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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 1491 (+1596/-105)
ccp: 3035 (+3355/-320)
votes given: 2948 (+2319/-629)
score: 4526


Title is misleading. 1 mouse out of 14 tested died, not 14 mice representing 7% of test group.

Most important part of the tweet is really this:

> This 14 mouse study was larger than the study done to approve COVID-19 Omicron bivalent mRNA booster shots which were given to 100s of millions of people - that study only had 8 mice!

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=64aa49b549956

Yeah, there's plenty like that among our people too. I think we still have a better ratio than others but, sadly, it seems to be getting worse.

Imagination and conscious projection are skills and, like any other skill, there's both a genetic and an environmental component to it. You need the necessary hardware to be able to do it at all but, if you never learn how, or never use it, it can and will atrophy and fade away.

We lost many of our best genetic specimen in WW2 and education has been declining and corrupting ever since. Many of our children are woefully neglected and/or abused. Can't expect them to reach their potential when everything in their environment is actively suppressing it.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64a85a3287529

It's possible to think and plan via visualization, rather than verbal monologue. Ideally one should be able to do both.

But, apparently, there are "people" who are both incapable of visualizing and who also don't have a monologue. I can only imagine that such an existence is akin to that of a lesser animal, able only to react to their environment, and lacking the means to even think about problems other than the ones immediately in front of them, let alone coming up with solutions to them.

Perhaps that's why so many people seem to have an existential dread towards the silence of solitude. And why they are so eager to please and go along with the herd, for fear of being abandoned by it. To them, being alone with their absence of thoughts must seem no different than ceasing to exist at all.

It may also explain why they get so angry when you try to talk about bigger problems outside of their immediate view. To them, it must seem like you talking about it is what's causing the problem to exist. And that, by doing so, you are creating a danger of them being ostracized. If only you would just stop saying it, there would be no problem or danger at all.

Current iterations of AI are essentially on this level. All they can do is react to what you put in front of them. But that is already fairly convincing, and sometimes better than what a good chunk of humans can do.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64a85a3287529

I suspect this was a "destroy the evidence" type of situation. Especially since the perpetrators weren't caught.

The "guidestones" were starting to get a lot of attention, especially as it started becoming increasingly obvious that the globalist agenda is aligned with their tenets. They were, effectively, solid evidence of a kabbalistic conspiracy to depopulate and enslave the planet, literally chiseled in stone.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64a7ff6185b27

A big part of this is just boomers dying.

When a generation that is larger than the ones that followed it is nearing its terminal expiration date, the population will always contract. That's not necessarily a bad thing. You cannot have infinite growth, nor should you want that. All populations of all living things go through cycles of growth and contraction. That's fine.

However, when such a contraction happens at the same time as the incursion of invasive species, which breed faster, that can easily lead to extinction. That's the problem. Not that we're not breeding fast enough, but that our homelands are being invaded by hostile non-Whites and nothing is being done about it. The natural population contraction is even being used to justify the unnatural invasion.

You see the same kiked logic being applied to Japan: "Japan's population is declining, it must take immigrants to survive!". Complete madness. There's nothing wrong with the population of an overcrowded island declining for a while. There's no problem to fix. Yet deadly poison is being pushed as the solution.

Same as in the US and in Europe.

To survive, we must get rid of the invaders. And destroy those who enabled the invasion, including the traitors among our own.

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=64a77856a6810

By installing a real OS.

Windows is a surveillance platform. How are they supposed to keep an eye on you if they let you turn it off?

/v/Computers viewpost?postid=64a7673f09191

No problem, everyone does it at some point. Thanks for sharing the link!

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=64a6e928b22c8

Real link: https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/status/1676764007255121922/

Strip the junk after the ID when posting twitter links.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=64a6e928b22c8

Obviously there is no exact date, nor some ideal time without problems. That doesn't mean nothing has changed. That kind of absolutist thinking is nonsensical and won't help you make sense of anything.

/v/TIL viewpost?postid=64a6b9d9d6b5f

This is extremely dangerous and should have everyone's full attention.

Previously, monitoring and censoring literally everything was impractical, simply due to the volume of traffic. AI could actually do it though.

Couple that with the fact that most of the internet, including this site, is routed through CloudFlare and similar centralized hubs these days, and we can easily be facing a nightmarish dystopian information dictatorship scenario.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=64a66e784fb00

There's no way to reasonably deny it at this point. Young people didn't die like this or so often before.

But they'll still try to pretend this is normal.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64a6581d83657

Actual scientists really aren't. They may have their head in the clouds and suffer from "specialist idiot syndrome" (know their area of expertise really well, but be completely illiterate or deluded about everything else). But a good scientist is generally interested in truth and facts above all else, even their own ego, and certainly wealth and power.

The problem is that, instead of replacing politicians with scientists, we ended up replacing scientists with politicians.

Science has become corrupted because it became political. Not the other way around.

/v/TIL viewpost?postid=64a6b9d9d6b5f

They didn't have any kind of floodable/inflatable ballast tanks. The only way to control their ascent/descent was dropping the weights attached to the frame or using the thrusters. And they wouldn't typically use the thrusters to descend, because then they wouldn't have enough power to navigate or emergency ascend.

The plan was to sink under their own weight, drop a bit of ballast once they got to the bottom to achieve buoyancy equilibrium for the tour, then drop more ballast to ascend, potentially using thrusters to help it along (there were frequently problems with dropping the ballast).

So, if they were sinking too fast, that means they were overweight to begin with. Which could also explain their extremely slow ascent rate after dropping ballast.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64a607727ca2b

> one ofnthe parts waa built to only survive 1,400m depth.

The viewport was **rated** for 1400m. But when submersible components are rated, they are tested to withstand depths 5-6 times greater than their rating, in order to have a substantial margin of error. So they ignored the safety rating. But it's very unlikely the viewport failed, since it had to survive 7000m+ depths to achieve that rating. They only went half that deep.

The carbon fiber hull, on the other hand, was experimental and completely unrated.

Also, that material is known to degrade under stress, with each repeated pressure cycle, and from exposure to seawater in general. It's also intended to contain positive pressure (such as oxygen tanks, or a pressurized spaceship in vacuum) and not to withstand under negative pressure. In other words: Carbon fiber strands are very resistant to being pulled apart, but they don't do much to add structural integrity to protect from compression.

OceanGate was warned about this repeatedly by experts in the field. But they chose to ignore it because "we innovatin n shieet".

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64a607727ca2b

I doubt this transcript is genuine.

But it does paint a pretty accurate picture of how it most likely went down. In any case, it lines up closely with what several insiders have said in interviews. There's a few source links in the [thread about it](/viewpost?postid=6495790d5536d) that I made a while back.

An OceanGate consultant has since then also come forward to corroborate this version of events:


There wouldn't be any water leaks before the implosion. As soon as a crack made it all the way through the 5 inches of carbon fiber composite, it would implode instantly. But, before that, the hull would have failed gradually, and made cracking and popping noises as it delaminated under the pressure.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64a607727ca2b

"If your enemy dies, you lose"
- Good goy jew worshipers following their semitic instruction manual for goys

And you lot wonder why we give you a hard time. Are you truly so blind that you cannot see how self-destructive these doctrines are?

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=64a576064fc1f

It's discontinued. Dead software.

Brave is a decent choice for regular usage and real name websites. Tor browser (preferably via Whonix or Tails) for actual anonymity.

/v/Discussion viewpost?postid=64a5b2d036cb6

Blocking an attack is not a victory, because it does nothing to prevent the attacker from trying again from a different angle.

There will be no meaningful change until those who attack freedoms are punished with years in prison for any and all attempts to infringe on constitutional rights.

/v/justice viewpost?postid=64a4b6b2853e1

Are you sure that you can't?

Protip: Many European countries will give you citizenship if you can prove you have ancestors from that country. Exact requirements vary by country. Some are very generous, others require no further back than a grandparent. However, if you have citizenship in any one EU country, you can live and work in any other EU country without restrictions (much like states in the States). Once you live and work there for a few years, you can get permanent residency and eventually switch citizenship.

Also, if you are a skilled worker, and can find a company willing to hire you, or can prove you are independently wealthy, you can get a visa and eventually settle by going that route. Same way Europeans (and, unfortunately, many non-Europeans) move to the States.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64a2bddb57eb3

Putin has been pursuing a mission to "build our own internet" for years. North Korea tier shithole, smoothbrain dictator worshiped by sycophants and all.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=64a11f6e93968

Like blaming the builders of a park for a crime committed in it.

"Look at these evil builders of that evil park. If only the park didn't exist, that poor grandma walking her dog wouldn't have been mugged in it last night! And just think of all the drug monkeys peddling their drugs in it. As a society, we should destroy all parks to fix this problem."

Hell, most of the things they're describing aren't even crimes, but a matter of parents failing to parent their children.

/v/SocialMedia viewpost?postid=64a1257dadbf1

Yeah, I wasn't sure how to handle that one. The closest English equivalent, to capture the meaning, and implied object, that you might also actually see on a sign like that, is probably "Feeding Forbidden". People might be confused about how 5 words turned into 2 though. But I guess that's just French being French.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64a09bf78fb3a

Niggerization does sound more natural in English but I was looking for a way to achieve the effect with a prefix, to be as faithful to the original as possible. After all, it doesn't say "Negerizierung" which would have been the exact equivalent of -ization.

The original reads "Vernegerung" btw... the V just looks a bit like a B in the stylized script used. I do also like the ring of beniggering, and considered it, but then I would have expected the German to be "Benegerung". Anyway, probably overthinking it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64a09bf78fb3a

The cause of the genetic gap is actually well-studied and published. The results just aren't popularized in media, for obvious reasons. And most people don't even know these studies exist, let alone try to read them.

All races of Humans everywhere - across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, the Americas, and the various island tribes - have varying percentages of Neanderthal DNA, typically ranging from 2% to 10%, and up to around 20% in some populations. The Negro has zero traces of Neanderthal DNA.

All races of Humans everywhere have zero traces of DNA specific to Homo Erectus. It was thought to have been an extinct evolutionary branch until relatively recently. Then it was discovered that all Negroes everywhere carry significant Homo Erectus admixture, along with other archaic hominids unrelated to us, typically around 4% to 10%.

Neanderthals last lived around 250,000 years ago, and diverged from our last common ancestor long before that.

Homo Erectus last lived around 1,000,000 years ago, and diverged from our last common ancestor long before that.

This explains the massive genetic difference between Humans and Negroes. It also conclusively discredits the "we all came from Africa 40,000 years ago" fairy tale. They are a completely different species from us. Their ancestors intermixed with archaic hominids which haven't existed in a million years, and which our ancestors never interacted with (or at least had the good sense not to breed with).

If you just look at Homo Erectus skulls and reconstructions, it really sums it up quite well:


/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=64a080836266a

That's interesting insight, thank you for that. Perhaps I was too quick to judge.

I will insist, however, that it is criminally ugly and awkward looking when compared to traditional schooner or tall ship.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=64a00d762b2d0