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Do Android or Apple phones allow you to turn off Emergency Alerts? I run GrapheneOS and it seems very simple to turn off     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Glowbright to AskUpgoat 8 months ago


Do these setting not exist in normal Android? How about iPhones? GrapheneOS is really Android under the hood that has been properly hardened and locked down so I assumed that the functionality exists in some form in stock Android.

So for folks running a standard smart phone OS - Can you really not turn off Emergency Alerts and Presidential Alerts? I have heard people talking about how you can't turn it off. I guess I will see in a few hours if GrapheneOS really does respect the user or not.
Would you be more or less inclined to be a customer at a restaurant if they had an animatronic Pepe behind the counter jerking off?      (old.reddit.com)

submitted by Glowbright to funny 8 months ago


Asking for a friend
US soldier that defected to North Korea to avoid a Court Martial is being expelled from the country by the DPRK.      (archive.ph)

submitted by Glowbright to news 8 months ago


lol. The US got the CCP to put pressure on the DPRK. They must have figured out he had no value and gave him up without much fight.

sauce link: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/27/asia/north-korea-travis-king-expel-intl
'Upgoat' is an inferior domain name for this website.      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Glowbright to TellUpgoat 8 months ago


'Upgoat' only makes sense to an 'in-crowd' of users who get the references to OG Voat. It is a inside joke and does nothing to market this site as a free speech discussion forum. 'Voat' and 'Talk' both invoked a sense of what the site is without relying on a shibboleth
Projection Inception     (twitchy.com)

submitted by Glowbright to funny 8 months ago


The lack of self awareness is staggering even when my expectations are rock bottom
I have a new hobby: Wardriving around my neighborhood looking for open connections to bluetooth speakers. I connect and blast based music and try to listen to screams of frustration.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Glowbright to TellUpgoat 9 months ago


There are a lot of sheep in my area and this can provide good entertainment. So far I have been playing things like Fake Woke, Try That In a Small Town and Rich Men North of Richmond. Anyone have other suggestions?
They will blame it on anything: Massachusetts teen dies suddenly and even though there is no official cause of death the media and mother are blaming it on a spicy chip he ate hours earlier     (www.tmz.com)

submitted by Glowbright to news 9 months ago


Looks like someone got a case of the suddenlies
The ADL lists 17% of the numbers between 1 and 100 as racist. 83? Has anyone ever heard of 83 having any meaning?     (media.scored.co)

submitted by Glowbright to ClownWorld 9 months ago


14? 88? ok they may have some validity... but 83? 90? 43? The ADL is a joke.

proof it is not just a screen shot: https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/83
Remember the video footage of election workers kicking the observers out, pulling boxes of ballots out and running them through the machine multiple times? They just won their defemation case against Rudy Giuliani for saying they did that.     (www.rawstory.com)

submitted by Glowbright to news 9 months ago


What comes after 'Banana Republic' on the tyranny scale?
An intelligence specialist shot dead in the parking lot of the Pentagon with chest wound. Clearly a suicide. Nothing to see here. Move along.     (americanmilitarynews.com)

submitted by Glowbright to conspiracy 9 months ago


Only a NPC that has never held a firearm will believe this BS. It does not seem like they even try with their cover stories these days
Prediction: The Lahaina wildfires will be proven to be a DEW attack publicly and will be blamed on either Russia or China     (twitter.com)

submitted by Glowbright to conspiracy 9 months ago


The wildfires were a false flag designed to drag us into a war. They will be publicly proven to be a DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) attack. This will then be used as the pretense for world war three. I think the high body count event was not just a land grab. In that scenario they would want everything quite they would have evacuated everyone, burned the town, and they told everyone the ground was contaminated or some BS and give everyone a big fat check to go somewhere else. Lot's of dead bodies how ever are used to stir up outrage and enable big actions.

I think a DEW is a very precise weapon... If those black spots are evidence of a DEW attack then I think it was purposely 'sloppy'. You can't see any marks on the actual buildings because they are gone and covered by ash so they purposely burned a few spots in the grass etc. to make it obvious
Just like in 1984, the past is being rewritten. Reddit is trying hard to make 'Rooftop Koreans' look like crazed lunatics killing indiscriminately      (old.reddit.com)

submitted by Glowbright to MeanwhileOnReddit 10 months ago


"They just started firing at anybody and everybody!"
Oliver Anthony is astroturfed to high hell. Everyone needs to realize this is just another artificial wedge used to divide the people.     (conspiracy)

submitted by Glowbright to conspiracy 10 months ago


The globalists don't care if they piss off the right or if they piss off the left. They want every one pissed off about bullshit issues so that we don't pay attention to the things that really matter. 99% of people, even on a site like this totally miss this. They just bitch and whine when the right is targeted and laugh and celebrate when the left is targeted.

Does Oliver Anthony's sudden rise feel organic to you? Or does it feel like it is being hyped and pushed? Did he self publish his album or did big money suddenly land in his lap to push him to the top? Did he gain a following on tour and get big on his own or did he just suddenly start getting featured in news stories?

The manipulation is laughably obvious. The cabal clearly saw the left get their panties in a bunch about 'Try that in a small town' and thought 'Hey, writing songs with inflamitory lyrics is easy! let's do that too!' and barely a month later a new singer with a new song is being pushed hard. But because the lyrics poke at the left everyone here just cheers. The blind tribalism and lack of insight is disturbing.
Even the reddit tards know that the CIA killed Kennedy     (old.reddit.com)

submitted by Glowbright to MeanwhileOnReddit 10 months ago


There are more than a few sheep and glowies that are repeating the 'magic-bullet', 'single gunman', 'Oswald acted alone' lies, but most of the commenters realize the truth and talk about the smile and wink between LBJ and Albert Thomas, Jackie's comment of “Let them all see what they’ve done.”

Maybe, just maybe the sleeping giant will awaken.
Some one is going to get 'Ruby Ridge-ed' over this bullshit. If you stop paying taxes they WILL come for you     (www.freedomlawschool.org)

submitted by Glowbright to whatever 10 months ago


Please don't believe everything you see on the internet. This is a scam where they fool people into paying for a course that teaches you a pile of BS and tells you that the IRS is all a bluff and if you just stop paying taxes there is nothing they can do. Please don't get 'Ruby Ridge-ed' over this bullshit.
Breaking News: The Aliens sent us a message! We must do everything the deepstate wants because they know best! Oh, and we need complete amesty for the DS for their past crimes!     (nitter.fdn.fr)

submitted by Glowbright to whatever 10 months ago


They clearly think we were born yesterday
Trump could not fill the stadium for his PA rally. Very small turn out for a Trump rally with only 9000 attending     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)

submitted by Glowbright to whatever 10 months ago


I have seen several news articles claiming that Trump is drawing huge crowds of people to his rallies recently. In comparison to the DNC and other GOP candidates this is very true, but in comparison to his own rallies four years ago he can hardly draw a crowd.

In the 2020 race he would fill every venue to the brim and have throngs of people outside that could not get a ticket that would literally tailgate the rally. Now photographers are taking tight angle photos in side the rally so you don't notice that half the stadium is empty. Look at the pic I linked. The floor is filled but the bleachers are almost empty. In 2020 we laughed at he Biden campaign pulling these tricks. Now we say nothing while the Gateway Pundit does the exact same thing and claims "The crowd is HUGE!" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/trump-draws-another-massive-crowd-erie-pa-no/

Go ahead and take a quick look at what Trump's 2020 PA rallies looked like. If Trump cannot fill a stadium in a swing state this time around, then I am suddenly very worried about 2024.
Was there a secret biolab in California that was trying to prove that the Covid tests were dangerous? Sure looks like it to me     (abc30.com)

submitted by Glowbright to conspiracy 10 months ago


Lab was trying to prove weather or not Covid tests actually detect the virus or not.

The city health inspector just happens to drive by and just happens to think a garden hose in the front yard is evidence of a health violation. That is a manufactured pretense if I ever saw one... So she just happens to go knock on the door. The city had to get a search warrant so we know the health inspector was denied entry but somehow she was able to catch sight of freezers and lab mice? I read this as the health inspector sneaks on to the property, spies through windows and then decided that there was a violation of some sort and got a court order. ...And the lab just happened to be investigating a highly controversial and politically charged topic.

So was this a white hat biolab trying to prove the pandemic hoax that was then targeted by the cabal for take down?
Trolling a NPC     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Glowbright to funny 10 months ago


stuck in a recursion loop
Catholic abbot gets removed from the wailing wall for wearing a cross     (nitter.kavin.rocks)

submitted by Glowbright to whatever 10 months ago


If someone were to put a can of spray pint on a drone and deface that dam wall it would make me so happy to see the kvetching
Ever see a post that obviously glows but for the life of you you cannot figure out what the motive for the Fed is?     (MeanwhileOnScored)

submitted by Glowbright to MeanwhileOnScored 10 months ago


Case and point: https://scored.co/c/GreatAwakening/p/16bj5KHRSg/urgent-info-and-prayers-needed-a/c

This person has obviously never been to RI and has no family there and does not even realize it is not an actual island. The fires the poster talks about are so minor they barely make it to the news. If this wildfire hype? Global warming angle? I just can't believe that our tax dollars go to this BS.
Anyone have experience or advice with self-storage units?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Glowbright to AskUpgoat 10 months ago


I'm thinking about buying a chunk of remote land to use as a vacation getaway spot. Eventually I plan to build an off-grid cabin but in the meantime I want to rent a self-storage unit that is close to the land for storing things like camping gear, ATVs, etc. I have never used a self-storage unit - Does anyone have advice or suggestions?
Based cameraman can see through the lie     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Glowbright to funny 10 months ago


I am thinking about designing and marketing 80% dishwasher and gas stove kits     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Glowbright to TellUpgoat 10 months ago


If they ban dishwashers then only criminals will have dishwashers. If the Biden admin really does push through the regulations they are talking about I think there will be a huge market for 80% kits for dishwashers that actually work.
The simplest reason why no one wants to prosecute the Biden crime family     (conspiracy)

submitted by Glowbright to conspiracy 11 months ago


Because all politicians and bureaucrats do it, every single one of them. Favors, bribes, and influence peddling is the the way the world works. It has been this way since forever. No one wants to prosecute the Biden crime family because you don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.