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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 91 (+94/-3)
ccp: 2770 (+2929/-159)
votes given: 633 (+597/-36)
score: 2861


Put a MAGA sign there. Problem solved.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663d759cf0d2c

That nigger didn't kill himself. Clear cut case of police homicide if I ever saw one.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663b2eff284c2

Yeah the whole "peace be upon you" thing has always been more of an implied threat than some rando telling you to have a nice day.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6639b85337c08

So if she was 98 lbs and wearing a leather teddy, fishnets, and stilettos it would be okay? 'Course if she looked like that she'd have a boyfriend -- or a pimp -- and wouldn't have to busy herself with attention seeking and virtue signalling.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=66394cd1911c0

Not sure if by "girls" OP means all women or just young women. But assuming he means young women then yes, girls loves them some horses. The reason is because horses are large and powerful and they are, generally, pretty sensitive and empathetic. In short girls imagine their horse as a sort of prince and they fall in love with it. That's assuming the horse isn't a total dick, which happens.

Note though that girls tend to stop riding in their teens. Their interests shift to boys and starting to build a future, which means a home and children. Modern chicks who have been ruined by Marxism think differently, of course, but they usually aren't into horses in the first place so those idiots aren't part of this discussion.

Girls that continue to ride into adulthood have a shift in how they view horses. The romance of horse riding is replaced by the practical aspects of horse ownership. Namely horses are a lot of work and money and these women now have lots of other demands on their time. I have no doubt that they still love horses and riding but gone is the idyllic wistful time spent with Trotter in their pre-teen and teenage years.

To be clear girls generally learn from the start that taking care of a horse is hard work. My point is that what was a labor of love becomes just a lot of work.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6633bee0d71c3

The 'affair' that the drama teacher -- mid-30s, really hot and good looking -- was having with one of her grade 12 students was pretty common knowledge among us kids but nobody really cared much either way. I mean we guys were all a little jealous of course but mostly it was just yeah whatever have a nice life.

At the aftergrad party held at the house of one of the rich kids she was seen gobbling his knob in the sauna every time the door was opened so that someone could go in or out (the lights were off so that people could get naked if they wanted). Again we mostly didn't care. It would have been a miracle if the school staff didn't know about it as well but no one said a word.

Teenage boys getting their worlds rocked by older, experienced women is an honored tradition. Fucking busy bodies these days ruin it for everyone.

/v/SlutWatch viewpost?postid=6631a7fae5943

Clearly it's all the white man's fault. Damn you white bastards!!!!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662e75e565321

We are fortunate that thanks to the tireless efforts of our leaders a hate crime like what takes place in this video is now grounds for lifetime imprisonment. Now instead of only being able to resort to shrill claims of grievous bodily harm, and crying, we can use the full weight of the law -- criminal and moral -- to lock these hate filled NAZIs up for good. It's a good day to be a trans-faggot-nigger in Canada. Bonus if you're also French.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=662d5c38275ec

Misspelling common words is for faggots as well, apparently.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662c2854ecc17

I got such a boner while watching that. Was that wrong, Dr. Finklestein?

/v/funny viewpost?postid=662b854c9623b

Look at the milkers on that little manipulated idiot HUBBA HUBBA!

/v/SoapboxBanhammer viewpost?postid=662ba35adc80c

Yes there is. It's available in bullet or whip.

/v/Diversity viewpost?postid=662977231e7c7

3 in 4 black people can't even read that. So it is therefore clearly intended primarily as an opportunity to further shame white people who can and, as befits their sense of social duty, will read it.

Granted the notion of "pain bias" is a novel charge but given that whites in general and white liberal females, as are frequently seen in drugstores, in particular are willing nay eager for any and all opportunities to flail themselves publicly in a show of social and moral penance. So they read the text while clucking their tongues and thinking of the myriad ways that they have still yet to make it up to the darkies.

Meanwhile the darkies themselves couldn't give a rat's ass about any minor discomfort they might be experiencing in the form of a headache or other aches and pains. The darkie is much more absorbed with pursuing their own interests: such as looting or raping. Making stoopid white people feel guilty is already a given, thanks to the tireless Jews' many works, and they (the niggers) generally don't give it a thought.

/v/Diversity viewpost?postid=662977231e7c7

Why this is described as "hilarious" is a mystery.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6627ad7d4a767

I can count on my fingerless hand -- logging accident -- the number of people I know that are not vaxxed, besides my wife and I. In actuality I can't think of the last time anyone even mentioned CoViD let alone ran from the room screaming if it was brought up.

I don't disagree with the sentiment of OP's graphic but I think society as a whole is over it by now and everyone, regardless of their vax status, just wants to forget about those 'dark times'. It doesn't make the vaxxeed any less stupid for having fallen for the propaganda. My point is only that we have, in general, moved on.

Whether we've learned any lessons from the whole debacle is yet to be seen. But I think not.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6624a28386a48

"You're making a big mistake" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I love how these sovereign citizen types think that can roam around on public roads but are immune to the rules. Build your own roads on your own land and do whatever the fuck you want on them. But no, for some reason they all think that they are 'different' just because they say so and therefore none of the rules apply to them. Self-deluded idiots. Every one. He might as well be calling himself a girl and start squealing about being misgendered, it's the same fucking moronic BS.

I'm not saying anything about the cops and the related traffic laws here BTW. That's a different discussion.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66227b901c89f

The only faith that nigger has is the one that 'commands' him to hightail it off to a new church once he's planted a baby in little miss cotton sock there.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=661d888cac2cf

It's a rather biting condemnation of the whole academic system yet you'd rather paint it in terms of her moral failing, or some such BS. Just because some chicks are whoring themselves out on-line it doesn't mean they all are.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=661cdf6ee2931

If you actually watched the video you'd know that she has 2 children. And then you wouldn't have to make an uninformed comment and waste our time.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=661cdf6ee2931

OP: "I know nothing about the source material but I decided to hate it anyways because my narrow worldview doesn't permit any nuance or room for new experiences."

I'd ask how's that working out for you, but it's pretty obvious.

/v/Series viewpost?postid=661bfb364f860

Ain't no one ever accuse Justine of being a man.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=66173f0c05bea

You may be correct. Though I am somewhat unsure that a girl who would stick a hot barrel down her top has a lot of experience with firearms. Regardless my point is only that her priorities seem to be more about how she looks than about how well she shoots.

/v/owned viewpost?postid=6611635994e4a

I love that for her it's a fashion show above all else. You can give a gun to a chick but you can't make her a trained killer.

/v/owned viewpost?postid=6611635994e4a