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When you realize nogs can't understand the concept of the future you understand their behavior. Now realize Jews have genetic brain defects. They can't grasp proportionality or actual logic. They have genetic "Victimhood Tourettes". They also can't grasp future consequences. So stop arguing w them     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 4 days ago (+26/-0)
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They are idiots disguised by verbal circular reasoning.

I'll tell you what else I've realized is they all have mild schizophrenia. That's explains why they see things and imagine things that aren't there that have happened to them. We know that they suffer from full-blown schizophrenia far more than most people but I think what's grossly under counted is the fact that they all have mild schizophrenia and they see s*** that doesn't actually happen. This is why they can go off on rants about things that do not happen but they actually believe it that's why they sound so convincing when they're talking. And that's what fools the rest of us is they sound convincing when they're telling something that's untrue and I believe it's because they actually believe it most of the time.

Lots of very
insane people sound intelligent for a brief period of time until you their whole picture.

They're all brain damaged. And we can't have crazy people running our country or in positions of authority.

The strange thing is is they're particular afflictions actually serve them very well for the short term. After all anybody who has a brain defect that always thinks they're not getting enough and always pushes for more is going to end up with more until people get tired of them and put them out of their reach somehow. And that perfectly explains the Jewish experience throughout history.
I rarely criticize boomers. But if you're so old and stupid that you still think Russia's communist and you think the vast anti-jewish anti-israel protests going on on college campuses are by spoiled leftist hippy communist then you should shut the fuck up because you're fucking stupid and you're li     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 4 days ago (+26/-7)
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I rarely criticize boomers. But if you're so old and stupid that you still think Russia's communist and you think the vast anti-jewish anti-israel protests going on on college campuses are by spoiled leftist hippy communist then you should shut the fuck up because you're fucking stupid and you're liing ina political reality that hasn't existed for 50 years.

Those kids are not saying free palestine. Three or four paid Soros plants in front of the crowd that the cameras go to are saying free palestine. What you see the thousands of students saying is divest from Israel. They're not even about Palestine although they view Gaza as a genocide. They are against Jews that have now been unmasked by their own actions in Gaza and they want these companies to stop sending money to Israel and Jews.

If you don't understand that you're stupid.

Or you're just a Soros Jewish plant here trying to divide people against the one group that is actually enmass taking on the Jews and Israel and standing up against them at great personal and financial risk like nobody here is actually doing.
US Govt have just banned the 1st Amendment     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 6 days ago (+16/-8)
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US Govt have just banned the 1st Amendment. They quit free speech by making any anti-semitic speech illegal. Basically you can't talk about Jews. Both Cons and Dems voted. Looks like we can't redpill normies about Jews anymore.

Any ideas?
Upgoat is too depressing. It needs positive, uplifting news     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 1 day ago (+16/-7)
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Let's make a sub for positive, uplifting news. I get depression every day after reading only negative news here. I think many here feel like me.
Would be funny if people starting opening Holohoax Museums. Or just made direction signs pointing nowhere that said Holohoax Museum 2 miles Etc     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 5 hours ago (+13/-0)
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Would be funny if people starting opening Holohoax Museums. Or just made direction signs pointing nowhere that said

Holohoax Museum
2 miles

Suggestion: call all the churches in your area.say "I m looking for a new church. "Do you preach that Jews are gods chosen people?" See which in your area are Jew controlled      (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 5 hours ago (+14/-3)
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Suggestion: call all the churches in your area.

Ask for the pastor

say "I m looking for a new church. "Do you preach that Jews are gods chosen people?"

See which in your area are Jew controlled

Make lists. Form a central database in the nation.

See if there are any that actually preach
"Christianity First"

Then say "I am making a list of Christian first churches in the area for believers."

Part of the reason for doing this is making them realize they are going to be listed as non Christian first.
The MIGHT make them change.

I think the best way to handle Jews now is just to laugh at them whenever you see them. Just point at them and laugh at them. Don't engage with them don't argue with them they don't have any logical skills and their brains are genetically flawed so that's a waste of time. Just look at them and laugh     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 day ago (+11/-1)
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Pointing your finger at them and laughing probably helps too.

The truth is ridicule works better than anything else to disempower groups of people.

And let's face it Jews are ridiculous. They're ugly and short. They dance around like monkeys. They think they're really smart when they're actually really stupid. They've only been running things because no one's noticed and now they're noticing and the Jews are figuring out they're not as smart as they thought they were.

So there's lots to laugh at.
We need a word to counteract anti-Semitism and the word needs to express the problems Jews cause which justify resistance to them. I propose Agro-Semitism "Agro-Semitism grew 5000% in 2023"     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 6 hours ago (+10/-0)
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Agro-Semitism is the physical, financial and cultural violence that Jews inflict on other peoples.

We need a word to counteract anti-Semitism and the word needs to express the problems Jews cause which justify resistance to them. I propose Agro-Semitism "Agro-Semitism grew 5000% in 2023"

It needs to express the danger that Jews cause other people. The only thing that gets people to actually take action is fear that they themselves will hurt. And the problem is when people talk about Jews they talk about all the bad things they do but what people really need to know is that they are in danger from Jews because Jews will have them killed in wars or wipe them out financially so they die starving in the street. When people begin to fear Jews there's more of a chance they might actually do something.

Just like people only take action against a dog or an animal when it appears to be snarling or trying to attack them it's the same way with political things. Why do you think they're always trying to throw up fears of terrorism and other things to make you think that you might be in a bombed building or something. It's mostly nonsense but it's fear that works.

But the one group that harms more people in the west right now than any other group The the threat of getting them into a war where they might die or the causing them Financial ruin where they might starve or not be able to afford health insurance so they die from sickness is the jews.

People need to learn to fear the Jews and they need to be educated that their life is in danger from continued Jewish control of the United states. It'd be nice if we could instill that fear of Jews into people before they let the Muslim Sharia neighbor move in next door who's going to cut your daughter's head off or rape her. All because the Jews let them in.

Now when someone talks about anti-semitism you can reply succinctly with the word that achieves many of the same effects that they chose antisemitism for.
1. most people don't know exactly what it means so it's going to cause them to pause.

2.the ones that do know what it means will know exactly how truthful it is.

3. It enables you to quickly counteract any argument without having to go into great detail about "but Jews killed all these people in Gaza" "Jews killed all these people in Iraq" "Jews are destroying our monetary system and impoverishing millions of people in America" "Jews are committing cultural genocide against European white people" etc etc.

You can now sum it all up with..


As in "the reason Anti-Semitism has grown is because of a drastic increase in Agro-Semitism"


Next is to post the definition to as many social media sites as possible AND START USING IT!
Never Underestimate the Ability of Inadequate Talent to Find Itself in the Marketplace     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by SilentByAssociation to TellUpgoat 12 hours ago (+8/-0)
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That is all.
Imagine if Jews were black. They wouldn't get away with the tiniest bit of what they do. Jews are basically Nigerian scammers in better skin colors      (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 12 hours ago (+6/-0)
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The Gateway Pundit and Citizen Free Press     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Reawakened to TellUpgoat 5 days ago (+3/-0)
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They're two magatard click bait sites I look at to gauge what normies are thinking/talking about. I just can't venture into MSM anymore. I don't have the stomach for it. The odd thing is, neither one of them thought congress violating the 1st amendment through passage of the Silence Criticism of jews act was newsworthy. It's probably the most threatening bill passed in years, and yet... not a peep from either one of these "conservative" sites.

Google and other MEEPAC MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT EDUCATION PORN ADVERTISING COMPLEX have ramped up holahoax stories     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 4 days ago (+3/-0)
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I'm seeing all kinds of shit trying to keep the holahoax strong alive. I think they are having a lot of people noticing and asking questions... if the truth about the holahoax came out the jews would be in serious trouble.

If you ask most Americans why we fought ww2 they would say to stop the genocide of the jews.

The 4 most influential and well researched histories of ww2 by people intimentalty involved.

Have no mention of the holahoax
My prediction for the near future     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 6 days ago (+4/-7)
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Jews own everything. They will ban the 1A and 2A. You will all become brainless slaves to Jews. In case you didn't know, the Jews are praying every day for this to happen in Israel.

This will happen because of kike ideology capitalism, where only the wealthy can rule society. Also all the politicians are faggots who were raped by pedophile Jews in childhood. Like Hollywood.

The only way to stop this madness is a revolution, butn nobody will do this, because average people are brainless sheeple, and Jews know this.

Feel free to post feedback and screenshot my post.
You've got a choice right now. You can end Israel. But you have to give up support for Trump.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by CoronaHoax to TellUpgoat 5 days ago (+4/-2)
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RIGHT NOW You've got the choice. NOT LATER. Not after you think about it. RIGHT NOW. If you give up support for Donald Trump you can end Israel.

Get out there. Put the force of the right behind / beside the force of the left and ISRAEL. WILL. BE. ENDED. RIGHT NOW
(sleeping)(pedo)(alt) 😊 Doxxing @BeefJerky aka @try 😆 original content     (
submitted by Scatholic to TellUpgoat 6 days ago (+4/-3)
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Never forget that this pedokike teamed up with B4A and Joe_McCarthy for pedopoints.
My advice is to use white & blue colors Voat style on Upgoat     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 1 day ago (+2/-3)
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If you switch Upgoat to white & blue Voat colors, reading all day depressing news becomes less harming for your psyche. If you are using the dark theme, depressing news are more harmful.
The delusions and problems caused by the taylor swift cult     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 7 hours ago (+4/-4)
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Some random nonsense I saw. Taylor swift is encouraging women to become worse and worse.

She never takes responsibility or accountability it's always what these men did to her! She promotes being a fucking victim. Hey 13 fucking dude left you or you left them maybe go looking in the fucking mirror you narricist whore

the manuscript ending the album on the utterjawdrop moment that neither of the muses of theactual album were the first men to fuck her upwith promises of marriage and babies, and thatfirst heartbreak so long ago laid the scene for thewoman she would become and the ways shewould approach love and how we all watched herlife like scenes in a show but she kept comingback to the manuscript of the first torrid affairthat ruined her, to bookend an album about twolove affairs that destroyed her utterly in almostthe exact same way, because all her muses areacquired like's bone-chilling
If the government's anti-"pedophilia" laws are about "protecting children", than why do they arrest teenage girls for making porn videos of themselves?     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Heilzbollah to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+2/-2)
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Throwing 15 year old girls in jail and then registering them as sex offenders for life seems like the opposite of "protecting children".
I think it's funny people say what even is a jew? And I can't really define it but God damn when I see one I know it by their actions     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+3/-4)
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I mean how many times does x y or z happenm and you can 99% of the time know their early childhood or that their early childhood has been erased. If there is a generic jew component or not the actions of certain people who self identify as jews seems to be universal and recognized across generations and warned about. Some how technology allowed them to win over whites in America they were early adoptors of TV radio etc... I call it the


Weird Owen benjamin thing. He is going hard at the boomers. Boomer week. But almost everything at the root was Jewish subversion?     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 6 days ago (+2/-3)
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So I know people around here hate Owen. They hate boomers and they hate jews.

My problem is Owen is baciall6 100% blaming boomers with out looking at the root cause who offers the porn the other things that screwed the boomers up? Yes they took the offer but why was an offer ever there?
Con77 has exposed himself as a verifiable resident of an infected Tel Aviv cuticle.     (
submitted by velocityraptor to TellUpgoat 1 day ago (+4/-6)
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Shocking news. He is no longer to be trusted.
Think how many men had to wear mask because their idiotic emotional Jesus controlled woman made them!     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 3 days ago (+1/-4)
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It was gaslighting on a mass scale then the women who are already experts at gas lighting had the full support of the MEEPAC to push the gas lighting.

Fucking pathetic have any of these narricist women apologized? I seriously doubt it
The idea of you. On Amazon prime.. Jesus christ shit like this gets made. 40 year old single mom<<< aka worthless     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 5 days ago (+1/-8)
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Is dating a 24 year old super famous good looking singer... ya fucking right. The mgtow dudes are laughing their asses off... this is more science fiction then reality.

What insane shit self lying lies these toxic narricist women live all fuelled by kikes making them thing its gonna work out.

Being a fucking cum dumpster single mom whore who is ruining everyone's lives around her with her terrible decisions.

All becauee they are narricist that believe their own lies