Upgoat     (TalkDev)
submitted by correctness to TalkDev 10 months ago (+2/-0)
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When you click UPGOAT logo... site changes to default only


TO see all posts you need to change url manually to https://www.upgoat.net/v/all
then "new" and "hot" Directs you to https://www.upgoat.net/?v=all&view=new
and https://www.upgoat.net/?v=all&view=hot
It appears i cannot log into my account when using the upgoat.net domain.     (TalkDev)
submitted by germ22 to TalkDev 10 months ago (+8/-0)
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On voat.xyz it still works fine. On Upgoat.net i get a java script message, "wrong password" a few times, and then a message "you must wait until you can log in again".
Chat backround is horrible, possible to change color/make darker? The white on gray is NOT conducive to readability.     (TalkDev)
submitted by Love240 to TalkDev 10 months ago (+1/-1)
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not "global chat" on the main page. The actual chat page:
Chat link on mobile     (TalkDev)
submitted by Idiocratic to TalkDev 10 months ago (+3/-0)
Cloudflare throws error: invalid SSL certificate
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to TalkDev 10 months ago (+3/-2)
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What the hell is the “LOL pyramid” trophy?     (site)
submitted by Steelerfish to site 10 months ago (+6/-0)
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When entering upgoat.net I am not logged in until I comment/post(?) even after ticking the Rememebr Me box. Bug, not problem. Gabaras gayness offends me. Problem, not bug.     (TalkDev)
submitted by RMGoetbbels to TalkDev 10 months ago (+9/-0)
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Encountered a bug where I clicked on the "Upgoat" logo and it logged me out     (TalkDev)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TalkDev 10 months ago (+7/-0)
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I tried to recreate it about 5 times with no luck so stumped.
Notion to change the word “Ban” to “Declaration of Faggotry”     (TalkDev)
submitted by Trope to TalkDev 10 months ago (+5/-3)
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Anyone listed as banned would hereby be listed as “Declaration of Faggotry Issued”

A registry of declared faggots can be made available on a read-only subverse by the administration team.
I have a suggestion     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by PhimoticEmbrace to IdeasForTalk 10 months ago (+5/-4)
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You might want to disallow certain domains, or I fear this site will be over run with Spammers     (TalkDev)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to TalkDev 10 months ago (+11/-0)
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Suggestion: Feed based on keywords     (TalkDev)
submitted by The_Reunto to TalkDev 10 months ago (+2/-0)
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I think it would be interesting to have the option for a feed that is based on chosen keywords instead of subs. E.g. each user would have a wordbank and the feed populates with posts that either have the word in the title or in the post description.

For instance, I prefer to follow certain topics like Christianity, but because these posts aren't always thrown in the same subverse it becomes hard to find what I am looking for in every case.

Yes, you could manually look for specific terms one by one, but I believe there is value in having a feed that would based on a range of user-chosen keywords. Especially if it were a tab up at the top beside "hot/new/bump"

Just a thought.

They say beauty is only skin deep     (introductions)
submitted by Biscuits to introductions 10 months ago (+7/-0)
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And that's why I'm racist.
My name is Theodore Kent and I am posting from the basement of a sober house, eating ice cream.     (introductions)
submitted by TheodoreKent to introductions 10 months ago (+18/-3)
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The ice cream is real good. Got it from the shop down the block, owned by some old-school working class Italians, run by what I can only assume are high school aged grand children and their friends. Cash only.

I got a cookies and cream and tipped 'em two dollars. They were closing up shop for the night, so they gave me a bag full of soft pretzels that I did not want, but to refuse their generosity would've been rude, and I am always polite.

I have heard about this website before, but never really gave it a chance, because my exit from Voat always left a bad taste in my mouth. I am curious, though. I am assuming this place is not run by that interminable faggot @puttitout, but I am not really basing that on anything.

Who does run this place? How is this place different from Voat, or Poal for that matter?

And most importantly, how are you doing today?
Requesting /v/Occult     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by Love240 to subrequest 10 months ago (+0/-0)
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I've got stuff that doesn't belong in /v/Leaving_Babylon and would fit in here more appropriately. blumen had blocked me from this sub at some point and he has been banned for some time.
Larry Swinger in da house!!     (introductions)
submitted by LarrySwinger to introductions 10 months ago (+1/-5)
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Hello everyone. My name is Larry Swinger. Well, that's what people call me. My actual first name is Lawrence. I come from NYC and am of Jewish descent. I like talking and having fun, so when I saw a website with both of those things in the domain name, I thought I'd take a look. I hope I'm able to fit in here! P.S. is only original content allowed here or am I allowed to repost things that I find on 9gag?
Voting is temporarily disabled for accounts younger than 7 days old     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 10 months ago (+39/-2)
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Will most likely be restored sometime tonight.

Edit: Voting is restored.
Hello! This is Plebbitor     (introductions)
submitted by Plebbitor to introductions 11 months ago (+12/-1)
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Hello, Goats!

I was a once was a beta tester on the original Voat, and have been floating around, on and off, since then. I have had a couple of other accounts here, but for some reasons keep being locked out of my accounts.

I am mainly here to shill Free Software tech and platforms.

In this intro, let me mention Plebbit.

Plebbit is real, and the protocol is working. It is possible to post there. The clients are under active development. (If you know React JS, you should find it easy.)

Plebbit is designed to be a complete replacement for Reddit. It is decentralized, and runs on a client (which helps the network) or in a web-browser. It is a bit buggy at the moment, but will be a strong solution for Free Speech.

Please upvote, to enable my posting powers!



Continuity of Voat     (TalkDev)
submitted by Plebbitor to TalkDev 11 months ago (+6/-5)
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The various incarnations of Voat since its demise have helped keep the spirit of the community alive.
There is a new project underway which aims to be a sturdier vessel for Free Speech on Reddit like platforms: Plebbit.

If you are developing for Voat / Talk.lol, you no doubt care about the community here. If you have time, and some skills in e.g. IPFS, or React JS, please take a look at Plebbit.

One thing that is needed at the moment is a way of speeding up the peer-to-peer aspect, so that posting is more rapid. Clients with a different GUI might be popular too.


Broken link formatting in display     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by o0shad0o to TalkDev 11 months ago (+0/-0)
1 comments last comment...

Note the same issue in subby's post as in my comment.
this website is has a full blown team of feds down voting shit and posting libtard propaganda. I'm fucking out of here      (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to IdeasForTalk 11 months ago (+6/-10)
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There is so much homo shit, tranny shit, FUD posting about guns and ammo (fucking obviously government agents or unwitting agents doing FUD posting for feds), there is almost nothing here that builds positivity about our cause it's all irritation and agitating in a time where this "news" isn't even close to needed and it's so obvious these are illegitimate users.

@system never banned any of these obvious pieces of shit. This website is unusable and worse than having no internet at all.
Possible Bug     (TalkDev)
submitted by GrayDragon to TalkDev 11 months ago (+2/-0)
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Faceless banned me from SoapBoxBanHammer. I believe I blocked the site in retaliation. Faceless unbanned me. I could post a submission to the subverse successfully that they can see, but I cannot get to the post or see anything in the subverse (including all the posts, while I can go "next" a lot until it runs out of pages). Also, the "Subscribe" and "Block" buttons in the upper-right area are disabled.
Comment links break formatting     (TalkDev)
submitted by oyveyo to TalkDev 12 months ago (+4/-0)
This is the link to the comment https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=647cf2cee91db&commentid=647d715565334
This is the link to the thread https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=647cf2cee91db

You'll notice that the first link has broken formatting for the equation at the end of my comment, while the formatting is correct in the second link.

edit: Someone reported that the first link looks fine. This is what I see https://files.catbox.moe/l518l1.jpg

The first link it creates is https://www.voat.xyz/2%5E(9/3 <--this just broke in this post edit
second is https://www.voat.xyz/1+1

Browser: Waterfox G5.0.1

My guess is that the server is interpreting the math division symbol "/" as a subverse reference in the first link, but not in the second link... not really sure what's happening but that's why we have @system
Voat is full of angry retards.     (introductions)
submitted by StrongPatriot to introductions 12 months ago (+0/-15)
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That is all.