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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 253 (+261/-8)
ccp: 126 (+136/-10)
votes given: 233 (+204/-29)
score: 379


Amazing, maybe the jews are right and we really are just cattle. All those that made it to this day in OP's video are most likely against everything I value, I bet they are now homeless drug zombies, if not dead from zogbot's army or poor life decisions, I dont carry dead weight or white night, hippies can fuck right off. Why dont you drugged up losers go away, oh wait you already are. Reality will be here once and for all when the dollar is cooked.

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=6637f208e3ab1

Looks to me like jew music with poor morals. Just right for some girl to get impregnated by a mystery drugged up retard. Congrats little Tommy, I don't know who your father was but the band was great, sorry about your autism/retardation I guess being high all day every day is not the best idea when procreating, plus too bad you'll never know who your father is. There was so many during this free wild time. /s

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=6637f208e3ab1

This pisses me off, its misdirection, its a jew tactic, nothing more.

To all of you saying this is a start, or this is good, big F you.

Nazis have nothing to be sorry for. The most lied about man, peoples in history and you are reinforcing that lie. Karma is real.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629058749779

The way it works is like monopoly. The banker has a printer under the table, he prints money when he starts losing or his friend starts losing. He passes money to his friends under the table. That is the simplest explanation of how it all works. That is what your up against. For real. Edit: Thats why btc is cool.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=662790060c8fd

They must be side by side with those Lutherans in Minnesota who brought in and are still bringing in all those Somali's using government money. Its so inspiring. Such diversity, such cultural enrichment, oh my virtual signalling skills need work.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66267f22f0c50

I would weaken everyones IQ with small bit of poison in everday products produced by companies that have tons of pruducts, like soap, bakeware, and preservatives, also I would give away pharmaceuticals while getting insurance companies to pay up. Anything to lower peoples IQ, I would also promote degeneracy STD's for everyone and no girl shall be married unless she is well used up and on meth etc.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66269fa572350

lol, have you seen the visit fargo brochure they sent out to all places where people travel, like MSP airport. Its got a negro and and a white girl sitting at a restraunt. Visit Fargo, North Dakota! Get your white girl.
here: https://files.catbox.moe/6uhd4e.jpg

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662547bdae883

I figured, when I went there it was a weekend I think, when open to public. I didnt know it was a field trip for the schools until I checked on it years later. I really did have a blast with my chess playing friend and family at the time. It was mostly European at the time. No wonder tyrone would chimp out if only African stalls and culture remained while euros pulled out. Here have some human flesh and sand the food of your peoples. lol

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66267f22f0c50

The jews call us goy, I belive that means cattle. From what I have seen, honestly to know ones own faults it looks true. WW1 got brothers fighting brothers becuase of some royal cousins couldnt get along. WW2 gets brothers again to travel 1000's of miles to kill their brothers again this time based on lies. Example 3, most recent Covid. Just like cattle. Lining up. Then the Germans who invent, build, create, dream, sell their ideas plans inventions to the jew, those who dont end up bankrupt and the jew takes again. This is fault or weakness, this is reality, this needs to addressed before progress can ever happen. Too much headwind, actually if covid 2.0 and 3.0 would happen it would clear all the retards out. I hope drumf lands in a prison with the zionist pets, since he loves them so. What a loser. But reality says the cattle think he will really make america great if he has another shot.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=66262172ddd05

You think im going to do something surrounded by narks and cowards such as yourself. Keep your fat butt plug women and their tats, I checked out in 1999, started a life in another place of the world. Have fun wallowing in your shit ya room temp moron.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662547bdae883

more please, the whole thing

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6624b1ceacc8d

Two blacks did the gangster walk entering the free breakfast area yesterday at 6 AM. Loud, obnoxious stuff including the chimping out while trashing the whole area spilling battermix on the floor. Not one white person in the room told them off. Saw a big fat hog with what I assumed was her attractive daughter at a store, towing a little half niglet with king ape at the rear. lol

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662547bdae883

No this city was mostly ethnic German and Norwegian, no finlanders.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662547bdae883

Not Milwaukee, more upper and midwest. A city of ~100k in a place you would not think it has spread to yet.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662547bdae883

I got kicked out 4 years ago for wearing a backpack. I was on foot, it was winter out. I complained to corporate, why should women with purses get a free pass. Fuck the whole thing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66245117369ec

I wish there was more tribute videos being posted.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66235c8e40177

What is going to happen with this generation. Atheiests, sex changes, adoptions/foster care, muliple marriages, faggetry... How does one put that in a tree? I wouldnt really trust ancestry.com For myself I get conflicts on a couple branches, what os nice is if you can download the pages of census, or church records and put that into your own genealogy computer program.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66223d2f1ff5a

Looks like a pro ZionDon operation warp speed orange Julius sticker shop.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6622039747dd8

I think its durian. Its very hard to grow, but if you can do it, it pays very well. Edit: nevermind the tree is too tall to be Durian.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=660ad871b5cfa

ya know I spelled this out for everybody allready. The Curse of Canaan ; Author, Eustace Clarence Mullins

Probably the last chapter or second from last. All spelled out including white mans weakness. He wrote this in the 80's before internet. One of his other books got plagiarized and that book is a famous best seller.

I guess the bottom line is you can only lead a horse to water. It just pisses me off when "Did you hear what they are planning to do?" after a guy has allready told us 40 years ago. Keep drawing lines in the sand, drumf will fix it.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=65e760b22fd02

But im not a reptilian. Please do go on about the VPN's. There is way more you need to do to hide your identity. A new IP doesnt do shit when your browser is blabber mouthing to the server, neither does it help that zerohedge is hosted on googles infrastructure.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e6a3fae6f2f

Pitbull breed is just like a feral black. Chimp out at random. I would never put my face close to that breed. zero trust. Most breeds do not stare back straight into your eyes as your look at them.
In every attack I have seen nobody has put a large stick up its butthole or grabbed its nuts sack, zero choke holds, or at least break its leg like your breaking a small branch with your knee. The amount of retards with this breed is amazing. Not even a finger in the eye socket. If real war ever happens in the states 99% have zero ability to think fast, think kill, and commit. pussies, so many pussies, all they know is get the pew pew gun and act tuff. My dog just got poisoned a week ago along with a few other dogs kept off chains. A Husky type. I suspect I know who did it, but the animal as much fun as he was could not stop running through the whole village killing free range chickens and ducks, chewing cables, digging holes. A very hard breed to train and very disloyal and very unterritorial. Great puller, high energy, happy disposition type breed that you can trust somewhat around your family, but dumb is a understatement. The breed has predator insticts and other domesticated dogs I noticed stayed away from him but not some of the bitches down the road. He was only about 2 years old. I am a animal lover, I plan to get even if I find out who did it. I thought I was going to be stuck with this dog for a long time since I feel he is the safest with me, I fed him, cut his double fur coat to keep him cool, gave him lice killing shampoo often, played with him, even though he is useless for me. Great breed for compainship maybe. Ill stop rambling. Around pitbulls never relax

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=65e69787af9d2