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Hunter Biden found guilty of minor crime in hopes that we will stop talking about him laundering money and raping kids     (www.latimes.com)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 10 hours ago


As great as it is that we can throw this in leftists' faces every time they talk about wanting to ban guns, Hunter hasn't been charged for possessing and smoking crack, stealing taxpayer money and helping launder massive amounts of stolen money, or having sex with multiple underage girls despite tons of evidence.

This is a pressure release valve, not a guilty verdict.
On the anniversary of d-day, it's important to remember     (whatever)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 5 days ago


that the good guys lost and the jews made sure we invaded on 6/6 at 6am for a reason.
Who is the biggest spammer on this site?      (whatever)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 6 days ago


Book review - Runes Finally Explained: The Germanic Book of the Dead by Marie Cachet (wife of Varg)     (books)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to books 1 week ago


I recently finished this book on Germanic Paganism by Marie Cachet, the wife of black metal musician MyFAROG creator, and hardcore white supremacist Varg Vikernes. It was an interesting read. Most of the book is an analysis of runic poetry and symbolism from the ancient Germanic/Nordic tribes (including Anglos). As someone who's done a lot of noticing of the allegories and symbolism inserted into mass media, it was an interesting exploration of the allegories and symbolism present in our ancestors' ancient pre-christian belief systems.

One of the things that struck me about it was how different the symbolic allegories our ancestors used are from the symbolic allegories given to us today. Much of the allegorical symbolism, which appears not just in the runic poetry but also in old folk tales such as sleeping beauty, Jack and the beanstalk, tales about dwarves and gnomes, etc. revolved around pregnancy, childbirth, and the passing on of ancestral wisdom from elders to children. For example, a dwarf is a child's body with an adult's head, representing the wisdom of the elders being passed on to the next generation. The runic poems, a series of poems for each of the 24 runes of the elder futhark/ancient Germanic alphabet, are full of symbolic representations of the womb, the placenta, the process of birth, and the awakening of ancient/ancestral knowledge at the formative points of a child's life.

This provided an interesting contrast to the modern symbolism and allegories that I've noticed lately. Among the more common allegories in modern media are the chosen one (Star Wars, Dune, Matrix) and the golem (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Terminator). The golem myth comes from ancient jewish folklore about jews creating artificial men to do their bidding, and is used as an allegory for jews creating artificial socio-political movements such as feminism, neoconservatism, communism, and central banking to control the masses and animate us into doing their bidding. The chosen one myth obviously draws heavily from messianic judaism and the abrahamic faiths more generally (hence Anakin being born on a desert world, Paul Atreides finding his place as the chosen one on a desert world, the cross shaped energy that erupts from Neo at the end of the Matrix trilogy, etc.).

Where today's allegorical and symbolic subtext revolves almost entirely around jewish power, the allegorical and symbolic subtext of the folk tales of our ancestors revolved almost entirely around the cycle of reproduction, birth, and child rearing. Although there is some reproductive symbolism in the biblical tale of jesus (the tomb as the womb which gives birth to the resurrected man), it is heavily downplayed in comparison to the reproductive symbolism of our Pagan ancestors, and the modern chosen one myths based on messianic allegory also include only minimal birth/rebirth symbolism in comparison to the ancient tales.

Whether you take a purely psychological and non-spiritual view such as Jung's or the more spiritual view of the author who believed the ancient tales held the key to reincarnating/resurrecting the spirit of the ancestors, the fact that our ancestors told tales that were rooted in procreation and child rearing stands in stark contrast to today's tales about jewish control schemes. The allegorical myths that animated the subconscious minds of our ancestors were far healthier than the allegorical myths of today that reinforce the narrative of messianic judaism and jewish control schemes that can only be overthrown by a golem who is willing to die to end them. By understanding the hidden subtext of these stories, you can gain a better understanding of the psychological and spiritual impact they will have on your children and make better choices in what to expose your children to, giving them tales that will reinforce the importance of family and child rearing rather than tales about jewish saviors and jewish social control.
Hitler's army of Heathens     (trove.nla.gov.au)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to White_Religion 1 week ago


The Nazis were the biggest Pagan revivalists of the 20th century. This is the only reason they were able to turn Germany against world jewry, because he did not worship them and many other Nazis stopped worshiping them and began worshiping their own ancestral Gods.

As above, so below. Worship the king of the jews, get ruled by jews. Worship your own people's Gods and you empower your own tribe.
I'm trying to make up a conspiracy theory about people from Peru     (conspiracy)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to conspiracy 2 weeks ago


but I just can't find any examples of Peruvians in high ranking government positions, let alone dozens in every major country.

but I just can't find any examples of Peruvians running our news and entertainment media, let alone a majority of them.

but I just can't find any examples of Peruvians who were Federal Reserve chairs, let alone for 40 of the last 50 years.

but I just can't find any examples of Peruvians running child sex trafficking rings to sexually blackmail the people who run our society like Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Clare Bronfman, Roy Cohn, and Assi Ben Mosh.

but I just can't find any Peruvian billionaires who spend millions every election cycle, let alone a few on each side of the aisle.

but I just can't find any Peruvian prophets who created major world religions, let alone the two biggest religions in the world that taught more than half the world to worship a jewish god.

You can replace Peruvians with literally any nation, ethnicity, religion, etc. except one, and it works.
Fallout almost seems secretly based, but it's just more revelation of the method     (whatever)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 1 month ago


The first episode seemed promising - the mostly white vault has strict breeding programs to ensure genetic health, and though there are a handful of brown people, only one guy actually looks mixed. Their strict breeding program doesn't seem to have pushed a lot of race mixing in 200 years. Plus a nigger gets branded as property, though there is a flashback of white guy who married a sheboon. Then in episode 2 they start to set up the interracial romance between vault girl and nigger and it seems like everything's gonna go downhill, but then you realize that vault girl's brother has a hooked nose, and they start to reveal how their overseer dad was from the same particular vault-tribe that all the vault overseers just happen to have come from, so they're really just setting a kikess up with a nigger. Well, spoiler alert and all, but it turns out the sheboon from the flashback was the one that fucked the entire world up from the start and set up the vault that vault girl is from so that the middle manager tribe would rule over their vault.

So the shitshow has hook noses using sheboons to destroy the world so they can rule over the ashes. Not surprising they'd just come right out and say what they're doing since they do it all the time, but now I've spoiled the ending for you so you don't have to look away every time the race mixing is happening.

Not surprising that they'd use the show for that since fallout 4 was basically one big golem metaphor.
Donnie Darko was about a plane crashing into a building and came out on 1/19/01, 1/19 is 9/11 backwards     (whatever)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 1 month ago


If you haven't seen Back to the Future's 9/11 prediction you probably won't get it.
Noticing is forbidden!      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 1 month ago


"Pagans should convert to christianity like their ancestors!" Do you even know what version of "christianity" they converted to?     (twitter.com)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to White_Religion 2 months ago


Ironically, I stole this meme from a vaccinated Democrat     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 2 months ago


But hey, Trump is just as much a judeo-wolf as Biden/Clinton/etc.
CERN, NASA rockets, plagues of locusts and weird astronomy - 8 unusual events coming up this month     (endoftheamericandream.com)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 2 months ago


Pagan fertility festival or christian celebration of a rabbi coming back to life?      (religion)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to religion 2 months ago


Choose wisely, whether you celebrate fertility or necromancy could determine your people's future: https://files.catbox.moe/ndsqvw.jpg
It's a little late, but since many of you are celebrating it today anyway - Happy Ostara!     (otherworldlyoracle.com)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to White_Religion 2 months ago


Celebrate the traditional spring fertility festival by praising your ancestral Gods - and maybe even make a white baby!
Noticed something while replaying Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines     (gaming)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to gaming 2 months ago


When you go to Hollywood, the baron of Hollywood is named Isaac Abrams. Isaac was Abraham's son, so Isaac Abrams is a reference to the biblical progenitors of the jewish race. Isaac runs a jewelry store. The guy who runs Hollywood is a jew-eler who's named after the ancestors of jews. The people who made this game were telling us that jews run Hollywood.
this is how they do it     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to Jews 3 months ago


dietary decisions, racist edition     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 3 months ago


Who's been cosplaying Joe Biden on the news for the last 5 years?     (whatever)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 3 months ago


Hinduism and Buddhism are jewish bullshit. Together with christianity, islam, communism, central banking, and the rest, they control basically everyone in some way.     (www.bitchute.com)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to Occult 3 months ago


The people who claim to have been chosen by their god to rule many nations have indeed some to rule many nations since their messiah came. But the christ you know was once krishna in India; the jewish messiah had already come and taught the jews to subvert nations. When the krishna worshipers were done replacing the original indian Pagans, they created buddhism as competition using the same model. The kikes had access to the red sea, so judean merchants had the opportunity to trade with India 3000+ years ago. This is why the jews trust the indians to run our countries and companies and keep pushing them and their mutts into positions of power in the west. They've been controlled by jews the longest. They disguised it by calling themselves "aryan"/iranian in the texts they created for hinduism. The high caste indians are likely descended from jews and just as much a part of the tribe as the rest.
The United States of what now?     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 3 months ago


the kikes are reaching levels of telling us the truth without telling us the truth that shouldn't even be possible     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 3 months ago


Mein Kampf: how anti-jewishness from christians on religious grounds failed to stop the jews     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to Christcucks 3 months ago


The persecution of Trump, like the persecution of Elon, is meant to deceive you     (whatever)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 3 months ago


Trump and Elon are just as much a part of the Hegelian dialectic as Biden and Zuckerberg. The left thinks they're fighting muh evil capitalist bankers without even knowing that they're the same kikes leading them to communism. The right thinks they're fighting muh evil communist degenerates without even knowing that their leaders are the same kikes ruining capitalism. Even us dissidents sometimes fall for fakes like Richard Spencer whose mentor was a kike.

Disengage from any leader given to you by the media, including most big names in alt media (Alex Jones, Fuentes, maybe even HT). Follow the media only to keep track of how far along the decline we are as you prepare to escape the collapse of our dying, parasitized civilization to somewhere where we can rebuild anew. Build local networks, rely on social media only for advice on what to do and help finding other local aware people.
How's the predictive programming event going?      (Sports)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to Sports 4 months ago


Who's winning? Chiefs won last time and Biden got in, does that mean that if the Chiefs win we get 4 more years of Biden but if the 49ers win we get 4 more years of Trump? If something happens to T. Swift during the halftime show does that mean civil war?
Dragon Ball Z is anti-semitic AF     (TheAnimeReich)

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to TheAnimeReich 4 months ago


Fuck these Japs are based.

So obviously, the ancient alien/aryan (L and R are the same in nipspeak) race with blonde hair and blue eyes who are being exterminated by the guy with a 6 letter name that starts with the 6th letter of the alphabet and is ice themed (ice makes hex crystals, thus 666) is based AF, but it gets even baseder.

In the android saga, which is an obvious golem metaphor, Dr. Gero (4 of the 5 letter of golem) shows up wearing a Russian looking hat with the red ribbon army logo. R = 18 so R+R = 36, another kike reference, but also he's red like the commies and looks Russian while his partner, the Chinese-looking clown/crown/corona-19 (golden crown + crown chakra antenna), is the other big formerly communist but now basically judeo-state capitalist country. The two represent the commies, and like real commies, when you knock off their fake hats you get to see the round yarmulkes underneath, letting you know that communism is just another code word for jewish rule.

Anyway, it's when fighting covid-19 that Goku gets hit by the virus that attacks his heart while covid-19 makes it hard for him to breathe. Then a bioweapon shows up, merges all the races and sexes together, and tries to eradicate all life on earth, but the NEXT FUCKING GENERATION OF ARYANS saves the day by destroying the monstrosity.

Akira Toriyama, may you one day meet the Fuhrer in the castle of the grail. You are a true artist.