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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 125 (+130/-5)
ccp: 204 (+229/-25)
votes given: 92 (+62/-30)
score: 329


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she deleted her acct then came back 24 hours later to apologize. then deleted again once ppl started digging thru her history and pummeling her threads with screenies.

it was beautiful.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6273d67679dc8

not here to win. here for revenge.

/v/ThankHitlerEveryday viewpost?postid=61b107c2cf546

The story has been picked up by more than one source. Another source was some ex-intelligence officer of the US.


/v/politics viewpost?postid=6261f2025efda

Yeah. Hasn't posted in 6 days I believe. There are a few reports with sources that he was killed by Azov Battalion (?).

I Googled those names in his pinned tweet. Pretty crazy shit.

I remember CRP when he was on the come up. All those highly edited videos of him in his office. Then his big fallout with The Gunt. Crazy shit.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=6261f2025efda

Destroying kids is part and parcel of the ideology.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6256f600e1c18

eVerYTHinG iS FaKE anD GAy amIRiTE?

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=62563ba10f38f

I could really give two fucks what happens to bugmen.

What this is designed to do is to get the West to react and put us on similar lockdowns to further put stress on an absolutely abysmal economy. It's next level tactics by Pooh.

/v/China viewpost?postid=6254570d6ebc4

the volunteerforukraine subreddit is an absolute treasure trove of cringe and schadenfreude. I spent an extra long poop on the toilet this morning thumbing through it.

Rope Redditors.

/v/based_satire viewpost?postid=62309433834ee

A report button? Protecting identities here is extremely important. Maybe a slightly larger team to deter people from doxxing. Shit is fucking gay.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=622cfb033d53e

Yeah and sometimes the immune system ends up attacking the body. System should do system things and not leave it up to the free market to handle. If there was a presence here then this kind of shit wouldn't even pop up.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=622cfb033d53e

mods here do nothing. they're useless at this point.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=622cfb033d53e

They don't have everything tho. Not even close. Need to find where online these things are so we can get them posted and saved in one nice place.

/v/Porn viewpost?postid=622a75aba3f79

We need a repository of all these memes in one easy place. The war ones set to music are good too.

/v/Porn viewpost?postid=622a75aba3f79

neolithic 1 point 2.1 years ago

Maybe but wouldn't you put the tape BEHIND the ear?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6226d1fbb420a

How is that any different from what you most likely do lol

/v/WorldPolitics viewpost?postid=62204cca90e98

I miss the days when he and Ralph had their falling out and the shit slinging was pique.

/v/WorldPolitics viewpost?postid=62204cca90e98

>The tactical chatter in Russian media right now


/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=62202420866ca

or nigger. nigger will do.

/v/Soyboys viewpost?postid=6209c0002e964

Normies want and need normal. You need them to need normal. What's the alternative? Tear everything down to Mad Max levels and completely restructure society?

Not buying a couch isn't the same as having government threaten to take your kids away because you refuse to comply.

/v/WhatYouMissed viewpost?postid=62077d5a30b12