Meditation And Mindfulness Have a Dark Side That We Don't Talk About     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by boekanier to Health 1 week ago (+7/-0)
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For hair regrowth Might as well just try regular sugar or honey water which also heals wounds faster     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Health 1 month ago (+1/-0)
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US is facing an out of control STD epidemics     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Health 3 months ago (+4/-1)
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Scientists Destroy 99% Of Cancer Cells In The Lab Using Vibrating Molecules     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to Health 8 months ago (+13/-0)
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Surge of brain abscesses in American children     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Health 1.3 years ago (+12/-2)
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Most people died by Bacterial Pneumonia, not Covid     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Health 1.4 years ago (+12/-4)
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Study: AI Used to Analyze "Covid Death" Data. VERDICT: Most Deaths Caused by Bacterial Pneumonia From VENTILATORS, NOT COVID!     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by GloryBeckons to AI 1.4 years ago (+41/-0)
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'Member how hospitals everywhere were putting everyone and their dog on ventilators, causing a global panic over ventilator shortages, because governments were paying them tens of thousands for every patient they put on a ventilator?

Turns out that's what killed most people who were labeled "Covid deaths". Oops.

The meat and gravy of it:

So while COVID-19 may have put these patients in the hospital, it was actually an infection brought on by the use of a mechanical ventilator that was more likely to be the cause of death when this infection didn't respond to treatment.

The team looked at records for 585 people admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, also in Illinois. They all had severe pneumonia and/or respiratory failure, and 190 had COVID-19.

Using a machine learning approach to crunch through the data, the researchers grouped patients based on their condition and the amount of time they spent in intensive care.

The findings refute the idea that a cytokine storm following COVID-19 – an overwhelming inflammation response causing organ failure – was responsible for a significant number of deaths. There was no evidence of multi-organ failure in the patients studied.

Instead, COVID-19 patients were more likely to develop ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and for longer periods. Cases where VAP didn't respond to treatment were significant in terms of the overall mortality rates in the study.

"Our data suggested that the mortality related to the virus itself is relatively low, but other things that happen during the ICU stay, like secondary bacterial pneumonia, offset that."

It's also another example of how machine learning artificial intelligence can process vast amounts of data and spot patterns beyond us mere humans – whether it's analyzing proteins or advancing mathematics.

Cough. Some of us "mere humans" have been saying this from the start. All people needed was O2. Ventilator protocol was a death sentence. But O2 is cheap. And ventilators showered the hospitals with cash, courtesy of the tax payer. Every body in a bag worth its weight in gold.

Image of article:
- https://files.catbox.moe/r3kmmi.png

Alternative article link:
- https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/most-covid-19-deaths-may-be-the-result-of-a-completely-different-infection/ar-AA1b1zVk

Science Paper:
- https://www.jci.org/articles/view/170682

Fulltext PDF:
- https://files.catbox.moe/r4uwr3.pdf
- https://pomf2.lain.la/f/va4hfqqm.pdf
Alarming Spread of Bird Flu Continues     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Health 1.6 years ago (+3/-1)
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Scientists Discover a Weird New Form of Ice That May Change How We Think About Water     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to science 1.6 years ago (+9/-0)
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Increased Levels of CO2 Are Proving to Be Too Much of a Good Thing For Plants     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to LyingNewsMedia 1.9 years ago (+19/-0)
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Eat the sand, goyim - American lardasses forecast to consume 1/3 of the Floridian peninsula by 2050     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to WTF 1.9 years ago (+2/-1)
Cancer in adults under 50 have increased     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Health 2 years ago (+5/-0)
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Maybe there is hope for niggers too!      (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Laputois to science 2 years ago (+3/-1)
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They can give them a mRNA shot to alter their genetics to make them white. A 15 point IQ increase just makes them more dangerous.
Vanadium dioxide found to have molecular memory effect; potentially a more versatile semiconductor than silicon     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to technology 2 years ago (+8/-0)
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Cave explorers finally measure the depth of Paul Neri's mother's vagina     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to Australia 2.1 years ago (+18/-0)
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Theorized electron vortices observed for the first time      (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to science 2.2 years ago (+4/-0)
Glyphosate is safe and bee colony collapse is fake like global warming     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2.3 years ago (+1/-4)
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Animal screeching     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by bobdole9 to Niggers 2.3 years ago (+7/-0)
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While call combinations of chimpanzees have been studied before, until now the sequences that make up their whole vocal repertoire had never been subjected to a broad quantitative analysis.
To rectify this, the team captured 900 hours of vocal recordings made by 46 wild mature western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus), belonging to three different chimp communities in Taï National Park.
In analyzing the vocalizations, the researchers identified how vocal calls could be uttered singularly, combined in two-unit sequences (bigrams), or three-unit sequences (trigrams). They also mapped networks of how these utterances were combined, as well as examining how different kinds of frequent vocalizations were ordered and recombined (for example, bigrams within trigrams).
In total, 12 different call types were identified (including grunts, pants, hoos, barks, screams, and whimpers, among others), which appeared to mean different things, depending on how they were used, but also upon the context in which the communication took place.
"Single grunts, for example, are predominantly emitted at food, whereas panted grunts are predominantly emitted as a submissive greeting vocalization," the researchers explain in their paper, led by co-first authors Cédric Girard-Buttoz and Emiliano Zaccarella. "Single hoos are emitted to threats, but panted hoos are used in inter-party communication."
In total, the researchers found these different kinds of calls could be combined in various ways to make up 390 different kinds of sequences, which they say may actually be an underestimation, given new vocalization sequences were still being found as the researchers hit their limit of field recordings.
Humans Were Actually Apex Predators For 2 Million Years, Evidence Shows     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to Anthropology 2.4 years ago (+5/-0)
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Mental Masturbation is now a Psychiatric Disorder, Scientists Claim     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to ClownWorld 2.4 years ago (+0/-0)
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Scientists Have Eradicated Liver Cancer in Rats Using Non-Invasive Sound Waves     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by obvious to Health 2.4 years ago (+2/-0)
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Ostraca illustrates ancient egyptian bird alphabet     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by UncleDoug to science 2.6 years ago (+4/-1)
Birds Have a Mysterious 'Quantum Sense'. Scientists Have Now Seen It in Action     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by Cynabuns to science 3.0 years ago (+14/-0)
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Take in The Colorful Beauty of Perseverance's Landing Courtesy of Talented Mars Fans     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by veo to Space 3.5 years ago (+3/-1)
A Photographer Spent 12 Years Making This Milky Way Mosaic     (www.sciencealert.com)
submitted by veo to Space 3.5 years ago (+8/-1)
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