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Community for : 1.1 years

---The place for---

Wodan. Donar. Freya

We have to reconnect with our ancient roots and embrace, rekindle our White heritage. Reunite to survive.

1. Agriculture. We became farmers.

2. Civilization. We became civilized.

3. Christianity. We lost our roots.

4. Industrialization. We became slaves.

5.Feminism. We lost our families.

6.Capitalism. We lost all direction.

7.Globalization. We lost our homelands.

8. High-tech. We lost ourselves.

9. We lost everything.

Start anew!



"Pagans should convert to christianity like their ancestors!" Do you even know what version of "christianity" they converted to?     (
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to White_Religion 1 week ago (+4/-0)
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It's a little late, but since many of you are celebrating it today anyway - Happy Ostara!     (
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to White_Religion 3 weeks ago (+3/-3)

Celebrate the traditional spring fertility festival by praising your ancestral Gods - and maybe even make a white baby!
jews were known enemies of the Israelites     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to White_Religion 6 months ago (+9/-2)
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100 PROOFS the lsraelites were WHITE     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to White_Religion 6 months ago (+9/-3)
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What pagans and kikes have in common? Their religion transformed in to sheer hate of White Christians.     (
submitted by correctness to White_Religion 6 months ago (+2/-5)
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