Vaccine Induced Myocarditis     (media.scored.co)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to DeathVax19 4 hours ago (+27/-0)
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Penis Envy     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by UncleDoug to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+13/-0)
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Israel used hundreds of fake accounts that posed as real Americans on X, Facebook, and Instagram.     (i.redd.it)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Israel 5 hours ago (+22/-0)
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It's Different For The Media     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by VaccineWaters to LyingNewsMedia 7 hours ago (+30/-0)
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Same shit, different day.     (media.scored.co)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to conspiracy 4 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Don't circumcise your boys.      (Fatherhood)
submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 3 hours ago (+11/-1)
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For the same reason you wouldn't engage in female genital mutilation for your daughters.
So a couple of chicks moved in...     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Nature 1 hour ago (+8/-1)
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Two-legged fox     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Wildlife 1 hour ago (+7/-0)
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The survival instinct of wild animals is nothing short of incredible.
Adobe Just DESTROYED Itself! New TOS Allows Adobe to SPY on Users?!     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by carnold03 to technology 7 hours ago (+18/-0)
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R.I.P. Adobe. The new Terms of Service allow Adobe to snoop around in user files and even cancel your account based on what they find. Oh, and they can also use your work to train their AI. You MUST agree to these terms or you can't use Creative Cloud. And the internet is FURIOUS. It's bad enough that Adobe is a subscription service now, and you can't actually "buy" the app, and now this.

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Is everything fault of the jews?     (whatever)
submitted by vol09877 to whatever 2 hours ago (+5/-0)
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is the sand nigger invasion in europe fault of the jews?, are jews are an unified group that all purchase the same goal?, how does europe becoming pakistan 2.0 is benefical to the jews?, couldnt be that sand niggers have their own agenda?
Guy is trolling /r/LGBT (funny)     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 9 hours ago (+21/-3)
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Redditor kike mad because nurse ruined her placenta with formaldehyde after jew demon expressed she wanted to take it home to eat it because jews are vampires     (www.reddit.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to MeanwhileOnReddit 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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Meme the shit out of this. Plandemic 2024/25 upon us, it's already begun     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to whatever 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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"Hatred of Israel is part of a malevolent anti-white racism"     (archive.li)
submitted by dulcima to whatever 3 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Oprah Winfrey knows all the main degenerates     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 1 hour ago (+3/-2)
taylor swift's had enough of darkies     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to FunnyVideos 13 hours ago (+28/-0)
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Kotaku Claims Call Of Duty Trans Bullets Is A Bug In Latest Crazy Left Wing Conspiracy     (fandompulse.substack.com)
submitted by carnold03 to gaming 7 hours ago (+11/-0)
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Researchers Drop Bombshell: Covid-19 mRNA Shots Killed 35 Million - Slay News     (slaynews.com)
submitted by carnold03 to UnitedKingdom 7 hours ago (+11/-0)
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scammers in action     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to Crime 12 hours ago (+25/-1)
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I found the first draft of our National anthem     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ymihere to whatever 3 hours ago (+4/-0)
Got the boy set up with a tool box today.      (Fatherhood)
submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 16 hours ago (+45/-1)
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I had a second hand tool box sitting around- old red metal style and we filled it up with some pliers, screwdrivers, a small rubber hammer, a few wall anchors, and other knick knacks. He was real happy.

2 days ago we assembled a hand turned shaving brush I bought for him off etsy - we mixed up the epoxy and installed a boar knot. Naturally, he won't be using the brush for a few years(he is only 3) but I try to pick up some life tools that he can have when he gets older. Already has most of a shaving kit, and some decent name brand tools, most of which are better than the second hand stuff I use. As he gets older I will get him a few skillets, and a solid firearm - I'd say like a 1911 or Beretta 92 but it will probably be a more modernized version of something like that.

I am doing the same thing for may daughter with gifting and I will get her a KitchenAid mixer and pans and such. My parents got me plastic junk that broke. My kids have plenty of that crap around so I try to buy gifts that will last a lifetime or close to it.

If you are reading this, go be a good dad this weekend.
The Snowflake Attack May Be Turning Into One of the Largest Data Breaches Ever     (www.wired.com)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to technology 5 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Life'll Kill Ya     (youtu.be)
submitted by firestation7 to whatever 7 hours ago (+8/-0)
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The year my dad died he listened to this album quite a bit and told me it was good. I come back to it every year or so. We all share the same end, make your time here matter.
VIDEO: Congressman Thomas Massie tells Tucker Carlson that every GOP Member of Congress has an 'AIPAC Babysitter' who guides them on how to vote in the interests of Israel, and that no other country has a foreign interest lobby doing this to America.     (x.com)
submitted by John_B_14 to Jews 20 hours ago (+65/-0)
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Video: Illegal Immigrant Gets a Well-Needed Lesson After Picking a Fight with an Irishman in Cork Who Didn’t Want Any Trouble     (conservativeus.com)
submitted by ProudAmerican to news 4 hours ago (+5/-2)
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The fact that he started lecturing him afterward is the icing on the cake. I'm sure he wasn't able to listen anyway lol

They always overestimate their abilities lol. This is why you usually see them track in packs, they’re no good one on one without a knife