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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: 113 (+119/-6)
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score: 368


veggy 1 point 1.8 years ago

yup. Seen this in costco off and on over the last few months....(PNW)

The UN says the food runs out in October.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=62ddf229be12e

veggy 11 points 1.8 years ago

yup. can't harvest the organs if you are dead. and they can't give you pain killers/knock you out or it poisons the organs...

there was a Swedish report a few years back and it was horific. based on limited EKG testing, most were fully aware they were being skinned and their organs removed till the shock kicked in.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62daf5e64c158

veggy 0 points 1.8 years ago

This is a subject I am paid very well to monitor. I have been up on this in every possible way and details for about a year.

Long story short. The world is out of food and most of the world currently is coasting on what little reserves there are. October the warehouses start running dry in a major way and the world did not grow enough food, by a long shot, this year.

Stock up for the winter and spring , like your life depends on it. cause it does.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62d73d574a081

veggy 1 point 1.8 years ago

lots of folks are coming around to the idea that ultrasounds have a negative impact on the developing neural pathways of a fetus.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=62d5bdb442264

veggy 2 points 1.8 years ago

If you are young or poor I find you suspect.

Young folks don't have the world experience or life experience to temper their thought process. and anymore I find their education level, suspect.

If you are poor your are a simp or low IQ and absolutely anything you say should never be taken as a reality or even remotely seriously. The world is full of opportunities. Reach for one instead of sitting around.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=62d2f2f48a4b4

veggy 9 points 1.9 years ago

My time to shine.

Somewhere in the early 2000s I worked a tech contract. We were tasked with coming up with data storage solutions for a new DOD program.

This program took every piece of newly digitized data on you (your x.keystore file actually) Which even at that time was considerable.

I mean everything, school records, medical records banking , shopping patterns, travel ects, and then we made little digital "US" of everyone int he USA.

These little avatars were plugged into a AI system on the super computers so the DOD could model future events (fairly standard) but would use real life avatas based on american citizens heuristic profiles. This way they could actually use real world data, with real work heuristics to see how people as individuals and as groups would react in their future events.

and I'm sure this tech has only gotten more granular and more refined since then.

Somewhere there is a little digital "you" being put through the ringer in the simulations, day after day, week after week.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62cec81114555

veggy 2 points 1.9 years ago

there was only ONE japanese internment camp and that was for "registered" enamies of the state (and their families) that had guards.

The other 11 were relocation camps, where japs could come and go as they pleased, store their belongings in gov warehouses, the kids got to go back east to collages....

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=62ce2b1f0a168

veggy 0 points 1.9 years ago


Its already started.

The us has ideological killings of the mass attack kind.
Ideological riots going on in the streets.
A polarization of ideologies that will never be reconciled.

Everyone forgets the first civil war didn't just start one day... There were years of this exact kind of actions and build ups that went on.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=62cd637debe7f

veggy 2 points 1.9 years ago*

you forgot the part on the IQ chart, where they actually bumped up POC's IQ 10 points (late 70's early 80"S) because it was such a bad look and they attributed it to the maul-nutrition that POC's get as little kids...

Fun fact, the IQ doesn't move when you feed them, we have since found out....

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=62caddaa5d055

veggy 4 points 1.9 years ago

7 billion...

hahahaha 2, 40 billion packages and about another 20 billion in various NATO spending packages....

/v/news viewpost?postid=62c88b0870d01

veggy 3 points 1.9 years ago*

Something I follow in detail.

Bloomberg projections say that there will be a 41% drop in home values over the next 28 months in almost all markets.

Housing starts are already down 21% from last year... Mortgage starts are down 38% from last year and dropping about 10-15% monthly now....

Not sure on the foreclosures stats. Won't see that for a few months, but If I remember right, about 35- 40% of all new mortgages or refis in the last 36 months were ARM's. So expect a huge wave of foreclosures incoming...

In my area (a highly sought after resort area in the PNW) Assed values went up again this year about 20%, but real market resale value/listing prices has already dropped 10-15% and in just 90 days We went from almost zero inventory to I counted 48 for sale signs in my town yesterday going in for groceries.

U.S. housing starts fell by 14.4% month-on-month (m/m) to 1.549 million units (annualized) in May, coming in way below market expectations - Ecomonics-td.com
Mortgage demand falls to the lowest level in 22 years - CNBC
Mortgage demand is now roughly half of what it was a year ago, as interest rates move even higher -cnbc
Total mortgage application volume was 52.7% lower last week than the same week one year ago, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s seasonally adjusted index.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=62c86e5466908

veggy 5 points 1.9 years ago*

Some random facts (I have studied this exact issue in great detail)

Per the Heritage or Yale reports, (and California budgeting office) there are 50-80 million illegals in country.

Currently there are 240k a month coming across the southern border of the US per gov numbers. DHS says 3 to 1 or up to 5 to 1 do not make "administrative contacts" and are "get-a-ways" So the real number is about 700k- to a mill a month now are moving across the border.

In Sanctuary cities and states, Illegals can get State ID cards or drivers licenses.

These come with a TIN. This allows illegals full access to all social services and benefits.

many states have programs through government funded NGO's (cali, WASH, maine. to to name a few) that allow non tined illegals to get benefits. And since its a private NGO, no reporting has to happen.

Illegals put much compression on the low end housing market. (those 50-80 million folks have to live somewhere) Cutting out low income americasn (collage kids, part timers min wage folks, etc)

California (the fifth biggest econnomie in the world) spends 1/3 of each yearly budget on "migrant services" Wash spends about 1/7th Imagine what other sanctuary states spend?

Anchor babies bring another adv 5 people along with them through "chain immigration"

The UK immigration report estimated it takes 8 generations for converted illegals or first gen migrant families to get fully off of all types of benefits and be a net positive to a society.

2 and 3rd gen migrants tend to become HIGHLY radicalized (think La-raza or the Muslim fundies)

Lots of spending on illegals gets hidden: Case in point. My state, a very poor state, just had to spend 100 mill on one new school for the "migrants" and staff it with native speaking teachers (who are very expensive) so the kids could learn in their own language and "not be left behind". This came out of the general school budget. Then the rest of us had to pass emergency spending levies to fund the existing schools.

Lots of localities have to have new water systems, expanded fire services, new sewer systems, upgraded power grids to support these folks. This cost taxpayers $$$ in additional local taxes.

This kind of spending is never accounted for.

Illegals don't pay taxes (well about 1/4 of them do) and they all pay use taxes. About 60% of all monies they make, get sent back to their home counties. So trickle down or captured economic processes don't work.

MUCH, MUCH , MUCH higher crime stats across the board...then natives.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62c57e0564501

veggy 4 points 1.9 years ago

show me one safe, progressive , forward moving African run city in all of history.... A place that had at least one well, and one building bigger then a three story mud and dung building and maybe a wheel or two.

Just one, in all of that glorious 100,000 history.

I'm waiting....

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=62c0841b85ad9

veggy 1 point 1.9 years ago

you are glib here I suspect, but boy do you have me thinking about this now in real terms... More primal the human, the more intouch/aligned they are with the reptilian fore-brain. Humans absolutely are motivated by pheromones and such, its how we operated for about 750 thousand years.... interesting indeed.

/v/shitbulls viewpost?postid=62bf27b48abaa

veggy 2 points 1.9 years ago

your local fusion centers in action.....

/v/politics viewpost?postid=62bf3bd8e69ae

veggy 7 points 1.9 years ago

SA is a great example of what happens when whitey is forced out.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=62bf32f5ea095

veggy 6 points 1.9 years ago*

been watching a bunch of dog /police attack body cam/security vids for a contract I am working....

starting to see/understand the profile of a pit about ready to attack.... This was it exactly. I've seen this exact wramp up 70% of the time seconds before an attack now having watched 100's of hours of this.

The slow (happy looking)tail wag, the dazed/glazed look in its eyes, the relaxed but "hunting and alert" body posture, the slow walk/scan for targets. Pits look like they are just walking up to you all happy before they get about a foot away and then they just kick off. Not like regular dogs that bark and growl and defensibly posture.

Also starting to see a real correlation between menstruating women (smell of blood) and that glazed look in a pits eyes right before they attack....

Also brute force does not get them to stop or disengage in any way and usually wramps them up a notch.. (fists, hitting with sticks/boards etc) Tazers have minimal effect, mace has minimal effect once they are going. Stabbing or shooting is the only way to get them to disengage.

/v/shitbulls viewpost?postid=62bf27b48abaa

veggy 5 points 1.9 years ago

all fun and games till that long hair would have gotten sucked up in the brush... then it would have been a whole different vid.

that guy is a dumb ass....

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=62bf2f52a45ac

veggy 0 points 1.9 years ago

talk is, there is something "new" gong around. Highly infectious this time around. Most likly a mutation of some sort .

Rapid tests come back about 50% of the time positive,(and they are already 50% of the time inaccurate) even though the person is obviously infected, so no one is sure if its actually covid. Some docs are thinking its some form of influenza.

/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=62bca7c1d9eea

veggy 3 points 1.9 years ago

hahhahah I've been here a few times. It ALWAYS ends up this way 100% of the time....

wait till you get int he middle of pajet cast system drama...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62b8b051b32a6

veggy 4 points 1.9 years ago

sue them back for their "hate message" Since you identify as muslin and being queer is hateful to the god and prophet.

Turn it right around on them.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62b62c44abdd4

veggy 1 point 1.9 years ago*

nope not a joke. really happened. Like I said, hard to find qualified info on, but it was talked about about three years back or so (right before the pandemic) in some of the tech write-ups.

wow, went looking and ya, looks like they scrubbed this story hard. Only found a few vague references in one of jack Mai's old interviews.... but just about three months ago there was still some info out there as I had looked up this story back then.. No wonder they locked him up.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62b5dba900357

veggy 1 point 1.9 years ago

hard to find info, but try and find info about the ali-baba AI. It was a shopping /ops/JIT management AI for their entire logistics system built on the chinese Q computers.

It went sentient.

The chinese had a REALLY hard time boxing it back up and they aren't sure they actually did.

Its a hell of a story, but hard to find info on...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62b5dba900357

veggy 4 points 1.9 years ago

I'd put 10,000 bucks on the fact she was menstruating. Bears, like sharks can smell that crap 3 miles away. City folks get real offended when you mention this, but its true (and true of all apex predators)

Remember Bear guy? The guy (and gfriend) that was eaten? Quite talk amongst forest service cilvaculture folks was the gal was in full menstruation and thats probably what brought the bear back that night. (and she knew it and thats why she kept trying to leave, but the retard boyfriend had his own agenda)

Source -lived almost my entire life in deep bear country and deal with them almost daily so I have picked up a few things about bears over the years.

/v/bears viewpost?postid=62b48859d6183

veggy 2 points 1.9 years ago

everyone says its just ones and zeros (which is true-ish) but its backed by us Treasury sovereign bond sales (I.E. the petro dollar)

To revalue the US dollar, those bonds need payed off and few new ones issued... fun fact: most countries have stopped buying them in the last few years, the treasury is secretly buying them (against the law BTW)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62acd69eec219