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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 253 (+261/-8)
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score: 378

long term effects on males - VAX     (whatever)

submitted by foxtrot45 to whatever 18 hours ago


Anyone have any links on if the VAX effects sperm? Lets say a suitor was to come calling on your daughter, and you want any potential offspring to not be Frankenstein'd etc, I am looking for some sane studies, lets say the conspiracy theory type study links.
Festival of Nations FINISHED     (whatever)

submitted by foxtrot45 to whatever 2 weeks ago


This was the coolest place to go 30 years ago. Danish cream puffs from girls wearing wooden clogs, Russian language lessons, folk dances. All European foods, stalls and events except for 1 or 2 African countries. So they would give you a fake passport, and as you go around trying ethnic foods out and stuff they would stamp your book. Really cool as a kid. The event also had chess masters that would play 1 against ~30 boards set on a bunch of tables in a square. It costed $2 dollars to play. You make your move before the 1 guy comes around, if you stalemate or win you get the pot. Well I checked into this event a few years back and I swear it looked like 90% african countries. So I passed. Just seen this.

wahahaha what a way to run a good thing. Event single handly destroyed by some purple haired freak I bet. Accelerate
Some city in upper midwest     (whatever)

submitted by foxtrot45 to whatever 2 weeks ago


Just had a whole week to do nothing at a hotel in a upper Midwest city. Almost all the white women are old and fat and full of tattoos, 2 white blimps just saw their friends and had a conversation about how they are going to cancun, to two other girls. One of the other two not going to cancun looks like a meth head and the other has a young child, the first normal one I have seen. I have see so many south americans, indians (india) and blacks it makes my skin crawl. All the younger white males are totally out of shape, look stupid, totally unaware and seem like they are totally fine like a frog being boiled with their surroundings and females.
I expect we will accelerate even harder and the us will hit the wall travelling at mach 7 very soon (next couple years)
so buckle up
(zerohedge) boo hoo we got banned by those commies     (whatever)

submitted by foxtrot45 to whatever 2 months ago


"look everyone, twitter banned us, facebook banned sharing our links...boo hoo sob sob (fingers point at musk)" Meanwhile my account at ZH is still banned 3 years later. Fuck those retards and the no coiner retards in the peanut gallery. The amount of hypocrites these days is amazing. I bet ZH is run by jews since they accuse everybody of what they themselfs are doing. Its probably good that I am banned, seems like the vax all over again except with bitcoin. 80% of the comments about BTC are done by those that have zero understanding of how it works. I like a debate myself but only if both sides have a clear understanding of tech.
xurious - heard of him?     (whatever)

submitted by foxtrot45 to whatever 3 months ago


I read a comment about a guy that got kicked off spotify. So I checked it out. Turns out this guy makes great music and used to upload a tune every week. He also got (still) kicked off twatter. A real badge of honor.
Best way to listen on Android --> Install fdroid, from fdroid install pipepipe, pipepipe (a front end for youtube) search xurious, start with the 91 song playlist, turn up the speakers and have a drink.
Found this link in a ZH comment yesterday, thought I would share     (readmultiplex.com)

submitted by foxtrot45 to technology 10 months ago


Lots of holes in this "how to".
It may give you more questions than answers, and for me that is a plus.
Trump equates Uncle as being Idiot     (nitter.net)

submitted by foxtrot45 to politics 11 months ago


Its so tiresome.
Drummer intro I thought was good     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by foxtrot45 to music 11 months ago


Oh Yeah - Medieval Total War - A first for me     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by foxtrot45 to gaming 11 months ago


I just solved the votting proplem; FoxTrot for next presdent     (politics)

submitted by foxtrot45 to politics 1 year ago


I have been thinking about after the phoenix rises, if there is still life on earth the best way to count votes going forward is with bitcoin. Its opensource and can be audited. If there is 10 candidates, they each have are givin a bitcoin like address address. If there are 42 million voters, then each voter gets 2 btc since btc there is only 21M. You give your btc to your choice and the guy with the most btc is the winner.

Something like btc, a clone.
Rules: White male land owners and unmarried white women (no widows o divorcees). No government workers or welfare deadbeats. I understand btc is mined, so something similar without the mining that has multiple servers in sync on a block chain (md5 or whatever). If computer voting machines is not going away, and paper ballets stuffing is never going away.
Eustace Mullins     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by foxtrot45 to books 1 year ago


If you have a long commute to work, or can listen to audio while at work this is for you.

Its been at the top of my list for years, Remember this author put all this info together before the Internet really took off.

The last chapter will tell you what awaits the white man. He is spot on.

Book - The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins (audio book)

There is 2 version of the audio that I know of, this one has music in the background. A great book if your planning on building your own AI for history. So much info in this.
Tourist Attractions brochures at MSP      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by foxtrot45 to whatever 1 year ago


heres another one from North Dakota


White women have found out about black cock.

Women should have never been allowed to voat. I'm moving to Argentina.
Nuke maps are completely wrong, do you agree?     (www.zerohedge.com)

submitted by foxtrot45 to AskUpgoat 1.6 years ago


There are 2 places on the map marked safe areas according to the map colored in by some expert. This area has multiple iron mines nearby, ore docks, grain docks, refinery, pipeline central, huge stockpile of coal, large airport with military base and a ship yard. Its marked as safe, another area is a place that has millions and millions of tons of cargo that pass through, its also marked as safe. But southeast Alaska- red area. Every single nuke map I have seen is completely wrong. Lunatics everywhere. Lets go back to only property owners and men can be allowed to vote.
Who did it?     (www.zerohedge.com)

submitted by foxtrot45 to AskUpgoat 1.6 years ago


2 million tons of steel, even more with concrete wrapped around them, 11 billion in costs for just 1 pipeline, dozens of high priced valves, all the logistics involved.

Its now filling up with sea water. Will Russia retaliate?
Julian Assange was never pardoned, helped drumf get elected     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by foxtrot45 to whatever 1.9 years ago



Blue and Red are the same team, don' forget
hyper-inflation, pay off principal or not     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by foxtrot45 to AskUpgoat 1.9 years ago


If I owe money on some land, and do the minimum monthly payments, should I keep doing the min. or pay it all off if I think we are going into hyper inflation?
My brain says keep doing the min. because the fed may be handing out 10k at a time, my income may go through the statosphere and it will be easy peazy to pay off the principal. I think I might be missing something, it can't be that easy can it?
Colorado School Board Cuts Off Mom     (www.zerohedge.com)

submitted by foxtrot45 to news 2.0 years ago


The usual stuff, but what got me laughing was the next guy, apparently one of the board has the last name goldstien.

coffee everywhere
Who are the Mods at these forums (Not this website)     (whatever)

submitted by foxtrot45 to whatever 2.0 years ago


All I do is return fire and boom, banned or suspended penalty points.
Some idiot says something blah blah blah WW2 because of blah blah blah.
I reply mostly the same except add some truth, boom, mod triggered.

One of the violations-
"Whilst supplying false and misleading information you made a misleading statement about why WW2 started yet failed to support your inferences with any supporting information. As such you "inferred facts" with no link to support your statements in breach of Rule (6)"

I have been banned from from a lot of websites, getting to be like a badge of honor. Banned for talking about the halocoupgh, banned for just trolling which I don't feel like I was trolling since it took zero effort.....

The real kicker is the hypocrisy, its liberal. Poster above says unproven bullshit = no mod punishment, I say some bullshit. boom I get the hammer. lol

World is on fire.
What kind of Nazi's have a Jewish president for a leader?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by foxtrot45 to AskUpgoat 2 years ago


I don't see this being discussed at all. I see Ukraine Nazi fighters (their label), then the Jewish puppet president leading them. They must be Nazi's in name only. It seems like it is time for them to change their old definition Nazi, the one where you get labeled as such for being on the far right, into the new Nazi, fighting for Zion? These ones in Ukraine seem like they just stole a symbol to feel like bad ass rebels having no concept of Mein Kampf. Anyone else notice the lack of discourse about this?
James Mason Interview     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by foxtrot45 to videos 2 years ago


Birthday music - rare 4-20     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by foxtrot45 to music 2 years ago


Joseph Retrostein     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by foxtrot45 to music 2 years ago


Happy Birthday
Post rare Führer vids on his Birthday     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by foxtrot45 to whatever 2 years ago


Say somthing nice on his Birthday     (whatever)

submitted by foxtrot45 to whatever 2 years ago


You are missed
literally every commercial on tv     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by foxtrot45 to funny 2.7 years ago


I got this from whoever uploaded this nice one,
