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Henry Ford's Ties to the Soviet Union     (
submitted by didyouknow to History 1 month ago (+4/-0)
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1872 article on the Jewish control of Freemasonry     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to History 1 month ago (+0/-0)
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Welcome to the Ides of March!     (History)
submitted by iSnark to History 1 month ago (+5/-0)
The Ides of March is the day on the Roman calendar marked as the idus, roughly the midpoint of the month of Martius, corresponding to 15 March on the Gregorian calendar. It was marked by several major religious observances and was a deadline for settling debts in Rome. In 44 BC, it became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar, which made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history.
Inspiring speech about taking back your country     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 1 month ago (+7/-0)
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Anyone up for an investment?      (
submitted by WhiteGoat to History 1 month ago (+1/-0)
Even Wikipedia admits the Nazis did not set the Reichstag fire     (History)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to History 1 month ago (+2/-1)
"Journalist William Shirer, writing in 1960, surmised that van der Lubbe was goaded into setting a fire at the Reichstag but that the Nazis had set their own more elaborate fire at the same time.[11] According to Ian Kershaw, writing in 1998, the consensus of nearly all contemporary historians is that van der Lubbe had in fact set the Reichstag afire.

On 6 December 2007 the public prosecutor general Monika Harms nullified the entire verdict and posthumously pardoned van der Lubbe, based on a 1998 German law that makes it possible to overturn certain cases of Nazi injustice. The court's determination was based on the premise that the National Socialist regime was, by definition, unjust, and since the case's death sentence had been motivated politically, it was likely to have contained an extension of that injustice. The conclusion was independent of the factual question of whether or not van der Lubbe had actually set the fire." (lol)
The Rockefeller waterfall trust method to preserve family wealth     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 1 month ago (+1/-1)
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The savagery of the native Americans     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 1 month ago (+18/-0)
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France pre-ww2.. communists in power, jews running scams, legal system completely rigged. Pretty obvious the Nazis liberated the people hence why they won so easily, ruled easily, and the Allies brutally bombed the French people to make them submit again     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to History 1 month ago (+19/-0)
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It's happened before     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 1 month ago (+14/-0)
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It turns out the National Socialists DIDN'T "take the guns" in fact they loosened restrictions.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 1 month ago (+31/-1)
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Czech Tanks of World War Two in German Service     (
submitted by Moravian to History 1 month ago (+1/-0)

Sorry about the youtube link. Many people underrate Czech prowess in machinery. This is due to Czechs timid attitude for taking credit for their inventions.
The Bolsheviks called out 'Jew bankers' in order to gain support and sow confusion. Nearly all of you would've been gullible enough to support them.     (History)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to History 1 month ago (+3/-1)
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Imagine a proper political party or person today calling out jews and jew bankers. You'd all lick his feet in desperate relief. Words mean nothing, anyone can say them. You have to pay a bit more attention than that if you want to understand someone's true motivations. Elon Musk was a good test case which most of you dumb cunts failed. He said what you wanted to hear but he was always consorting with and promoting jews, it wasn't until he stupidly exposed himself time and again that most of yous figured it out. Some of yous still haven't.

' ‘Down with the Jew Kerensky, Long Live Trotsky!’'

"The Bolsheviks have seized power. The Jew Kerensky, lackey to the British and the
world’s bankers, having brazenly assumed the title of commander-in-chief of the
armed forces and having appointed himself Prime Minister of the Orthodox Russian
Tsardom, will be swept out of the Winter Palace, where he had desecrated the remains
of the Peace-Maker Alexander III with his presence. On October 25th, the Bolsheviks
united all the regiments who refused to submit to a government composed of Jew
bankers, treasonous generals, traitorous land-owners, and thieving merchants."
The lies of History and World War II     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 1 month ago (+7/-0)
Uh oh. Now they will hear for themselves. Now they know they can. Now they will learn the extent of the lie..     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 2 months ago (+7/-0)
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Kunta actor finds out those Jewish screenwriters lied to him about his past     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 2 months ago (+5/-0)
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Did you know that Western civilization was born in the middle east?     (
submitted by Kozel to History 1 month ago (+1/-3)
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The most interesting reading I can recommend is number one Henry Ford's the international jew. And number two pamphlets on the Constitution which were the writings made by people who were four and against adopting a constitution in forming a federal government in 1780s after we just fought off a fed     (History)
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 2 months ago (+22/-0)
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The most interesting reading I can recommend is number one Henry Ford's the international jew. And number two pamphlets on the Constitution which were the writings made by people who were four and against adopting a constitution in forming a federal government in 1780s after we just fought off a federal government known as the British crown. Don't forget all these colonies that just gotten away from a federal government. And what's really interesting about the pamphlets is you realize that there were a lot of people who didn't think the representatives of the states had the right to go as far as they did when they had the constitutional convention and wrote the Constitution to form a republic. A lot of States said we didn't authorize representatives to go up there and form a federal government. We just got out of a federal government why the hell would we want another one. But it's very interesting reading to read these pamphlets and it discusses the sales pitches and George Washington endorsed whatever the guy's name is who did the summary of the pamphlets and and the it gives you a real sense of what people were thinking then when the Constitution was being voted on. People forget that we didn't have a federal government After the revolutionary War was over it was a very minimal alignment of separate colonies that were very different. And when the Constitution was proposed it had to be sold to every single colony and they had to vote on it to agree to join it. And there was even some discussion about what would happen if the majority of the colonies voted to join in one or two didn't should the majority Force the others to go ahead and join. I mean it got that way real fast. Anyway the terms the definitions what the assumptions were by the people of that time what it really meant to have to bear arms and have a militia the discussions about that what it really meant what the religious assumptions were in the country then how ridiculous they thought it was that anyone would ever be a Muslim so they didn't have to prohibit certain things in the Constitution because they thought people would have more common sense and never do a lot of those things. You pick up all this when you read these pamphlets.

And let me tell you there's never been a better summary of all the Jewish question issues then Henry Ford's the international Jew written in 1920 right after World War I which was largely viewed as a war started by Jews and it was before World War II when the Jews started the next War and he talks about a lot of these issues and Henry Ford was the Elon Musk of his day. Hi finance exposed to all the financiers worked internationally sold internationally and he knew everything. And he talks about Lennon and Trotsky because they were still alive then. It wasn't history to him it was going on at the time. He talks about those people being jewish. He talks about Germany and how they're thinking about solving the Jewish problem. He talks names about who all the Jews are that solve these issues and caused the problems after World War one he names their names and points out so many of the people who are agreeing to this that and the other were actually jews. I mean you think that you're you're realizing something new about Jews today and then you hear you read or you listen to Henry Ford's book The International Jew and you realize he figured it all out in 1920. And he published it in a book that was exposed to the world and that everybody was exposed to this. Everybody. It wasn't a small conspiracy theory. So I'll give you the links to both things

Give me a second and I'll come back and edit this with the links

Somebody turn me on to this audiobook example of Henry Ford's the international jew.
Quickie on the constitution and 2nd amendment     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 2 months ago (+1/-0)
A very beloved Russian General, considered by the Russian people as a hero, 'mysteriously died' at only age 38 after he started to push for Russian nationalism under the theme of Russia for Russians. He died in 1882, during a period that saw many assassinations carried out by jewish revolutionaries     (
submitted by didyouknow to History 2 months ago (+37/-0)
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Random 1938 Chinese newspaper discussing war battles with Japan.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 2 months ago (+12/-0)
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The "Ugly" Truth About Henry Ford     (
submitted by carnold03 to History 2 months ago (+7/-0)
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not so 'friendly' fire     (History)
submitted by boekanier to History 2 months ago (+7/-1)
A mistake. This is what the United States Army Air Forces call the American bombing of the German-occupied city of Nijmegen (Netherlands) on February 22, 1944. This bombing destroys a large part of the city center of Nijmegen, including the station area, and a large number of people die (civilian casualties). At the time of the bombing, American pilots thought they were flying over the German city of Kleve. This later turns out to be incorrect. The bombing was deliberately carried out, but it was not precise in execution.
Old White Russia marching song     (History)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to History 2 months ago (+1/-0)
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Rus has been invaded
by alien forces
honor has been disgraced
the temple defiled
We bravely go into battle
for Holy Rus
and we'll kill all the Yids
no matter what

We shall drink for the Holy Cross
and the Liturgy
and for the slogan:
"Beat the Yids and save Russia!"

"Anton Denikin's White Army was a bastion of antisemitism, using "Strike at the Jews and save Russia!" as its motto.[16]"
The true holocaust was killing German civilians in Dresden 13 February 1945      (
submitted by mxcviel to History 2 months ago (+100/-2)
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"What's even more disturbing is that more German civilians were killed under the allied occupation of Germany AFTER the war than during the so-called "Good" war."

seen here: