), who with Zionists [Jerome Hauer](https://rense.com//general80/key.htm) and [Michael Chertoff](http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-01-11-chertoff-side_x.htm) engineered the whole project.

[There Were No Japanese Planes at Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/false-flag-terrorism/95-there-were-no-japanese-planes-at-pearl-harbor-dec-7-1941) - It was a replay of the False Flag 1898 USS Maine incident in Havana Harbor that precipitated war between the US & Spain. Whereby under the slogan "Remember the Maine" the US obtained dominion over the Philippines there after to inflict unimaginable horrors on the host population, and annexed Hawaii, Cuba, Guam & Puerto Rico.


[The Assassination of John F Kennedy](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/the-kennedy-assassinations/92-the-assassination-of-john-f-kennedy-59-yr-update) - The Moorman Photograph has snipers nests on the Grassy Knoll with muzzle flashes behind the picket fence left screen, E Howard Hunt is firing Martin Luther & Coretta King are standing to his right, Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden is behind and to Coretta’s left, the Badgeman enhancement has Dallas Cop Joe Smith firing from behind the Rotunda Wall, in company with Gordon H Arnold, deaf mute Ed Hoffman & Wife and Andy Warhol.


Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed for shooting the President and Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit a couple miles away around forty minutes later. Despite photographs and film show him at the doorway of the TSBD when the shots were fired in the first instance, and show he was still in the doorway when the "Three Tramps" were marched by hours later, similarly exculpating him for the murder of Officer Tippit.

[Boats on Mars](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/221-boats-on-mars).
[The Venus File](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/351-the-venus-file).
[Martian Bestiary](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/644-martian-bestiary).
[More Mars Trash](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/569-more-mars-trash).
[Masonry & Constructions on Mars](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/591-masonry-constructions-on-planet-mars).
[Hominid & Human Skulls on Planet Mars](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/668-hominid-human-skulls-on-planet-mars).
[Stone & Steel Weapons & Tools on Planet Mars](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/643-stone-steel-weapons-on-planet-mars-from-the-nasa-rovers-viking-1-lander).
[Human & Alien Life on Mars & Venus - The Evolution of Man](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/348-human-alien-life-on-mars-venus-the-evolution-of-man).
[Bodies, Bones & Human Remains on Planet Mars - Flash Gordon](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/457-bodies-bones-human-remains-on-planet-mars-flash-gordon).
[Solar Flares Caused the Permian & Cretaceous Mass Extinctions - Mars](http://dockersunion.net/vb/forum/mars/219-solar-flares-caused-the-permian-cretaceous-mass-extinctions-mars).


The Curiosity image from [Sol 1035](https://mars.nasa.gov/raw_images/263702/?site=msl0) returned July 5, 2015, has Cliplock Iron Roofing which was first produced in Australia in 1962, protruding from under about a meter of mudstone itself covered by no less than three miles of volcanic ash, bearing in mind the volcanoes that deposited the ash were active 3.7 billion yrs ago, conclude the only viable explanation is extra planetary time travel.

**This is the sort of thing we posted on Club Conspiracy Forum, plenty of other stuff as well ..**
Voat Repost: Hell - One Day After School at Age 8 Yrs in 1959 My Father Battered Me to Death, I met Jesus who gave me the option of staying with him or returning where after God spoke and said he would grant one wish, I asked for a guided tour of Hell     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by RexYehudi to TellUpgoat 1.2 years ago


Update March 31, 2023 - Things continue to evolve in Hell, as things stand there are no souls in either the fire or the Outer Darkness, there are two women in the eternal "boat section" above the OD being Queen Elizabeth and one other, as well there are seventeen souls including Pope Benedict in the re inhabited Zuqqum Tree region adjacent to the OD.

Souls continue to tumble into Hell at the rate of about one every four seconds thru the four gates .. thus the devil in situ which is a giant spider, grabs them by the ankles and drags them thru an opening in the wall and casts them into Hell proper .. in the case of truculence demons whose role it is to keep things moving swarm him or her, while the spider comes in thru the hole, wraps them up in web and drags them in.

They land on a stone shelf which gives way to a slide whereas they tumble downward and their body disintegrates in a shower of glittering shards .. there are a few hundred alien giants in this section but no humans. I negotiated the release of the ones that were there previously numbering 1023 of whom Julius Caesar was the longest term resident, about a year ago on the basis that in the absence of Earthly response they would take orders from the messenger .. I've heard nothing since.
Buckethead - Corridor 5 .. Stunning Animation From the Bucketheadland Studio     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to Guitar 1.2 years ago


The Funeral Director Speaks - John O’Looney says troops from the Black Watch currently deployed in Ukraine and in Anatolia Turkey are training mercenaries from Albania, Iraq and Afghanistan who will be infiltrated into the UK to carry out mass arrests of British citizens on British soil     (153news.net)

submitted by RexYehudi to WorldNews 1.2 years ago


John O’Looney has been up front during the Covid hysteria, and had disclosed the abnormal blood clots that were present in the bodies he prepared were caused by the vaccines, in this video he reiterates his warning and says the vaccinated have between two and five yrs to live and that "there is no cure."

He says that when these vaccinated ppl die in "incredible numbers," their deaths will be blamed on a "new variant" that will lead to another lockdown which will bring about road blocks and massive "policing," under which "door to door" ethnic cleansing at the hands of the same foreign mercenaries will take place, he talks of brand new supermax prisons..
42 Admitted False Flag Attacks - In the following instances officials in the government which either carried out the attack or seriously proposed an attack admit to it     (washingtonsblog.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to conspiracy 1.2 years ago


"False flag terrorism is defined as a government attacking its own people, then blaming others in order to justify going to war against the people it blames. Or as [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag) defines it, "False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities.

The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy’s strategy of tension.

The term comes from the old days of wooden ships, when one ship would hang the flag of its enemy before attacking another ship. Because the enemy’s flag, instead of the flag of the real country of the attacking ship, was hung, it was called a “false flag” attacks. Indeed this concept is so well-accepted that rules of engagement for naval, air and land warfare all prohibit false flag attacks. [WashingtonsBlog](https://washingtonsblog.com/42-admitted-false-flag-attacks/).
White Genocide, by Jared Taylor & Lasha Darkmoon - "Europe is under sentence of death the ongoing mass rape and murder of indigenous Europeans in their own homelands by the unstoppable hordes of the Third World, means we need to prepare for a grim future of unparalleled suffering ..     (www.darkmoon.me)

submitted by RexYehudi to History 1.2 years ago


We in our ancestral homelands clinging to what remains of our cherished heritage, know there is no way Europe is going to survive the cataclysms ahead unless we take drastic action, without delay to reverse the menacing tide of mass immigration, if necessary by mass deportation of the invaders.

It may one day be necessary as has recently been suggested in a controversial French novel, to bomb the refugee ships and gun the invaders down on the beaches, this scenario is too chilling to contemplate, heaven forbid it should ever come to this .. whatever the outcome we need to prepare for violence.

Violence by the indigenous protestors at the invasion of their homelands, violence by the conquering hordes who have come to settle these lands where they are not welcome, and violence by the police and the Orwellian police state as they do their best to crush the protestors and hand over our homelands to the invaders. Link.
The Mass Murder of Russian Christians and the Destruction of Their Churches, by Lasha Darkmoon - Chronicles the depravity of the Jewish Bolsheviks post the sham Zion inspired 1917 Russian Revolution, under the tutelage of Jews Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili aka Joseph Stalin & Lazar Kagaonvich     (web.archive.org)

submitted by RexYehudi to History 1.2 years ago


“One Jew alone, the infamous Lazar Kaganovich, personally claimed responsibility for killing twenty million people. It was he who stood atop the rubble of a Christian church and proclaimed, “Mother Russia has been cast down! We have torn away her skirts!”

“Apart from Kaganovich, there were other Jews who contributed to the massacre of Christians under the cruelest circumstances: Ilya Ehrenburg, Natalfy Frenkel, Mathias Berman, Genrikh Yagoda a reputed lingerie pervert, and last but not least Lavrenti Beria who may or may not have been Jewish.

Mainstream historians assert that he was not but they would now wouldn’t they, given that Beria was not only a mass murderer of peasants but also a bloodthirsty sex maniac and pedophile who had children buried in his basement.

“At no other time in the history of the world has a country been so saturated with Jewish influence as it was between 1917 and 1953 in the Soviet Union: the time of the great gulags and the merciless slaughter of the peasants.” Darkmoon.
The Dread Earthquake Machine - Near Tower 1 of the Great Wall in Gansu Province, China a mysterious glyph with strange crosses and zigzags, betrays the location of buried antennas and ground planes connected to the uranium mine and nuclear power station further west - Squiggly Lines     (flingup.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to WorldNews 1.3 years ago



The most westerly part of the Great Wall is a 17 kilometer section that blocks Jiayuguan Pass from the Toalai River in the south to Fort Jiayuguan and the Hei Shan Mountains in the north, the traditional Mongol invasion route into China.


When "they" want to make an earthquake they switch off the power going into the cities and divert the power station's entire output into the EM.


Brings us to the "Squiggly Lines" and odd shapes that are appearing all over, on buildings in Brisbane, Australia no less than on the ground in Far Cathay ..


Surmise the same force that combined to place squiggly lines on Brisbane buildings and on the ground in China, organized the Olympic architecture and is similarly responsible for the HAARP earthquakes!
Feel Like a Smoke .. get a box of 25 Cohiba Siglo V cigars for a cool $3,774.49 or about 150 bux a tube, they say they will "satisfy" the smoker for just over 1 hour and 40 minutes     (egmcigars.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to AskUpgoat 1.3 years ago


David Parker Ray, The Truth or Consequences Serial Killer - Ray said he had killed at least one person a year for forty years while police suspect there might have been as many as 60 murders, there could have been a lot more ..      (flingup.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to TellUpgoat 1.3 years ago


*He tortured and killed his victims in a $100,000 home made torture chamber he called his "toy box," that was equipped with whips, chains, pulleys, straps, clamps, leg spreader bars and surgical blades and saws, with these tools he terrorized Truth or Consequences for years aided by multiple accomplices. His accused disciple drifter Dennis Roy Yancy confessed to strangling Marie Parker, 22 to death while Ray took photos.

Ray's daughter Glenda Jean "Jesse" Ray was convicted of kidnapping Kelly Van Cleve, Cyndy Hendy Ray's live in girlfriend known to the victims as "mistress," who confessed and supplied testimony against Ray for a lighter sentence, who told authorities she knew of fourteen murders .. got 5 yrs probation.*

In such a small town surely there would be rumors .. I reckon DPR was part of a far bigger killing operation, and that the Police / FBI ran dead and allowed the killing to go on .. it sounds like there was filming, and didn't we hear about a group of Jew thugs in New Mexico who were running around making threats a couple years ago.

The internet report at Kurt Nimmo's now defunct website [Another Day in the Empire](http://nimmo.blogspot.com/), said the threats were credible and had to be taken seriously, Jews are into snuff porn and could quite easily have been financing Ray. Add to that the aforesaid FBI activity, and the laughable five year probation Ray's female accomplice got, and suddenly David Parker Ray becomes a fall guy! (or fall goy if you wanna put it like that).
Cannibalism the Dark Secret of the Ancient Anasazi - Understand Asasazi is a generic term used to describe the Chaco Canyon culture, however in the Navajo language Anasazi means ancient enemy, the ones who built the great houses and towns a la Pueblo Bonito call themselves Ancestral Puebloans     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to videos 1.3 years ago



This is my assessment .. the Ancestral Puebloans were a race of builders from Mexico who migrated north sometime around 700 AD to escape the culture of human sacrifice and cannibalism that flourished south of the border, they were farmers and tillers of the soil and settled peacefully in Chaco Canyon, where they used their building skills to erect the amazing Great Houses and towns a la Pueblo Bonito.

[Pueblo Bonito & Chaco Canyon Culture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6XYuWd1foo).

Then at around 1200 AD or so another tribe came up from Mexico these were the Anasazi which means ancient enemy in the Navajo tongue, they were cannibals who raided the Puebloan towns and great houses, murdering and eating those who would not survive the journey south and taking the rest back to Mexico as slaves.

[Ancient Cliff Palace in Mesa Verde, Colorado](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jkp-_Gfa44).

Not withstanding the Mexican cannibals did not stop at Chaco Canyon but progressed all the way into Utah seeking, searching and cannibalising as they went, a la Professor Turner finding evidence of cannibalism right unto the extent of their range .. the surviving Ancestral Puebloans had never lost their building skills and built the very elaborate cliff dwellings we see today as places of refuge.

[Alpha Fort - The Greater New River Mesa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfkBsmEEStE).

However the Anasazi eventually located them and laid seige, as before they took the skilled workers back to Mexico as slaves and ate everyone else, the survivors still had the building ethic however their skill level had decreased exponentially, thus the hilltop forts and lookouts they built are the rude dry stone constructions we see today in Arizona and New Mexico.

**The depredations appear to have continued until the Chaco Canyon culture per se was wiped out, where after the survivors were absorbed by the Hopi and the Navajo.**
The Vaccine Not the Disease Itself Was Responsible for the 40,000,000 or So Deaths Attributed to the Spanish Flu Outbreak That Began in Fort Riley Among US Troops Making Ready for WW1 in 1918 - The same strain turned up again in 1976 at Fort Dix which is known to have been a vaccine trial centre     (thetruthersjournal.home.blog)

submitted by RexYehudi to TellUpgoat 1.3 years ago


"It was a common expression during the war that “more soldiers were killed by vaccine shots than by shots from enemy guns." E. McBean. [Link](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/reconstruction-1918-virus.html).


In 1918, the US Army forced the vaccination of 3,285,376 natives in the Philippines when no epidemic was brewing, only the sporadic cases of the usual mild nature. Of the vaccinated persons, 47,369 came down with small-pox, and of these 16,477 died. In 1919 the experiment was doubled. 7,670,252 natives were vaccinated. Of these 65,180 victims came down with small-pox, and 44,408 died. In the first experiment, one-third died, and in the second, two-thirds of the infected ones died. [TruthersJournal](https://thetruthersjournal.home.blog/2020/7/16/vaccines-caused-1918-spanish-flu-which-killed-million/).
The Word For Today *Ultracrepidarian* - It means expressing opinions on matters outside the scope of one’s knowledge or expertise and is derived from the proverb "let the cobbler stick to his last!"     (wordhistories.net)

submitted by RexYehudi to whatever 1.3 years ago



There's plenty of ultracrepidarians around here .. on TL I mean.
Curiosity Mars Rover Image Sol 1035 Returned July 5, 2015 - Has Cliplock iron roofing protruding from under about a meter of mudstone itself buried under three miles of volcanic ash, conclude the only viable explanation is extra planetary time travel     (i.postimg.cc)

submitted by RexYehudi to pics 1.3 years ago


[Large File](https://i.postimg.cc/j5c0zszr/Curiosity-Sol-1035.jpg).
[NASA Link](https://mars.nasa.gov/raw_images/263702/?site=msl).

NASA presented the image upside down we had to right it, is why it is an odd shape.


Cliplock roofing is produced in massive factories that have huge rolling presses, there is no sign anything like that has ever existed on Mars.


Nor is the roofing iron the only evidence of travel thru the space / time continuum, the above shot from [Opportunity Sol 115](https://mars.nasa.gov/raw_images/263702/?site=msl) shows a Western Australian hardwood railway sleeper, despite the Opportunity Rover ran over this particular one without taking a closer look, which makes a mockery of the entire mission!

As for time travel, going at ten mph you will arrive at yr ten mile destination one hour after you left, if you speed up to 20 mph you will be there a half hour after you left, at 40 mph you will be there in a quarter hour .. if you go fast enough say at superluminal - faster than the speed of light - velocity, you will arrive at yr destination before you left.

We say extra planetary space travellers seeded the Earth, Venus and Mars with various life forms, as well they scattered stone weapons over those worlds presumably to foster murder among the inhabitants .. time travel is the only thing that will make it work, that they can go back and forth in time.

Considering ClipLock iron roofing did not appear until the 1960's, postulate the time traveling "Galactics" obtained the roofing iron of C Sol 1035 and the railway sleepers thru normal Earthly channels, then went back billions of yrs and put them on Mars.

*Curiosity Rover landed in Gale Crater which is three miles deep and nearly one hundred mi across, thus the impact that produced the crater displaced some 7500 cubic miles of volcanic ash, to expose the roofing iron at the outer edge of the destruction zone which is the flat area in background.*

**The population that used the steel roofing predated the inundation that produced the mudstone, while the pundits assure us the massive volcanic eruptions that blanketed much of Mars' surface with ash occurred up to 3.7 billion yrs ago. [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tharsis).**
A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911 Not a Boeing 767 Flown by a Mad Arab Hijacker - Nor was it launched by OBL but by Jews have infiltrated the US Chain of Command .. Jews never showed up at the WTC that day, Jews were jumpin' for joy filming, "Put Option" deals were traced to Mossad     (flingup.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to History 1.3 years ago


The under 3000 dead line is one of the mainstay falsehoods of the entire conspiracy, [2:48 PM September 11, 2001](http://cnparm.home.texas.net/911/911/911b.htm) estimates of 50,000 dead in New York were bandied about. While NIST Engineer Sunder said, "on 911 there were between 8,500 and 9,000 occupants in each building."

ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings while the drama was still unfolding said, "the normal total of workers at the WTC Towers was around eighty thousand."

Sunder's total of between seventeen and eighteen thousand in the Towers, makes some sixty two thousand or so absent using Peter Jennings' figures. The official count of some under 3,000 dead was tailored to fit the four hundred dead Jews on the official list. [Evidence of Mossad Treachery at the WTC, by Ed Toner](http://www.publiceye.org/frontpage/911/Missing_Jews.htm).
Snuff Porn in Brisbane, Australia - The Mossad Link     (flingup.com)

submitted by RexYehudi to Australia 1.3 years ago


August 18, 1997, ABC newsreader Rod Young tells viewers snuff films have allegedly been produced in Brisbane, citing alleged existence of video tape shot on the bank of the Brisbane river in which a young male person is murdered .. Young claims someone alleges police are aware of the existence of this tape and alleges high level police and government corruption.

August 19, Young reiterates the allegation of the existence of the taped killing and of cover up Channel 10 News has picked up the story, Premier of the day Peter Beattie says on television there should be a Royal Commission.

August 25, Young introduces the story again, the station shows corrupt black and white footage clearly shot with a hand held black and white camera, of a heavyset dark haired man sitting on a ratty couch in a tatty room watching television.

Showing on the television is footage of a male person approximately twelve years old, accompanied by a heavyset man with dark closely cropped hair aged about mid to late twenties, who resembles the man watching the television set, a copper or a security man maybe.

Young says then a hand clutching a knife emerges from off camera and the young person is slain, in the background one can see the mangrove banks adjacent to Queensland University at St. Lucia, and across the river the high ground near the ferry terminal adjacent to Dutton Park cemetery.