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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: 2149 (+2305/-156)
ccp: 3012 (+3366/-354)
votes given: 961 (+805/-156)
score: 5161


Owner of:
LocalisedSocialism, Campfire,
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It gets worse - While Russian artillery shell production is estimated to be at about 3million per year now, the west is struggling because, they were relying on China to deliver key components, because can you imagine having some kind of manufacturing base in your economy - gay or what?

This has mixed with new environmental regs that are also limiting production.

What concerns me, is Since the beginning of the war, Russia has developed brand new weapon systems, and shit hot e-war capabilities, meanwhile were still trying to figure out if were planning to upgrade tanks a bit, at some point in the next 5 years

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=66344e35838fb

yeah this counts for most religious txts really.

the talmud one that sticks out, was the one about, if a child under 3 is raped, "tis but a finger in the eye"
it's often presented as an ok to rape babies, so to benefit the peado, but from the context it appears to be about the child, as they will still be considered a virgin for marriage later on, as the entire section is about stuff that can happen to women but they will still be considered virgins.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=661ee5e31f236

It was a full fledged warning shot.

THIS TIME: plenty of notice was given, allies were alowed and enabled to assist Isreal, the barrage lasted for 1 night only.

The part a lot of people are missing, is that if they fired this warning shot, they probably have enough munitions to do the same for 30 days on the trott. Thanks to the long sanctions campaign, Tehran has homebrewed all their tech, which means they are paying for it in the currency they print themselves, and are not beholden to the bank of international settlement either.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=661efe694bdde

Housing costs are gutting the economy like a fish.

City collapse is imminent

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

skill and number of partners are not necessarily the same.
Given her very awkward "sexy talk banter", she probably doesn't have that much experience.

ironic - she was probably a virgin, and the only one he'll ever get close to

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=66068969a326c

They do this in Japan too...
"safest country in the world" - meanwhile there are all sorts of social, economic and work incentives for police to decide a death is suicide and not murder.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66047e4fd3843

sounds like big guy from queens is back on thot patrol

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66047e4fd3843

Should have made a call to the home office - border force first - pretty sure that would have thinned their numbers down

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6600f176bec30

Queueing is a cornerstone of British culture - that is all.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=65fc5e21c4363

I think what boeing are doing might actually be a 10,000 IQ move.

step 1: create a production process where low IQ can put together a plane
step 2: get the 1st generation of General Inteligence robots (who won't be much smarter) to build your planes
step 3: profit

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65fa8c8a7411b

This series predicted Covid - watch it

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=65edc61366ba7

it's a diplomatic street, so plenty of embassies there,
We have one in London, next to Hyde park, and yea you're looking at a 30 second police response, especially now that everything has been hyped by the isreali's doing a genocide, and a fair few people not being ok with that

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65dc307878fad

Consider a 'DARK KITCHEN'

You just rent a commercial kitchen, get listed on delivery apps.
It's a way to start a food place without the overheads and risk of a brick and mortar restaurant but with more scalability than a burger van

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d4bc12144a2

It's because the entire circus is entirely controlled by the media.

A good example of this is the fact that Tony Blair, former pm of the UK, flew to Australia to brief Rupert Murdoch about the war in Iraq, before his own cabinet.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=65b7b1334f8bd

It's TAX...

A large scale tax strike will end the government practically overnight.

The critical mass is different depending on nation, but this will without fail, kill shot ANY government

The issue is the implementation and organisation

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=65b7bfdaa0037

2 nukes would be enough to bring in total and permanent martial law and end all freedoms forever.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65b5ecb29bfe8

Lefty war propaganda.

The premise of Ukraine is "If we don't stop Putin now, he will take more land in Europe"

It's such garbage.

If it was going to happen it would have.

Europ will be fucked if Russia invaded. We know the government is not on our side. Whomever has the lowest tax and less involvement in my life would get my support - that's highly unlikely to be the wef puppet davos lot

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=65b610a9c6cfb

Don't even need war, understand we are 2 nuclear bombs away from total and permanent martial law, with zero freedom

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=65b5e88817a2d

It's funny cos it's true,

In another thread he was waxing lyrical about how HE doesn't need to fuck his wife, but she's still happy

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=65b39335b319e

Look at it this way - who would you rather have total ownership of your data, your own government, or a government of a country thousands of miles away whose land you will never set foot on?

I once had a Huawei phone - I downloaded every piece of Chinese spyware I could from the Huawei store (like android store - but less safe).

Had bullshit incident with the police (#enemyofthestate) - entire case fell through because as soon as the plugged my phone into the police computer, it crashed their system. They reset and tried again, it crashed again, they tried a different system to try to just clone the phone and apparently the phone took over the system and started generating enough suspicious network activity they had to shut the thing down...

My shit eating grin when I'm telling the senior (and very upset) police officer that I downloaded every app on that phone in good faith

His shit eating grin when he told me I'm not going to get my phone back

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=65b39335b319e

Generally speaking - the more power that is localised the better.

I mean maybe not quite as extreme as the degree to which power has been localised in the UK where the most powerful structure of state is basically the weirdos and fuddy Duddy's that sit on the local parish planning committee

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=65b3cb32a477f

We went into Ukraine to teach the Russians a lesson that they can't just go about annexing land when they feel, or have been outmanoeuvred by the CIA, and we have taught them this lesson.

However the Russians have also taught us a lesson,'You cannot win a ground war against Russia' and make no mistake, it's not for a lack of NATO trying or NATO SF boots on the ground

/v/War viewpost?postid=65b20c8237d42

100% agree, while I do feel there is something to be said at drawing the line at incitement, especially incitement of violence, but there are a lot of over zealous charging decisions.

Used to be, there would initially be a legit friendly chat from a local officer before any arrests or charges were pushed.

And I say this as someone with a criminal record for a bullshit 'incitement of violence through words or writing' which I accepted a caution for, in exchange for not having to face a full charge for the same with 'racially aggravated' tagged on.

/v/UnitedKingdom viewpost?postid=65b2083fa34da