Veterans Today: World Trade Center Scam Exposed, by Kevin Barrett - It appears the whole WTC project from its creation by New World Order chieftain David Rockefeller, thru its explosive demolition on 9/11 to its resurrection by insurance fraudster Larry Silverstein, has been one gigantic scam     (web.archive.org)
submitted by MartinTimothy to conspiracy 1 month ago (+10/-1)
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“The idea for a World Trade Center came from David Rockefeller, the brother of New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. The governor asked the Port Authority, with its enormous borrowing power, to take on the project. The private sector wouldn’t touch it because it was expected to lose money. And it did, for years after it was built.”

In fact, the World Trade Center in general, and the Twin Towers in particular, lost spectacular and ever-larger sums of money throughout their lifetimes, just as everyone knew they would. By 2001, the Twin Towers were largely empty due to their antiquated communications infrastructure. They were loathed by New Yorkers as twin eyesores, and condemned for asbestos since the mid-1990s.

The Port Authority had been seeking a way to demolish the Towers for years. Then in July 2001, Port Authority director Lewis Eisenberg sold the World Trade Center to a reputed organized crime figure (and confirmed close friend of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu) named Larry Silverstein for a little over $100 million.

Eisenberg and Silverstein are both Zionist extremists. In 2001, they were two of the biggest money-men for the Republican Party. So why would Larry Silverstein buy the World Trade Center in July, 2001? Why would he want to own worthless buildings that were condemned for asbestos and losing enormous amounts of money?

The answer became obvious after 9/11, when Silverstein confessed on national television to having demolished Building 7 himself – yet later managed to walk out of a mobbed-up courtroom with 4.5 billion dollars in double-indemnity for the “two completely separate terrorist attacks” on the two Towers.

Silverstein was even paid almost three-quarters of a billion dollars in compensation for the loss of Building 7 – the building that he himself admittedly “pulled” on 9/11. VT.
Baltimore school admin subject of AI fake audio portraying him as racist and antisemetic.      (web.archive.org)
submitted by Laputois to Niggers 2 weeks ago (+7/-0)
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The nigger athletic director faked the AI audio because he had been caught by the principal making an illegal payment to a school coach who was also his roomate for $2,000. The funny part is that the nigger made very salient points in the audio stating that the niggers could not pass grade competency tests and that multiple nigger staff needed to be fired.
8 States Now Say Complete Ban on Gas-Powered New Car Sales Coming     (web.archive.org)
submitted by PotatoWhisperer2 to news 1 month ago (+12/-0)
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California, Rhode Island, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Washington.

If you live in those states or in the same powered area, start thinking about home-power generation.
Germany set to add citizenship test questions about Jews and Israel     (web.archive.org)
submitted by Rob3122 to ClownWorld 1 month ago (+26/-0)
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New questions, German magazine Der Spiegel reported, are to include: What is a Jewish house of prayer called? When was the State of Israel founded? What is the reason for Germany’s special responsibility for Israel? How is Holocaust denial punished in Germany? And, somewhat mysteriously: Who can become a member of the approximately 40 Jewish Maccabi sports clubs in Germany?
9-11 Was an Attack by the Jewish Mob - Hostile Jews were behind 9-11 they did it then blamed Usama bin Laden & 19 Arabs .. it cannot be said enough the foot soldiers responsible for the murder and mayhem of 9-11 were Israeli and exclusively Israeli..      (web.archive.org)
submitted by RexYehudi to conspiracy 1 month ago (+12/-1)
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Sure they had support within the US political, law enforcement and journalism establishments .. hang the lot!
Remember that time the Zion Don was in cahoots with his dear friend Jeffrey Epstein and alluded to his pedophile behavior with "It is even said that [Esptein] likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."     (web.archive.org)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PepperidgeFarmRemembers 3 months ago (+5/-12)
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LOCAL NEWS UC Irvine students sent to hospital after hackers send graphic images to their Discord server     (web.archive.org)
submitted by VaccineWaters to funny 3 months ago (+7/-0)
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"The Boomers and their Enlightenment delusions are finished. There is no longer any need to avoid openly discussing the necessity of what is obviously necessary if the various nations of the West are to survive."     (web.archive.org)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to FeralBantuInvaders 3 months ago (+1/-1)
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Who posted this article about hangings in Texas? This article is clearly pulling a switcheroo where they start pushing the mandella effect of American history where they say people were abandoning their wife and kids on the farm just to free the African Black, which didn't and wouldn't happen, ever     (web.archive.org)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskUpgoat 4 months ago (+5/-3)
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We are legitimately witnessing a mandella effect of American history by Americans propagating Jewish propaganda. Americans now say that their Civil War was fought over the African black - this did not happen in any capacity. The term "abolitionist" is used to create a fake precedent that people were as cucked as the ideal state jews would like ethnic americans to be in (and it's working). Men did not abandon their wife and children on the farm in the 1800s to stop other ethnic Americans from being meanie faces to African blacks; this is a (cringey) fantasy.

Americans, as well as Europeans, are also starting to say that the entire reason American joined WW2 was to "save the jews". I don't even know where to start with this one because people aren't substantiating how this supposedly happened, they're just saying it because all they can think about is how much they love jews (that they don't even know, nor have they ever known a jew IRL) and how "we totally worshiped these great people, so let's say we helped them". it's just 2 feelings trying to dictate a narrative to logical people, and they're implying they demand us to fill in the gaps with facts to accommodate their feelings. this is the same way women try using feelings, when they're in capable of using logic to get their way, and corrupt society and situations; the results of this sort of corruption are never favorable.

this article about Texas here doesn't sound legitimate. it reeks of a kernel of truth wrapped in wishful thinking by Totally-Not-Racists
Remember when Qtards "stormed DC" at the behest of Zion Don, then Zion Don locked up people who went inside buildings, then years later the FBI went after the people outside & they tried claiming victim status after having denied they were cowards for not shooting their way through DC as planned?     (web.archive.org)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PepperidgeFarmRemembers 4 months ago (+5/-5)
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We've done something right: "Gen-Z doesn't care about sports. That's part of a bigger problem."     (web.archive.org)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to tellupgoat_based_edition 4 months ago (+18/-2)
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According to one 2021 study, only 23 percent of Generation Z describe themselves as passionate sports fans, as opposed to 42 percent of millennials, 33 percent of Generation X, and 31 percent of baby boomers. Further, a sizable 27 percent of Gen Z described themselves as “anti-sports,” compared with single-digit percentages from other generations saying the same.

Makes me wonder what the "bigger problem" is.

I personally love sports. As in, the actual doing of them. I was a successful athlete until a tragic shoulder injury. So now that I started with "I love sports" and got your autismo minds to sperg, let me explain: I love sports, not (((sportsball))) or (((niggerball))). I only pay attention to my (almost) all white high school sports, mainly football (which I played), and motorsports. I stopped watching pro and college sports over a decade ago, actually before they became super political.

I actually see the whole "they became way to political" thing as merely a symptom of a more fundamental issue. I stopped watching because "they" clearly were making the sports more like reality TV than, you know...a sport.

For instance, I like a good game. Doesn't matter if it's high scoring or low scoring. In American football, I'd love a 3-0 game just as much as a 103-100 game, and yet, ToUcHdOwNs ArE eXcItInG!!!!11!!11!! so the NFL and NCAA changed rules to make the sport of football more like basket ball. Oh, and the same wizards of smart also made them WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY to political. A move that's really, simply predictable for those dumbasses...

But still, I wonder what the "bigger problem" is that the title of the article refers to. Let's find out...

The gradual loss of interest in sports is a symptom of a larger problem, which is that Gen Z lacks both civic involvement and any interest in attaining it. This has been a significant factor in the erosion of the community fabric where Gen Z lives. As we spend an increasing amount of time tuned into our digital lives, many of us lose sight of the traditional forms of community that previous generations relied on.

Now, ironically, I'd agree with much of that...but of course the jew only laments this A.) in the sense it can't make money off them, and B.) way to fucking late. Hey boomers...that paragraph I quoted just now. You're finally acting like it's an emergency, but it's not. It was an emergency 10-15 years ago. You did nothing. Now it's a fucking disaster.

The boomer generation is quickly becoming the largest percentage of homeless people in America...GOOD! You not only deserve it. You earned it. Go starve, suffer, and die. We'll all enjoy watching it.

Subway rider badly beaten — and stabbed — after wishing group ‘Happy New Year'     (web.archive.org)
submitted by VaccineWaters to Niggers 4 months ago (+26/-0)
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Illinois counties passing measures to stop illegals: “Homer Township will not accept nor provide taxpayer-funded services to migrants and we shall return any individuals sent our way by elected officials from sanctuary cities or states to them.”     (web.archive.org)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to news 4 months ago (+6/-1)
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"Kinnard expressed disdain for his arrest, stating he didn’t understand why he was arrested for setting fires when child molesters were out of jail."     (web.archive.org)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to killallpedophiles 4 months ago (+1/-0)
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Trump's ex-wife (Ivanka's mum) studies kabbalah     (web.archive.org)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Trump 4 months ago (+1/-3)
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Why did deagel predict US population would drop to 99M from 330M by 2025?     (web.archive.org)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 4 months ago (+1/-0)
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17 Best Florida Beaches     (web.archive.org)
submitted by Clubberlang to Florida 4 months ago (+2/-1)
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The 👃 Is Starting To Tag It's Cattle      (web.archive.org)
submitted by Clubberlang to ClownWorld 5 months ago (+7/-0)
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How About A Tax On All Foreign Investment      (web.archive.org)
submitted by Clubberlang to Mildlyinfuriating 5 months ago (+11/-0)
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Just jewy jew Things     (web.archive.org)
submitted by Clubberlang to NewsoftheFucktards 5 months ago (+5/-0)
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If Only They Had This Much Conviction Over Covid Tyranny      (web.archive.org)
submitted by Clubberlang to NewsoftheFucktards 5 months ago (+4/-0)
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20% of Americans Between the Ages of 18-29 Think the Holocaust Is a Myth     (web.archive.org)
submitted by beece to Holohoax 5 months ago (+48/-1)
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Guy in 2009 posts pictures of old rare $135,000 computer from the 80s     (web.archive.org)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to Mildlyinteresting 6 months ago (+4/-0)
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The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution & Russia’s Early Soviet Regime, by Mark Weber - On the night of July 16, 1918 a squad of Bolshevik secret police murdered Russia’s last emperor Tsar Nicholas II his wife and their five children, cut down in a hail of gunfire and finished off with bayonets     (web.archive.org)
submitted by TankTinker to History 6 months ago (+39/-2)
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To prevent a cult for the dead Tsar forming the bodies were carted away to the countryside and hastily buried in a secret grave, Bolshevik authorities at first reported that the Romanov emperor had been shot after the discovery of a plot to liberate him.

For some time the deaths of the Empress and the children were kept secret, while Soviet historians claimed for many years local Bolsheviks had acted on their own in carrying out the killings, and that Lenin founder of the Soviet state had nothing to do with the crime.

In 1990 Moscow playwright and historian Edvard Radzinsky announced the result of his detailed investigation into the murders, he had unearthed the reminiscences of Lenin’s bodyguard Alexei Akimov, who recounted how he personally delivered Lenin’s execution order to the telegraph office.

The telegram was also signed by Soviet Government Chief Yakov Sverdlov, Akimov had saved the original telegraph tape as a record of the secret order.

Radzinsky’s research confirmed what earlier evidence had already indicated, which Leon Trotsky — one of Lenin’s closest colleagues — had revealed years earlier, that Lenin and Sverdlov had together made the decision to put the Tsar and his family to death.


It is important to note that Jews made up roughly 82% of the Bolshevik government in 1917 when the Russian Revolution began. This was a revolution instigated entirely by international Jewry, with Jacob Schiff in America playing a predominant role in helping to fund and kickstart the revolution, with the help of Lenin who was at least one-quarter Jewish. Of the 545 officials in the Bolshevik government in 1917, as many as 447 were Jews. In 1917 however Jews made up only 1.8 per cent of the population of Soviet Russia. Darkmoon.
Darkmoon: Fake AntiSemitism Manufactured by Jews - Mossad proxy Israeli group admits faking ostensibly pro-Palestinian Facebook pages to post AntiSemitic statements including "Death To the Jews" .. how much more of it is going on around here is what I want to know 'coz it sounds like a lot!!     (web.archive.org)
submitted by TankTinker to Jews 6 months ago (+4/-2)
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Did you know that the most virulent anti-Semitism is fake anti-Semitism manufactured by Jews? It is Jews themselves who often scrawl swastikas on walls, deface Jewish cemeteries, and create fake Palestinian websites with bloodcurdling messages like DEATH TO ALL JEWS! All this is done to create a backlash of sympathy for Jews and make people rally round and give their full support to Israel and the “persecuted” Chosen People. Darkmoon.