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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 1491 (+1596/-105)
ccp: 3035 (+3355/-320)
votes given: 2948 (+2319/-629)
score: 4526


It looks pretty based from what I've read about it. I only hesitate to endorse it because I haven't looked into it closely, and don't have any first hand experience with it.

I suppose I should have added that, if you can find a suitable one, it would be more efficient to join and help it grow than to start your own.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64b40300a9bb7

Starting a religion that is explicitly for our people only, not based on mythology of ancient desert tribes, more structured than modern paganism, and which encourages stable family units, forbids miscegenation, nudges towards eugenics, emphasizes importance of blood and soil, demands productivity, and generally produces behaviors and views consistent with securing the existence of our people and a future for White children.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64b40300a9bb7

Bought into (((individualism))). Aka "act like a psychopath and pretend you're doing the world a favor".

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=64b2ae5d05032

I said object storage, not VPS. VPS is useful for many things but not cost effective for backups.

If you want me to advertise a specific product, here you go:


You can send them up to 1 TB of data per month for less than $30/year.

If you make the bucket public, the backed up files can be accessed directly using a standard URL. It'll be a bit long and ugly but entirely possible to memorize. If you want a braindead easy solution for encryption, you can store every X minutes as a passworded archive. Even your lawyer should be able to figure out how to download a file and open an archive. All you need to give him is the URL and password.

Of course, I would recommend setting up a web portal for more convenient access, streaming, and better backup and encryption options. But that -would- require a VPS or similar, and would cost a bit extra, and you seem hell bent on making a point of keeping it under $30/year. One might be tempted to point out what that says about how much you value your freedom, privacy and soul.

In any case, there's your viable, encrypted, lawyer-compatible offsite backup solution for under $30/year.

Now stop making excuses and blaming others for your laziness and incompetence.


You can get a suitable VPS for under $10 / month. $40/month for a VPS is a scam. Might as well go dedicated at that point.

Contabo offers 4 core / 8 GB RAM / 200 GB SSD / 32 TB traffic for $8.50/month, for example: https://contabo.com/en/pricing/

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64b174d554603

If your only concern is losing locally stored data, and you're otherwise able to set up a self-hosted solution, then setting up live offsite backups would be relatively trivial. A few hundred GB of object storage per month would cost less than $30/year. And you could encrypt the data, so nobody else can access it.

It would take some time and effort to set up, sure. But don't pretend that selling your soul to Amazon is the only option.

You're trading freedom and privacy for convenience and comfort. Nothing more.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64b174d554603

You are the hostile third party here, buddy.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64b07db02e611

Sounds like you wanted to do it but got talked out of it.

I think you should do it. Downvotes are a form of community moderation, and moderation logs should be public for transparency.

Do a trial run for downvotes on posts at least. If it ends up making things worse somehow, you can always remove it.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64b07db02e611

> "This is the excuse we'll use if you try suing us for wrongful termination"

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=64b03b13a12eb

Worried about [Parthenogenesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenogenesis#Birds)? It's so unlikely that, frankly, if she manages that on top of crossing the Pacific, she kind of deserves to colonize Australia.

On that other hand, pigeons are basically flying rats.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=64af45b4e361c

Did you know jewishness is just a social construct?

Think about it: Many jews are atheist or agnostic, so it's not a religion. And there are jews of every color, and they engage in miscegenation all the time, so it's not a race or tribal group either. They have no real history, since they just make up stories all the time. And no real culture, since they assimilate into their host countries.

The only thing all jews have in common is that they're all people who decided to live like antisocial parasites, and call themselves "jews" to justify living like that by pretending they're special somehow. It's kind of sad, really.

/v/news viewpost?postid=64aea66a0662a

Well, yes, it's not a monarchy. Not sure what you're trying to say with that though. Not sure you know what you're trying to say, tbh.

/v/news viewpost?postid=64aea66a0662a

But don't we live in a democracy? /s

/v/news viewpost?postid=64aea66a0662a

Your question is backwards. What's the point of a rooster crowing in the morning, or a dog fetching a ball?

It's not about a point. They do it because of what they are. It's in their DNA.

Mexicans are descendants of death cult savages who routinely butchered each other and cut the beating hearts out of their victims to please their gods. They do it because they always have. That's just who and what they are. Sprinkling some Latin DNA here and there hasn't fundamentally changed their nature. This should not be surprising.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64ae97368cac1

I mean, I could maybe understand the site and upload portal, but I question the utility of blocking read access to static .jpgs.

/v/Discussion viewpost?postid=64ad9e77a10c5

I agree completely with you on allowing free speech, even and especially when it runs counter to popular opinion.

What I don't and never will understand is why you don't consider spamming porn on this site a breach of the rules.

Porn is not speech. And neither is spam. Both are a disruption of speech. Often intentional. On a site like this, obviously intentional. Your refusal to act on this harms your stated purpose.

Joe has a long history of relentlessly spamming porn, and [recently stated he intends](/viewpost?postid=64a00e4270edf) to continue doing so and slowly posting his entire collection.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64ad729dac079

Archive.is actively seeks to block all forms of proxies and VPNs. Finding one that works is difficult. It should be pretty obvious they have an agenda of harvesting dissenter IPs.

Catbox didn't used to be this way, but has been slowly blocking more and more as well. Not sure if they have similar motives, or just do it as a knee-jerk reaction whenever someone tries uploading CP that way. Either way, blocking all access, when they could just block uploads, is lazy and nonsensical.

In any case, it would be great to have alternatives.

/v/Discussion viewpost?postid=64ad9e77a10c5

Sounds plausible enough, but the story is most likely fake judging by what was dug up in some of the comments.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64ad9964cbb12

No, OP is right. Women have a need to feel like they're the ones that are lucky to have you. They have a biological imperative to trade up.

If you shower her with too much affection, or keep saying outright that you're lucky to have her, at first she'll be really happy. But, after a while, she'll start getting a nagging feeling in her gut that she's trading down. Which plants the thought that she could do better. You start looking like a bad investment. Like a wasted opportunity. Before you know it, she's looking at you with disgust. She may not even understand why.

You have to give them just enough to feel secure, and only as long as they keep working for it a bit. Not understanding this is where a lot of young guys fuck up, and then end up wondering what is wrong with women. There's nothing wrong. It's just how they're wired.

/v/Dads viewpost?postid=64acccc794ab7

There's more confusion than just that. Most voted against brother wars, yet support the land-grabbing invaders in the bloodiest European brother war since WW2.

/v/Interesting viewpost?postid=64ad6af11c2e9

And nobody will do anything about it.

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=64ac89ed9ae51

Downvoting removes an upvote and vice versa.

After a certain time, older posts cannot be voted on anymore.

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=64ac68ff19cdd

Looks like their TLS/SSL certificate expired a couple days ago. Happens sometimes, especially with sites that don't have an experienced web admin. The webarchive link Gowithit posted works to read the page.

The calls themselves can still be played and downloaded here:


/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64ab481ec367a

Money is power. Blood is legacy. Lore is destiny.

You take money from the enemy. You invest it in your family, your community, your kinfolk. You weave a legend to guide and hold it all together, throughout the ages and across generations.

These principles are the foundation of every lasting dynasty, and every successful revolution.

Their absence is at the root of every failed empire and every vanquished uprising.

This is why all forms and movements of "conservatism" are doomed at inception. They get it all backwards. They prefer to only take money from ("do business with") their own. They actively refuse to take money from their enemies. They walk away from positions of power and influence "in protest", as soon as things don't quite go their way, instead of playing the long game. They invest in "converting" outsiders, while neglecting their own. They let the enemy control every narrative, rewrite every history, and even dictate the very words from their own mouths, without meaningful contest or counter. All in the name of "principle".

What principles are these? What good are they, when they inevitably lead to self-destruction?

Even here, people often smugly berate and condemn Hitler, for taking money from jewish bankers and investors, to finance his movement. But why wouldn't he? What sort of fool wouldn't take the enemy's money to turn it against them? A conservative, that's who.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64aad11047014

This is great.

Sticking their nose in it and reminding them they fucked up is the only way the sheep are going to learn from it.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=64aa5db1d90ce