When Scott Adams finally admitted the vaccine sucks, he went in on this "nobody knew either way, we all guessed" angle. Well I knew, and I knew because of places like this and people like you guys. Conclusion:     (whatever)
submitted by Dindu to whatever 1 minute ago (+0/-0)
Free speech mixed with instinct causes a higher level of intelligence. So much that it makes supposedly intelligent people appear to be mentally under the ground. Lower than dirt dumb.

I knew the vaccine was shit for a list of reasons. None of the reasons I list SAY the vaccine is shit, but they create a base knowledge. And every story of 2020 helped me build that, because I read them from the antisemitic point of view. I was able to instantly know the vaccine would kill people.

Scott Adams cannot digest that because he is mentally beneath the soil, in the ways that actually matter.

Tldr: McAfee told me not to get the vaxx in Feb 2020. Thats how i knew Lol
Memory holed: IDF snipers killing American soldiers in Iraq. Captured and released.      (gvid.tv)
submitted by beece to Jews 5 minutes ago (+0/-0)
From Dr. Steven Guyenet: ” Although wheat had its origin around 11,500 years ago, it didn’t become widespread in Western Europe for another 4,500 years. So if you’re of European descent, your ancestors have been eating grains for roughly 7,000 years. Corn was domesticated 9,000 years ago, but accor     (AnonTalk)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 8 minutes ago (+0/-0)
From Dr. Steven Guyenet: ” Although wheat had its origin around 11,500 years ago, it didn’t become widespread in Western Europe for another 4,500 years. So if you’re of European descent, your ancestors have been eating grains for roughly 7,000 years. Corn was domesticated 9,000 years ago, but according to the carbon ratios of human teeth, it didn’t become a major source of calories until about 1,200 years ago! Many American groups did not adopt a grain-based diet until 100-300 years ago, and in a few cases they still have not. If you are of African descent, your ancestors have been eating grains for 9,000 to 0 years, depending on your heritage. The change to grains was accompanied by a marked decrease in dental health that shows up clearly in the archaeological record. “
wtf Fallout Series     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by anon to LGBT 56 minutes ago (+0/-0)
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Ice Racing     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by shitface9000 to Racing 1 hour ago (+6/-0)
America used to be pure and good. It's been down hill ever since we allowed some groups of people to walk all over everyone without consequence.     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)
submitted by conrad to whatever 1 hour ago (+2/-0)
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"Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves." - Herbert Marcuse      (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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Can we please just stop the bus and kick the morons off?     (www.indy100.com)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 hour ago (+1/-0)
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Nigel Farage’s Reform just a point behind Tories - new poll released after Rishi Sunak’s manifesto launch shows     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 1 hour ago (+1/-1)
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Trump says Taylor Swift is "unusually beautiful"     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 1 hour ago (+2/-1)
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Former ISIS leader was subjected to sexual torture in US military prison in Iraq, widow says     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 1 hour ago (+3/-1)
When the C.I.A. Messes Up (Its agents are often depicted as malevolent puppet masters—or as bumbling idiots. The truth is even less comforting)     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 1 hour ago (+1/-1)
Average 2024 femoid      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to femcels 2 hours ago (+4/-1)
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‘Unprecedented scale’ of violations against children in Gaza, West Bank and Israel, UN report says     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+1/-1)
Joe Biden Leads Donald Trump by 25 Points Among Younger People     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+1/-1)
Joe Biden Leads Donald Trump Among America's Top Pollsters     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+0/-1)
To Fight Polarization, Look to the Constitution     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+1/-2)
Alito doubts US right and left can co-exist and wife criticizes Pride flag in secret recording     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+1/-2)
Joe Biden Favored to Beat Donald Trump in 538 Election Forecast     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+2/-1)
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Clientelism is the solution     (whatever)
submitted by conrad to whatever 2 hours ago (+11/-0)
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Inspired by an article, I shit you not, about the shire and economy, I want to discuss how that applies to you. (link at the end)

The term we're looking for is 'clientelism'. It's the informal economy of favor-trading among long-term friends and acquaintances.

It occurred to me recently that this is the necessary pre-requisites for militia formation.

Outside of it militias or self-defense forces won't form.

This was also the initial preconditions for national socialism incidentally: party members recruiting local communities into labor-exchanges. At first this was voluntary, but then an element of labor=money was added. This worked for the germans. It also worked for the italians. Even their enemies acknowledge that the trains always ran on time.

No side owns a tactic, however immoral or moral they may be considered by some.

You notice all the revolutionary activities of the left, really the regime, started with what amounted to communes and conclaves.
Remove the drug abuse, dirty hippies, and the peace-love-and-harmony bullshit and all a commune is is a tight knit community that lives together or on restricted premises.

Expand the territory they cover and they become a mutual aid group.
Add a religious element, they become a cult, etc.

But its all variations on the basic premise. Increase density, and you increase the networking, trust-building, and teamwork opportunities.

This is why Waco had to be destroyed. This is also why gated communities are destroyed through forced integration and demographic bloc-busting tactics.

If the u.s. and the west really are heading for balkanization and neo-feudalism, then it would be prudent to form clientelist organizations to defend against the coming chaos.

I assume this has been the real intent behind the back-to-the-land movement that has attracted so many grifters as of late.

The international marxists say "teach the controversy", which really means to push their own narrative of events, but you notice where they do this. At middle-of-the-road meetings, events, and organizational get-togethers, creating a diffuse environment with few dominant messages, so theres room for them to spread their own. To win, the national populists will have to do the same.

People need space to get used to new ideas and become comfortable and firm in expressing them, especially when first introduced to ideas they've been propagandized against their whole lives. Thats the idea behind 'safe spaces', a misnomer thats not about creating room for all ideas to be safely expressed, but about having the control necessary to exclude other ideas.

The idea of tightknit artificial communities works because it provides all these things. Additionally it creates the preconditions for getting to know people, helping to eliminate the infiltrator element simply because few of the 'people' who are extreme enough to try infiltrating can keep up the charade for long, owing to how neurotic most of them are, they're an element to always be on the lookout for, for those moments where they slip up and out their true beliefs.

A community like this, or organization formed to establish one, at least on the surface, must be politically moderate but separatist in its premise, to weed out the half-hearted, and form the space necessary to cultivate core beliefs in its members.
Think of it as a bootcamp, but for ideology. Maybe thats an extreme example.

As others said, you won't convince people of anything, when the political power in the u.s. is primarily centered on the elderly and middle aged who rely on air conditioning, supermarket grocieries, and their pensions. You can't convince people to make a change who don't want things to change and who are propagandized to believe things won't change.

Contrary to popular belief, the collapse will not come "like the soviet union, in a wink of the eye."
Thats counter-propaganda, because if we didn't believe that, the next thing populists would do is to start telling people look at all the change around you, its gonna change in ways you don't like, and as you can see, it already is. Are you gonna wait around for it to change irreversibly and lose everything in the process?

And thats a message the regime can't tolerate. Hence the "two more weeks" meme, and the constant "alt news" (u.s. state department propaganda outfits) pumping out constant questions and partial information about events that lead us to believe the collapse could happen "any day now" all across the news and internet.

The solution is to first form tight knit communities based on private associations and organizations (so we control who is allowed in and who isn't and its not a free-for-all where any disruptors can just waltz-in publicly). And from there convert them to mutual-aid-societies based on clientelism. And then from there do community-problem-solving wherever we operate, rewarding rank and merit, and ultimately laborvalue based on the volunteer labors of party members, shifting to an hours+skills+outcomes=value model, much like the nationalists have done throughout history.

And from there anything is possible.
The grifters accidentally showed us the correct path. This is the model, this is the way.
This way, and not some other way.

link for reference:
Old School Furrier Jews From Queens     (youtu.be)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to NYC 2 hours ago (+2/-0)
The rise of Jordan Bardella     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+1/-1)
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UK elections 2024: Tory Britain is about to fall. But what follows could be far worse     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+1/-2)
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Hottest Clothing On Record      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Wolfspider to ClimateTards 2 hours ago (+23/-0)
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Ukraine-Russia war – live: US drops ban on arming controversial Azov Brigade to help fight Putin’s forces     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+1/-1)