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Member for: 1.7 years

scp: 27 (+30/-3)
ccp: 500 (+518/-18)
votes given: 20 (+20/-0)
score: 527


You must have not worked with jews and certainly never worked with Israelis. I was unlucky on both counts. I knew there was something wrong with them but not couldn't figure out why. When I came here I realized that they hate everyone else and that's why they behave as they do.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629058749779

Exactly. "Oops, silly AI!" is just a cover.

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=6611dfd51aa3f

Proof that the Parasite Class doesn't actually give two shits about the environment. The most effective thing they could do to cut that pollution is on-shore manufacturing to the maximum extent possible in all countries. But then they couldn't do labor and capital arbitrage.

/v/random viewpost?postid=65ff24e6a3f79

More than anything its a testament to the effectiveness of mass media in a generation that had **zero** natural defenses against that propaganda onslaught. The real heros of that generation are the ones who told the gov to fuck off and didn't fight and told the dumb bitches with the white feathers the same.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=65ff17634660e

I'm with them. But for those men that fat fuck's bloodline would have been cannibalized by another tribe long ago. He suffers for those men making life easy enough for a dysgenic like him to be here. Probably miserable.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65fedd0083881

I know you are joking but there's so much recessive genery there that that's like the cat equivalent of green eyes and red hair.

/v/Cats viewpost?postid=65ff1075ad098

With a name like Silver, I applaud her for her behavior. Whether her husband was jewish or not those kids are gonna be so it's great that she's handicapping them with a broken family. Hopefully she didn't homewreck on any Whites.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=65ff1fb24cb0a

Who brought Communism to China? The Jews. They are working in concert to destroy Europeans because it is in both their interests. They have some minor issue as to whether or not the Chinese empire will allow the Jew to be their banking class. That's the entirety of their conflict.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65fec8f370dff

That's like saying cat shit is better than dog shit. I don't want to step in either.

Both are surveillance platforms first and everything a distant additional concern.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=65ff3d917317f

I am inline with the sentiment of the image. But be careful with the Sigma shit. Vox Day is an unprincipled authoritarian douche who seemingly lacks any self-awareness.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=65ff12cbb1232

In most GM autos I've owned or worked on the OnStar system has its own fuse. Pull the fuse. Or, in the vehicles where the OnStar and WiFi share a fuse install a rocker switch. Turn it on only when needed.

/v/random viewpost?postid=65fdf4773e76c

autotic 1 point 1 month ago*

Yup. Lots of guys working on long distance rifle now. Not gonna be field expedient. Let's say you get one from 500 yards -- a pretty impressive shot with most hunting rifles if its moving ... Now what about the other two that just went into high speed pursuit mode?

In Ukraine it has been netting and shotguns and listening for their sound.

Save the rifle for the mobile comms station and operators.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=65f81ff6a7810

Kyocera. They are still Android surveillance devices but at least the battery is removable.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=65f7707e1ec52

Because a Pixel 4 isn't supported by Graphene. But also nobody needs a 6 inch slab of social cancer that is the smartphone.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=65f7707e1ec52

This. Record the calls on your side as well. Fuck any "two party state" horseshit. And when they punish you for defending yourself as a White person you have all of the phone calls for reference. Post them one-by-one to the Internet and make it clear there will be a new one every 24 hours until you get the money you are owed.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65f23803a40e0

I have bad news for you. You got rid of the AI but did nothing to the built-in keylogger in Microsoft OSes.

And to the folks who say use Apple, they have keyloggers too and even OSX either does or soon will scan all of the images on your hard drive under the excuse of "looking for CP".

Linux or *BSD. Almost anything else is no go.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f20821563b1

I mean, until we start hanging these mf-ers for what they have done, it almost seems like so long as you are in good health it'd be a better plan to just fly down to Mexico and take a little hike back over the border and claim you are from, like, Argentina or something?

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=65ef3c3cd0edb

I'm not discounting anything at this point.

But what sort of power generation would be necessary to blast, say, a laser down from orbit with enough energy to start fires? Is it possible for a satellite to collect and store that much power?

I suppose there's always the possibility that the sat is just a reflector also. And the source of that energy is on the surface.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ee401fcd0c4

Rs doing what Rs do. Bigger traitors than even the Dems.

/v/kikes viewpost?postid=65ec512ad8a9a

autotic 1 point 2 months ago

I'm sorry. That sounds horrible.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=65e8e4e760da4

autotic 0 points 2 months ago

It'll happen. There's a git of an open source community developing for running and training your own LLMs. I suppose it'll always run behind the absolute bloody edge of the tech since someone has to pay those scientists but, as usual, the hacker community will have scale advantages and maybe that's enough to overcome not having direct access to the latest GPUs etc.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=65e3d84e90682

autotic 0 points 2 months ago

I'm assuming the 600 trillion is just you exaggerating for effect.

Most of the time when there's at measure temp increase over time its because they moved the measurement station to a heat island or the measurement station was stationary and a heat island developed around it.

/v/random viewpost?postid=65e364254d8dd

autotic 1 point 2 months ago

Don't be a defeatist faggot. You beat them at their own game. Get to the top and then force a gold standard if that's the solution.

/v/Finance viewpost?postid=65e3e0d2c4fd4

autotic 9 points 2 months ago

Running away from it isn't going to accomplish anything. They are coming for us. You think the Amish will fare any better once they decide it is well and truly on?

The best defense is a good offense. Get loaded and displace them.

/v/Finance viewpost?postid=65e3e0d2c4fd4