Tranny Fantasizes about Getting a Uterus Transplant So it Can Abort the Baby     (gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 10 months ago (+14/-0)
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Cactus girl: That was my titty     (gvid.tv)
submitted by Sector7 to WhatCouldGoWrong 10 months ago (+9/-2)
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Sorry about the nose ring, dung-packed hair, and the like.
Firefighting CH-47D iPad Jammed Controls Resulting in Fatal Crash of 2 [10:53] - blancolirio     (gvid.tv)
submitted by Love240 to Aircraft 10 months ago (+5/-0)
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YT ORIGINAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0N15ihORHA

NTSB Public docket on the fatal CH-47D Firefighting Crash July 21, 2022 North Fork Idaho.
NTSB Docket: https://data.ntsb.gov/Docket?ProjectID=105544
Hamad el Kaddah, (likely) Co-pilot on Hijacked EgyptAir flight 181 in 2016, Crashed Cessna in the Hills of a Colorado Reservoir While Harassing Boats on 9/11/22 [8:09]     (gvid.tv)
submitted by Love240 to Aircraft 10 months ago (+3/-0)

YT ORIGINAL: https://youtu.be/1hbIaoYb_TU

Supposedly the elevator got jammed.

The Pilot stated that he did not think that he had made any errors by making the right turn toward the higher terrain given the circumstances and that he had elected to pursue the services of an attorney to assist with completing the NTSB accident report.

NTSB did not even interview the co-pilot, Ahmed el Kaddah, his brother.

FAA inspector determined that 'flight control continuity was established from the control yokes, through recovery cuts to all flight control surfaces with no binding or mechanical anomalies notes. The engine was examined, and no mechanical malfunctions or anomalies were found that would have precluded normal operation.

The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probably cause(s) of this accident to be:
The pilot's failure to maintain clearance from rising terrain while intentionally maneuvering the airplane at low altitiudes, which resulted in substantial damage to the fuselage and both wings.

FBI declined to press charges. District Attorney however charged Ahmed on five counts of menacing and six counts of reckless endangerment.

According to the sheriff's office, legislation enacted in 2021 "narrowed the definition of felony menacing; as a result, threatening immediate serious injury with a vehicle or aircraft is classified as a misdemeanor under current law"

Of course they have to lower the consequences for their animals, so they can cause more havoc and harm.

Ahmed fled the country shortly after the accident and a warrant for his arrest is now in effect, with the Larimer County Sheriff's Office asking the public for help in locating him.

"You'd think they would have kept track of a foreign pilot involved on an aircraft incident on 9/11, but I guess not."
2nd Timothy - Chapter 2 (Guest Preacher) Sunday-AM [1:27:20] Starts @20:35 - Shield of Faith Baptist Church Boise, ID     (gvid.tv)
submitted by Love240 to Christian 10 months ago (+2/-0)

ALT: https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=076Ip9IXCCg
ORIGINAL YT-LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6I0R-PgMRo

Shield of Faith Baptist Church

Pastor Steven Anderson

New Independent Fundamental Baptist
The Niggar Family     (gvid.tv)
submitted by Sector7 to niggerJokes 10 months ago (+5/-1)
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How to be a Ukrainian soldier on the front. (Not a SaFe line of Work)     (gvid.tv)
submitted by Sector7 to Ukraine 10 months ago (+8/-3)
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Possibly shot his own buddy, along with the Russian, at 1:12. Note the Russian soldier in the upper right at 1:58/9. That's the one that gets him.

It's kind of wild but also unsurprising they can still talk people into doing this.
"Uh, ok."

Rhodesian man says you must resist them or it won't get better.     (gvid.tv)
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 11 months ago (+5/-1)
Black man names the jews...by actual names.      (gvid.tv)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 11 months ago (+1/-2)

"Stop being nice white folks."
When you see this you realize World War 2 was really about the jews who ran FDR AND the USSR and Britain exterminating as many Europeans as possible. The future will be no different.     (gvid.tv)
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 11 months ago (+2/-3)

It doesn't discuss this in this video but I think when it all came together was when I learned that FDR's whole cabinet basically was jews. Suddenly the fact that America had chosen to align with the Jewish run communist Soviet Union against the Christian Democratic Germany just sort of clicked. I had never questioned the alliances in World War II before. But if you really look at them and tell you understand that Jews ran FDR the alliances that were chosen make no sense. There was no reason in the world of Christian European nation like the United States was around the time of World War II should have aligned with the Jewish run communist state of the Soviet union. We should have aligned with Germany to take out the Soviet Union and restore Christian orthodox society in Russia that they had had before the Jewish revolution killed off the czars in their family.

But then I learned and it really was only within the last year or two that FDR was not a man running his own presidency at all. His whole damn cabinet was pretty much jewish. and what we know from cabinets that are pretty much Jewish from our own experience in history today is it if your cabinets all Jewish then the Jews are running your presidents.

That's true with Biden today and it was true with trump.

And so suddenly you realize it wasn't the United States and the USSR and the British that are getting together to defeat Germany it was the Jews in America and the Jews and the Soviet Union and the Jews who ran the banking which ran the British empire which controlled Churchill who was a real scum bucket and probably a pedophile. It was the Jews against the people who fought against the Jews which was germany. The only country who had escaped Jewish worldwide banking. And had enjoyed incredible economic success because of it. That's why the alliances of World War II happened.

And that was why after World War II despite all the talk about rebuilding Germany that the Jewish run countries try to exterminate as many German people as possible.
"Black man calls out the Jew"     (gvid.tv)
submitted by beece to Jews 12 months ago (+15/-0)
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jews admit their loyalty is to Israel over all and are never patriots of the countries they occupy.     (gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 1 year ago (+41/-0)
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Rabbi admits their prophecies are why jews are forcing White countries to accept third world invaders.      (gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 1 year ago (+30/-0)
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Oi mate you gotta loicense for those machetes?     (gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 12 months ago (+11/-1)
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Migrant youfs enrich a man with machetes in the east end of Glasgow.
jews admit they control governments and long for all other nations to be destroyed.     (gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 1 year ago (+24/-0)
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Always good redpill material to have them admit it.
Rabbi calls on jews to join with Muslims to kill Whites.     (gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 1 year ago (+15/-0)
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Dresden the real Holocaust. Allied fire bombing of German civillian cultural center at the end of WWII.     (gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 1 year ago (+65/-0)
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The purpose of the attack according to Allied archives was to inflict maximum loss of civilian life of Dresden residents and refugees fleeing the raping marauding Red Army.

Thousands of US and British bombers dropped tons of conventional explosives and incendiary white phosphorus that burns at 5000 degrees.

The intense heat of nearly 2000 degrees Fahrenheit caused an updraft in the center of the fire and smoke that pulled in air from the surrounding areas at an estimated 1000 miles per hour.

On the second night, after people had come out of their air raid centers, and rescue personnel had come from other cities, the Allies bombed Dresden again in the same matter.

US P51 Mustangs flew low and fired directly on groups of civilians.

On the third day, after cleanup had begun, and more rescue workers had come to render aid and clean up, Dresden was bombed again.

150,000 - 300,000 people were killed in the attack.
jew Jim Kramer explains how he illegally spreads lies to tank stock prices of stocks he has short positions on.     (gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 1 year ago (+36/-0)
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I seem to remember some analysis done on Jim Kramer's stock picks from his show and the analyst found that you could only make money on the stocks he recommended by shorting them.
Undercover video of jew law firm teaches companies how to skirt immigration hiring law to favor foreigners over US citizens.     (gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 1 year ago (+41/-0)
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How Hitler turned things around, admissions from a rabbi.     (gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 1 year ago (+5/-0)

A rabbi explains why Hitler hated jews and what he did about it but he'd do it again.
jews from a jewish perspective     (gvid.tv)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 1 year ago (+3/-2)
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comment on jews from a jewish perspective
Nukes Do NOT Exist.      (gvid.tv)
submitted by Monica to whatever 1 year ago (+3/-12)
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The point is that mushroom type clouds can happen with enough explosives and nukes don't exist. It's a jew lie. They say EINSTEIN the jew who was filthy liar invented that shit...(ok he didn't invent that shit) give me a break. It's not real folks. Nukes are fake and gay and jew pedo'd.

The nukes you see in old footage is fake as fuck CGI before computers.
She will go on to a career in politics      (gvid.tv)
submitted by Inward to funny 1.2 years ago (+23/-0)
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Blood Flag on the left at 4:33.     (gvid.tv)
submitted by Name to whatever 1.2 years ago (+11/-1)
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I come from among your ranks.
I was one of you, then progressively
Thanks to my perseverance, by
Educating myself and
Enduring great hunger,
I Lifted Myself Up.
Jewish woman talks about the Jews      (gvid.tv)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 1.2 years ago (+11/-0)
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