I think I may die soon     (TellTalk)
submitted by __47__ to TellTalk 18 hours ago (+71/-0)
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My blood pressure is out control. Lost my job earlier this year. Have a warrant cause my crazy ex beat the shit out of me and I fought back. Alcoholic. Lost four animals in the space of three months. Have been getting dead friends showing up in dreams and giving me hugs while making me feel warm and like I'm being lifted. Ive lurked these places for a long time frome voat, to poal, conpro and here. I feel like I'm absolutely losing it. You're all just names but ya mean more to me than some of my irl friends. This is one of the only places I feel at home
I was talking to a man the other day who was leaving, decided to immigrate...     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Sleazy to Jokes 22 hours ago (+60/-0)
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Beast and the Beauty     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteGenocide 19 hours ago (+55/-0)
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It is good to see goats coming to terms with the evil of alcohol, the Liquid-Jew. Occasional use is okay but making it a lifestyle is harmful     (LiquidJew)
submitted by HeyJames to LiquidJew 15 hours ago (+45/-4)
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Alcohol causes just about more problems than any other substance. Drinking and driving is a big deal and very inconsiderate of others.

It can be a tough decision to cut out something that helps change your headspace and cope with the world. I've been there before, think we all have at some point (at least those of us who have truly lived)
It was only a matter of time, part I     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to cringe 23 hours ago (+48/-1)
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I'm going to tell you guys how I got out of my rut in case any of you has a similar one     (TellTalk)
submitted by Dindu to TellTalk 1 day ago (+49/-0)
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The makings of this rut were the world ending, the music industry sucking, the resale industry being destroyed, not having a wife or children, being overweight from the drinking, being weak from an injury. Also life long heavy headedness. Heavy feet too. I have a huge head and huge feet but I think it's an attitude problem. Lifelong caffeine addiction, quick temper, general malaise yet anxiety.

Things that changed:

People started talking about Jews and that took a lot of pressure off me and made me feel less alone and less crazy. I begin to see that we may actually retake our lands and have Prosperity again

Quitting drinking was one part but I was still high and eating garbage all the time. Drinking caffeine until bedtime.

What suddenly happened:

Strengthened my injured arm, which ended the main symptoms which was in hand. A skin condition accompanied it. All gone.

Began pouring out half my coffee every time. Then started decaf. Suddenly I am down to less than half a dose of caffeine per day. I believe this is the main thing.

Stopped smoking pot first thing in the morning. Didn't buy anymore. Intend on Quitting in next day or so.

Stopped eating processed foods. Possibly the other big one. Today I went shopping and bought eggs, spinach, almonds, walnuts and orange juice. Stopped desserts, which were throughout the day. Just chicken and broccoli, no grain, sometimes a cheeseburger but bread is on the way out too.

This is all in past week. I lost only 5 pounds in 4 months of sobriety but 10 in 1 week of no junk.

Took zertec twice in attempt to fight mysterious headaches. Probably just ramped caffeine down too fast but I can't ignore the zertec. It may have helped me do the rest of the good work

Also: elden ring. There's a ps4 here. I just run around on the horse picking plants. Each plant leads to the next, you see it glowing and go pick it up for absolutely no reason, just ripping around on a horse. Mind is at rest but the little adventurer in me has something to look at. Once in a while slap a guy with my weapon. Don't care if he dies or anything. Awesome environment.

Ultimate result:
I can look people in the eye much more easily, even beautiful women. I'm not a baby about needing pleasure or hating work. I fit into my cool clothes again. Feels awesome.

Quit everything. Go pure and get ready to fight. It isn't for no reason anymore. We are going to win.

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to DeathVax19 14 hours ago (+35/-0)
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Low cranial capacity boon with sloped forehead and prognathism 🐒     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 8 hours ago (+28/-0)
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Africans tend to have heavy jaws and exhibit prognathism, which means their jaws protrude forward. This is considered a primitive trait left over from when our most effective weapon was our teeth, which, in order to be effective, had to be able to cut a swath that extended out in front of the face. Apes, for example, have extended jaws that let them meet an enemy with their teeth rather than their faces.

Power of the jaguar     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Wildlife 10 hours ago (+29/-0)
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Black Barbie original content     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Black Crimes Matter to funny 1 day ago (+56/-0)
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goblina irl     (pic8.co)
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to Memes 18 hours ago (+32/-0)
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There is more evidence in this video of Jews wanting and actually trying to genocide white people then there was ever evidence of Nazis trying to genocide Jews     (rumble.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 3 hours ago (+23/-0)
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He Makes A Good Point@!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by bossman131 to random 1 day ago (+46/-0)
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Sheboon Mad At Car for Driving on Road!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Kozel to MADNIGGERS 19 hours ago (+29/-1)
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Bigots beware, muh sandwich given to transphobes     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 1 day ago (+34/-1)
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Trannies winning beauty pagents has to be some of the dumbest shit people go along with. We should spend more time shaming leftists for going along with it.      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by canbot to whatever 1 day ago (+48/-0)
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Cognitive dissonance can win but there needs to be long term sustained pressure. They need to keep getting reminded how they are forced to constantly lie by their left wing master.
All those pension jobs will go bye bye, and it'll be hilarious     (TellTalk)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to TellTalk 4 hours ago (+21/-0)
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I dont say this as someone who hates the arrogance and hubris of public employees and their reckless, dumb as shit way of thinking. These assholes profit of misery and think its funny. They literally laugh at the idea they are blatantly stealing from the taxpayer to fund their lavish lifestyles. Fuck em all.

Beyond that NYC is gonna need to cut these jobs eventually. To those saying they wont, good news! They dont have a fucking choice. No one will financially bond to NYC anymore (for obvious reasons, assuming the bonder would even get repaid which is highly unlikely) which will cause a laffer curve effect where more people leave. Once this happens, increase taxes, laffer curve re applies and more people leave.

As much as we think these gov entities wont cut spending, they'll do so when forced to. Sure, the city will go from the shithole it is now, to an even bigger shithole. Sure NYC will thrash its arms and panic, but outside increasing taxes to EU levels I can't see how they can ever fix this mess. We're talking doubling of the tax rate or more which is a very hard ask for people already losing their jobs left and right.
This is the best comic so far against White genocide     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Comics 1 day ago (+52/-1)
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Hey guys, jews choose not to work and love money and gold because they were "prohibited" from hard working trades like carpentry or masonry lmao     (whatever)
submitted by HeyJames to whatever 1 day ago (+36/-0)
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The history books just assume we're all fucking imbeciles don't they?

First, we're expected to deny that jews are dominant in the banking and precious metals sectors. Then, if we find overwhelming evidence to the contrary, oy vey it's actually our fault for being racist against kikes and denying them the chance to work hard for their money thus forcing them into financial and jewelry schemes!

You'd have to be a true imbecile to fall for this line of absolute horse shit.
Need some help finding an image: collage of covers of anti-white books written by Jews     (whatever)
submitted by Dongle to whatever 12 hours ago (+24/-0)
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I can't remember if I saw it on this site or elsewhere, but I remember seeing a meme that shows 12 or so covers of books all on the subject of how terrible white people are and all written by Jews, books like White Fragility, for example. Anyone have the image or something similar they can share? I want to send to a family member I'm trying to red-pill on the anti-white agenda being pushed by Jews.
How To Fix The Fertility Crisis      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Wolfspider to based_satire 2 days ago (+56/-0)
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In the nigger's mind he has two choices: be detained by the cops, or run and be free.     (youtu.be)
submitted by drhitler to Niggers 5 hours ago (+20/-0)
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I think I am really starting to understand them, they're basically animals, you wouldn't arrest an animal, it would not respond to any of your commands and just shit all over the place.

Israel is actually receiving 15 billion dollars annually.      (gab.com)
submitted by canbot to whatever 1 day ago (+36/-0)
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Tired pole shares his wisdom     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dontbeaphaggot to whatever 15 hours ago (+24/-0)
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I gaurantee there's a jew behind this.      (archive.is)
submitted by ProudRebel to WorldNews 4 hours ago (+18/-0)
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