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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 937 (+1008/-71)
ccp: 8229 (+9083/-854)
votes given: 34350 (+31520/-2830)
score: 9166


Anyone got examples? I don't have disney+ so I can't watch the old films as they're being presented today to normie consoomers.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=662f2bc71b097

Many such cases. If the news has talked about the opposition, it's probably controlled at least somewhat.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662de539d9c1d

Oof, you must live in a non-free speech zone.

Different video but see if this one works. https://odysee.com/@TheNaturalOrder:5/GolemOfPrague:3

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=662c19089935c

It's a nice theory but the wahhabis are crypto-jews, isis is mossad, hamas is mossad, etc. All the actually hardcore extremists either are or work for jews.

It's easy to think jews are feminism, gay sex, tranny bullshit, etc. The reality is they play both sides and are just as happy controlling you through burqas, child marriage, and throwing gays off tall buildings.

There really is just one group to hate and that's jews, but anyone still worshiping a jew is their golem and must be treated with caution.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662c912102642

It was funny until he said something about the Bidens being "so damn white" as if that's where their privilege comes from, and not from all the jew dicks they suck.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=662d290a33d94

First they used the fake nazis of the alt right - Spencer, weev/daily stormer, mike enoch/rightstuff, etc. - to make the left reflexively defend the jews when Epstein, Maxwell, Bronfman, and a bunch of other jewish sexual blackmailers were being revealed.

Now they're trying to use the fake anti-zionism of the prague-ressive left golems to incite defense of israel among normie conservatives, but too many are desensitized by too many claims of anti-semitism and racism to give a fuck about israel.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662c1a059a751

Stop worshiping jews and start spiritually empowering yourself to fight them. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWityetZovtH/

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=662c50e81f69b

Stop worshiping jews and learn to do telekinesis. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qWityetZovtH/

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=662c19089935c

There are a few possibilities. One is that they need a significant sacrifice for occult/spiritual reasons. Doesn't fully matter who, just as long as enough die. Another is that they're only killing certain gene groups, not everyone, so those with the genes they want will still live. Another is that they're ready to flee the US to a new empire and want a major collapse in the west so there's no competition with Chinaa/Russia/greater israel/etc.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=662b1d2993f11

I miss those niggerfaggots. They knew what was up. They referenced a lot of things with obvious mystical symbolism and predictive programming - back to the future, star wars, lord of the rings, and dragon ball z. Makes me wonder if they were on a more advanced level of mysticism than they let on to their fans.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6629d602d09a5

They often make up names like this when doing psyop news stories. For example, Gabby Petito = talk less, Brian Laundry = brain washing. This story is to convince us that darkies want to take our guns so we'll ignore the jews and deep state that are actually serious about taking our guns.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629b41811adb

You don't need as much calcium once your bones stop growing.

/v/fitness viewpost?postid=66299aa9aa12d

I wonder where people got the idea that worshiping a guy who was born in bethlehem, judea to a woman of the tribe of judah and descended from the leaders and prophets of the jewish torah who believe their god told them to take over many nations and impose debt slavery on everyone but each other is "jew worship". Really confusing where people got that idea.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6629a5d139df1

Usually keto allows at least some dairy, since dairy is mostly fat and protein. Don't eat sugary yogurt or ice cream or w/e, but a slice of cheese shouldn't hurt. Though if you're a male over 35 you don't want to overdo dairy.

/v/fitness viewpost?postid=66299aa9aa12d

It's less the carbs and more the processing. Whole grain rice with a little butter and salt? Not gonna hurt you. Bleached flour with seed oils and hella preservatives so your pre-sliced bread will still be good two weeks after you open it? Enjoy your poison.

/v/fitness viewpost?postid=66299aa9aa12d

Who only had a problem with jewish moneychangers ripping people off in jerusalem and didn't care that they were doing the same thing all across the mediterranean?

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=662961b06e86f

Hard to decide what I want more, a homestead or a tank?

/v/America viewpost?postid=6628390aec325

True but sad. And the guy won't be laughing when his genetic line dies.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6627c6ea23ff6

Careful, Mossad will start hunting down subscribers to your OF so you can't make any money you filthy pro-Hamas protester!

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=66279bc0a638a

Why not both? I spent 4/20 toking with dudes wearing Hitler shirts.

/v/NationalSocialism viewpost?postid=66270be2cae5f

To get anywhere near 6 million they have to include about 2 million Russian jews, but can't prove that those jews were intentionally exterminated, or even died on the battlefield fighting against national socialists. Some likely died at the hands of their own government since jewish parasites sometimes purge the other jewish parasites so they can "feed off the fat of the land" even more, so to speak.

/v/Holohoax viewpost?postid=6625fed981d37