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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 91 (+94/-3)
ccp: 2768 (+2927/-159)
votes given: 633 (+597/-36)
score: 2859

The voters got mad because the sexual deviant they voted for is actually a different kind of sexual deviant. Makes perfect sense.     (www.dailymail.co.uk)

submitted by pickingrinninspittin to Universal 2 weeks ago


"She eventually started wearing dresses and makeup in official appearances, which riled up voters who felt duped because they believed they were voting for a gay cisgender man and not a transgender woman."
Other than talk.lol where are you going to get your daily news and links?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by pickingrinninspittin to AskUpgoat 7 months ago


The sites I've been visiting have either been getting lamer and lamer or have disappeared. Time for a re-fresh.
I was on the fence about the TV adaption of The Last Of Us, until episode 3...     (whatever)

submitted by pickingrinninspittin to whatever 1.3 years ago


Also known as the "The Faggots Are Great, We All Love Faggots" episode.

I knew Nick Offerman was in it and expected him to play his usual gruff stoic man, which of course he did. But I did not expect to have my expectations turned upside down with a homosexual sub-plot. And by sub-plot I mean it's what the episode is all about. It's such blatant and unapologetic agenda pushing that my delicate, sensitive masculine and heterosexual values are still weeping by themselves in a corner.

And by weeping I mean spitting in disgust while turning away in revulsion.

If it was being true to the game then okay fine, whatever. But it's not. Those characters are nothing like that in the game.

That's it. I'm out. This is not entertainment. This is Jew Hollywood propaganda.

Episodes 1 and 2 had played down Joel's agency and made him somewhat subservient to strong(er?) female characters, but it was not overt or excessive and I dared to hope that it was a choice for the character's arc. But by episode 3 not only is Ellie clearly cracking the whip but we got to watch rampant faggotry in all its flaming glory. It makes me want to retch.
Does anyone know what's up with notabug these days?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by pickingrinninspittin to AskUpgoat 1.6 years ago


For the past week or so notabug.io has increasingly been populated with posted links that appear to be random strings of characters. Is the site under attack by bots?
New dentist recommended a sleep study for some issues I had. Now he's recommending a Dental Appliance that costs $3.5K. Scam?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by pickingrinninspittin to AskUpgoat 1.7 years ago


I recently decided to get a new dentist and picked an office that's both nearby and has good on-line reviews. It helped that he's European trained as I'd previously has a Russian dentist that was hands down the best dentist I've ever had. He was also very aggressive when it came to billing my insurance and after a while I got tired of facilitating his scam so got a new dentist.

I went to the new dentist to see if he could help with excessive tooth sensitivity I was having that my current (at that time) dentist was at a loss over. He recommended a sleep study, claiming that sleep apnea could result in grinding my teeth which would in turn contribute to sensitivity. It was only $130 so I went for it.

The results are that I'm not getting a good rest at night and that I have mild sleep apnea. Treatments range from a splint for $600 to a dental appliance that is like a splint but with extra features to keep my jaw from moving (which restricts airflow) for $3.5K, to a CPAP machine.

I'd had a splint before but the thing fell apart after a few months. And besides according to the new dentist a splint would do very little for me. The Dental Appliance seems like the best option but #1. that's a lot of money, and #2 are they actually effective?

I've always been a light sleeper and tend to get 6-7 of sleep a night. I don't feel tired during the day but as the dentist pointed out what seems normal to me may actually be abnormal.

Does anyone have any thoughts on my situation that can provide some context to help me make a decision?
If boobs were on a chick's back instead of her front then girlfriends/wifes wouldn't need to beg for back rubs.     (ShowerThoughts)

submitted by pickingrinninspittin to ShowerThoughts 2.6 years ago


It would make breastfeeding a challenge though.

[edit] And yes I misspelled *wives* in the header. I accept full responsibility for being a doofus.
Hilarious     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by pickingrinninspittin to Niggers 3.0 years ago