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ShitBoomersSay, Finance, Dads, DebtFree, WetShaving,
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Happy Father's Day      (Dads)

submitted by MaryXmas to Dads 15 hours ago


Favorite hot sauce recommendations?     (AskGoats)

submitted by MaryXmas to AskGoats 2 days ago


I have recently moved up to yello bird habanero and Elijahs ghost pepper sauce. What should I get next? I have Elijahs reaper sauce but haven't gotten into it yet.
Sodomy is a sin.      (Christian)

submitted by MaryXmas to Christian 3 days ago


Absolute bullshit shaving rant.      (WetShaving)

submitted by MaryXmas to WetShaving 5 days ago


A 3 blade razor and or blade cartridge is 3-5 dollars a piece. So you end up a dull blade you keep around for way too long because you don't want to buy more of them. You still end up spending 60 bucks a year and still supporting proctor and gamble.

Or... Learn how to shave with a double edge razor. A 100 pack of Derby blades is 9.99. You can have a 2 year supply and still shave with a new blade every time.

A handle might cost 30-60. 120 for a lifetime handle.

I have had to teach myself, my father and my father-in-law how to shave. They literally had no clue that another way even existed, perhaps beside an electric razor. Blows my mind.
New sub - wet shaving      (NewSubIntro)

submitted by MaryXmas to NewSubIntro 5 days ago


So you asshos can finally look nice.
My current favorite shaving soap     (www.stirlingsoap.com)

submitted by MaryXmas to WetShaving 5 days ago


It has the smell of citronella and also has a ton of menthol so you tear up when you shave. Love it.

Any favorites?
A cart rolled over my big toe at Walmart.      (whatever)

submitted by MaryXmas to whatever 6 days ago


I'm gonna sue them.
Today's tasks included working on the garden fence and beginning the firestarters.      (Fatherhood)

submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 1 week ago


So we got in the garage today and put together some fence to keep the rabbits out of the garden, and we also started on the firestarters for next winter. I have some old candles that will go in an old crock pot and then we will dip some cardboard, sawdust, cedar, and dryer lint. When it dries, we will have some nice firestarters. But of course, the candles will melt faster if we smashed them first which is what we did. We used "big" hammers (ball-peen) and it was great fun. The boy loved it. We will get out the crockpot at a later date. There was one haunnakka candle from the thrift shop and it had an empty center. I laughed out loud.

One day, I will hear "look what I found!!!" For the last time.
Don't circumcise your boys.      (Fatherhood)

submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 1 week ago


For the same reason you wouldn't engage in female genital mutilation for your daughters.
Got the boy set up with a tool box today.      (Fatherhood)

submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 1 week ago


I had a second hand tool box sitting around- old red metal style and we filled it up with some pliers, screwdrivers, a small rubber hammer, a few wall anchors, and other knick knacks. He was real happy.

2 days ago we assembled a hand turned shaving brush I bought for him off etsy - we mixed up the epoxy and installed a boar knot. Naturally, he won't be using the brush for a few years(he is only 3) but I try to pick up some life tools that he can have when he gets older. Already has most of a shaving kit, and some decent name brand tools, most of which are better than the second hand stuff I use. As he gets older I will get him a few skillets, and a solid firearm - I'd say like a 1911 or Beretta 92 but it will probably be a more modernized version of something like that.

I am doing the same thing for may daughter with gifting and I will get her a KitchenAid mixer and pans and such. My parents got me plastic junk that broke. My kids have plenty of that crap around so I try to buy gifts that will last a lifetime or close to it.

If you are reading this, go be a good dad this weekend.
St. Maria Faustina Kowalska Diary | The Divine Mercy     (www.thedivinemercy.org)

submitted by MaryXmas to Catholicism 1 week ago


Sr. Maria was another mystic that had very frequent conversations with Jesus, Mary and other powerful religious. This was written from Poland around WW2 and she had some fortelling from God that Warsaw would be destroyed - amongst many other future tellings. Really interesting read. I think of holy obligation like a labor but her obligation was closer to an obligation of shame and embarrassment, given by the other sisters. They all thought she was crazy. She was also behind a very famous picture that she had commissioned of Jesus emanating white and red light. She also did a lot of work to free the suffering souls of purgatory.
Very long read...
I think we have forgotten the concept of being tested by our Lord inorder to display faithfulness.     (Catholic)

submitted by MaryXmas to Catholic 1 week ago


When I was very young, I was told that the Lord would test me only as much as I could stand and that I would be responsible for passing those tests of faith. I haven't heard anything like that in years and largely, I think that concept has been forgotten by our culture. God is only present in the good and peaceful times but absent from our struggles - it is exactly the opposite.
Take your daughter out to dinner.      (youtube.com)

submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 1 week ago


I'm not sure it is my place to break up with my daughters bad choices but I think this is good advice for raising daughters.
Took the boy over to goodwill.      (Fatherhood)

submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 1 week ago


We picked up a teal air-fryer, a DeWalt drill, a hair dryer and some Christmas lights shaped like cowboy hats. All less than 30 bucks.
I remember destroying that type of thing as a kid and getting in a lot of trouble for it. Rather than pulling that card, I got a bunch of crap he play with, then we can take apart together and see the guts, then hit it with a hammer and then use the left over wires to make some electrical circuits.
Not bad for a 3 year old.
I took my boy out for his first lunch in a restaurant.      (Fatherhood)

submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 2 weeks ago


It was great. He got a burger with fries. I had a hot chicken sandwich and slaw.
I remember my grandfather and dad taking me out when I was the same age. Grandpa would get a michelob and put some salt on top. We went to the the local VFW and all the oldtimers would say I looked good and my grandfather looked like shit.
I deleted my porn stash.      (whatever)

submitted by MaryXmas to whatever 2 weeks ago


Tag, you're it.
They poisoned all of us boomers back in the day with Merthiolate     (ShitBoomersSay)

submitted by MaryXmas to ShitBoomersSay 2 weeks ago


So now we make up for it by poisoning our own children and grandchildren.
Book recommendation for followers of Christ.      (www.jesus-passion.com)

submitted by MaryXmas to Catholic 3 weeks ago


So this is from Anne Catherine who was a mystic and has been sainted. She had many visions of Christ and the Dolorous passion is the sorrowful passion- account of the crucification of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Also goes into detail about Mary and watching her son being beat nearly to death, the carrying of the cross, and then finally the crucification.
Really intense book, highly recommended. I am just finishing the last chapters.
Turning the goat sign of Satan into a sign of the faithful.      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by MaryXmas to Catholicism 3 weeks ago




All these post wall roasties have goat tats- praising the Lord God and Jesus Christ.
That's the problem with your generation.      (ShitBoomersSay)

submitted by MaryXmas to ShitBoomersSay 1 month ago


But let's not look too closely at the problems with the boomer generation.
Mini trucks?     (cars)

submitted by MaryXmas to cars 1 month ago


I hear about these kei trucks - Japanese 2 seaters. Any experience? Are there better models/brands to look for?
This is talking about y'all.      (ae01.alicdn.com)

submitted by MaryXmas to whatever 1 month ago


Want to help the people in your community? Find a local crisis center and see how you can get involved.      (988lifeline.org)

submitted by MaryXmas to whatever 1 month ago


Replace a power steering hose on Honda Civic.      (cars)

submitted by MaryXmas to cars 1 month ago


Is this a difficult repair? I had the shop do it last Thanksgiving and the OEM one looks like it has cracked or will give out soon. It is right in the middle where the joint is.
I need to replace the starter this week too so pass along your tips. 👍🏻
FTC bans non-compete agreements     (thehill.com)

submitted by MaryXmas to news 1 month ago


This is huge news.