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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: 143 (+147/-4)
ccp: 371 (+377/-6)
votes given: 194 (+192/-2)
score: 514


Good on you.

I like the spirirt of this thread but, like you say, a lot of it will come down to the personal preferences of your family members.

E.g., I'm too tall to have the feet of my bedspread tucked in. Having the sides tucked in also feels constrictive but just discomfortable rather than painful. Stacks of pillows are just useless clutter to me--when visiting, I store all but the one I'm going to use on the floor. I'm not going to remember the colors on the walls *or* on the bed. You don't have to impress me but the way to do so via bedding comfort would be with memory foam or Sleep Number tech. I probably would remember the four-poster. I'd rather install a heat/energy recovery ventilator than open windows in winter. Etc.

Some of the vacuum / baking soda tricks sound neat.

/v/TraditionalWives viewpost?postid=6404c49b1e2e4


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63e3b8ed20398

No. This country was built by skilled labor. Domesticated animals had a very small role. You ever heard of an ox out plowing a field under it's own initiative?

If niggers want reparations, they should take it up with the jews.

/v/JewMedia viewpost?postid=63dfe870eceb4

Whites are God's chosen people. This is why jews pretend to be White.

ProTip: If anyone has some holy book that would dispute the fact that God loves White people, there's either something wrong with the book or with the one interpreting it.

/v/Christian viewpost?postid=63b998384d4f1

> the other day i wanted to learn

I hope you mean "start learning". You can get a good start by spending a couple hours working through a guide/tutorial. If you actually want to learn it, though, you're going to want to dedicate at least an hour or two per week over several weeks.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=637f5f3a0f06a

🤣 Congratulations! You now thoroughly understand what it's like to be a JS dev.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=637f5f3a0f06a

> I wish we would've let the government kill you

Modern threats 😅

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6358a9f310249

Are you saying hospitals should be more protected from frivolous accusations of malpractice or that hospitals are generally guilty of malpractice and don't want to be found out?

/v/UnitedKingdom viewpost?postid=63449b07153fb

Was about to post with exact same headline (+ exclamation point). Ya beat me to it.

/v/NiggerCulture viewpost?postid=63370ff37b121

> A w!ndmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.”

Even with depopulation, it'd still be more efficient to just directly use whatever 'dirty' energy you wasted on the windmill. Of those who understand this, and still push for windmills, I could think of two explanations:

1) They don't care about efficiency. They want to prey on ignorance and use it to direct funds/resources to their fiefdoms/constituents. If their political allies are more able to work with steel and don't have a access to an oil-field, it's going to be the windmill. Again, those people *could* build a coal plant but if you offer them money for a windmill, they'll take that over nothing.

2) They hope that by 'investing' in 'green' 'tech', they can advance the state of the art itself. They're hoping to build supply chains and economies of scale and get more brains working on related problems to eventually 'level the playing field' and develop the currently-less-mature industries into something more competitive.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6330a2eecf4d4

One of the best set of fifty Venezuelans ever spent.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=63271fde5bf8d

I've had some thoughts about a blockchain-based bounty program. I'm not quite satisfied with how the oracle would work to accept proof of earning the bounty but... Let's say you wanted Bill Gates to have a cream pie thrown into his face. You would be able to put e.g., $5 worth of crypto into a designated pool to make that happen. As others chip in, the pool grows until there's e.g., a $1,000,000 reward. Then people could e.g., place bets on exactly when Gates' face would be pied. Once news of the pieing spikes, the smart-contract would automatically award the pool to whichever wallet address was associated with the closest guess.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=6325a5fff1270

May need to clarify that the clips on the right are all examples of leftist violence. Otherwise, all of the ignoramuses watching will assume those clips prove creepy Joe's points instead of contradicting them.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6325b0ebbffd2

Cool story bro. You should check out Hephaestus/Vulcan.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=632238b99917d

Was he stroking out at the end there? Half his face went wonky. From the stress? From not being included in the control/placebo group? Just video encoding issues?

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=632238b99917d

Some of these AI/ML -assisted artworks are quite creative.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6321de9037fd7

What does `R: 18 / I: 8` mean?

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=6320fe1f72303

Hrm. I might regret this, but I feel like I can trust you.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6320af46d6a4f

Self-returning Aldi carts FTW.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=631f449749cc4

There. That settles the bet: bears only require a 6 gorrilionth of a heart beat per decade. Now you go--er, guys that is--owe me some shekels.

/v/bears viewpost?postid=6318deaf67321

Ducks: ocrapocrapocrapocrap there's a giant chasing us! Crap he almost got me--better pour on the juice. Oh! There's some water here and nothing much going on... Let's rest here a moment before we get back to whatever it was that we were doing. 😄

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=6316767483057

Did they really lose £74,000,000 over the exchange?

If so, that drone either:

\* Sucks at evasion/maneuverabilty/being-useful-from-altitude/defense/general-self-preservation


\* Is way too expensive for what they got

Maybe both?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6316f56ba7c63

On the one hand I sympathize. I wouldn't want my area to start turning into LA or have people that won't learn the local language or understand what went in to making the area attractive to them.

On the other hand, to the degree they're allies, having people around with high-paying remote jobs is a good thing. It means they're going to bring lots of useful material (nice hand-me-downs) and jobs (more money seeking the best chefs, au pairs, carpenters, etc.) into the region. It's one thing to have low-IQ feeders moving in and a different thing to have white people moving in.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=6316cf7b9b95d