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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 443 (+455/-12)
ccp: 1264 (+1284/-20)
votes given: 810 (+676/-134)
score: 1707


I like the life rune, it looks like a tree.

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=6638c05139c27

Always mixed on Christ; as a symbol he enrages the jew so much that it seems worth something, yet the shit about always being helpful or sacrificing stuff needs to die.

The sin thing isn't quite true universally because the whole point is that it was all forgiven already (guessing some subverted denominations forgot that part...). The critical ideological line is whether people are considered to owe the world something (socialism and cuckoldry) or are free to create for themselves.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=6637486126ce8

300 niggers?!

That's as many as 150 double niggers.

/v/UnitedKingdom viewpost?postid=66352bcf4bb49

When he understood the purebloods were right, the turnaround posts actually made a critical point - at first he attacked based on having no possible way to know, but then asked to know exactly how we took equal amounts of conflicting information and decided which was correct.

Of course we know the lying jew media position is a lie, a powerful filter which works Every Single Time even if the holes in the narrative aren't considered enough (by some) to reject it. The trouble with just telling him that is he'll apply the 2000s to it notice that it's an ad hominem fallacy in the pure logic sense, yet the trouble with ad hominem being considered always a fallacy is that jew media actually can be trusted to lie.

It's so mentally liberating knowing that particular sources always lie, like a shortcut to avoid the critical thinking burden. It doesn't always mean the direct inversion is true because the lie could be strawman or omission, but I'll take it!

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6635a5732cffb

I can believe 100% that the old sign only warned about death, but people only stopped touching wires when a $200 fine was added.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=662f2cee22342

Not long ago, Scott Adams was ranting about purebloods and demanding to know how we filtered out which of the contradictory information was wrong.

Of course the answer is to assume anything said by jews or jew media is wrong, but at the time he would have sensed that as a logical fallacy, which it actually is.

Logical is not the same as reasonable, though! It may be illogical ad hominem to state "jew, therefore lying", but that doesn't make it unreasonable.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=662ba44b9c811

They're totally still mad about 2016, and probably scared that the red boot is also going to do a ballot harvesting this time.

They could present legit cases not to vote for orange man, but instead it's maximum lawfare. It'd be great to see a leftist parasite actually make a good point such as a vote for MIGA being a vote for jew cock in your mouth.

He's such a brilliant distraction / retard magnet.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=66292c7c5f1ff

Very interesting if real - what forced (((medicine))) was being pushed in 1866?

I honestly didn't think to consider/check whether a 2020 has been attempted before.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66291a9380542

Experts are lying jews though. Either the experts are dirty lying jews, or the military gains yet another recruitment problem.

I'd have thought the jews would have preferred more goy souls dying for assrael rather than adding new ways to avoid that via new misconduct rules.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629154674021

Good move, Games Wokeshop is going to crash.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66284e8e23752

England: Mostly by ignoring dumb rules/laws, especially industry/business regulations which affect how things have operated for centuries.

Speech is basically the same as every other time throughout history - rules don't matter and you need to publish as anonymous/pseudonym to expose stuff or embarrass the state, that's been true for millenia now.

Guns are supposed to have checks that they're stored securely and the owner didn't post anything based on social media, but it doesn't change the fact that holding a gun gives you the right to hold a gun.

The war on independence takes the form of "IR35", a tax class aimed at contractors and applied if they are "disguised employees" (deliberately vague). Dumb businesses (i.e. most of them) don't even try to determine if IR35 doesn't apply, presume it does to cover themselves, and end up fucked out of skilled work because they can't pay good contractors the massive amount needed to offset the IR35 theft. Smart businesses ignore it and note that the crown has almost never won a IR35 case.

There were more eyes on the government around the time Treason May was failing to withdraw from the European Union, but now very few care who's in office or what they say, it's not going to affect anything. Nobody ever took Boris seriously, although he generated a good few amusing TV moments. Actually it would have been great with Liz Truss as PM, but I'm 99% sure she was shit-canned backstage because she started to roll back IR35. The word of whoever it is now matters just as much as with any muslim londoner (but I repeat myself), which is zero.

Noting that london isn't england, there aren't really that many problems due to "rights". Most people elsewhere are white and therefore not inhibited much by lack of rights due to not being mad nigger apes in the first place. Moreover, dumb shit gets ignored. Also helps that inflation isn't skyrocketing, e.g. fuel has been steady for a while now.

Also the TV-license-paying generation is really old now, nobody watches TV.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6623c0a73c256

London and Malmö are mostly muslim, so of course they're high on the list, at least under the modern jew definition of a semite.

Would be cool to see the actual measure and disparity there, i.e. not much disparity means there are dozens more places almost as good.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66239ac5b1df1

Gook propaganda from a failing state trying to appear strong

/v/Space viewpost?postid=66236fa1e052f

Various jew bloggers over the last decade have been claiming that children of (((survivers))) somehow also inherit the same memory, and thus are hereditary victims to whom Germany owes something.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6621f9bb12b01

I like the schadenfreude in how everyone who rushed to submit proof of their blood-rape years ago can't now withdraw the proof.

I wonder whether we reach a point where people will actually have to prove they are purebloods before doing particular jobs or sports...

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=661b091e5969b

A vote for Microsoft is a vote for pajeets! I bet the ads are for curry.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6619dde59d856

Tip for anyone actually doing cheap shoddy vodka - put it through a water filter a few times, makes it marginally smoother.

Mixing filtered cheap vodka can mask its crapness some more and make a mid cocktail.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6617b6382a4c0

I'm thinking through what to say/do with people when everyone thinks every cough or sneeze is the new election flu and the electric jew has scared them into submission.

That was really the main consideration, how one mostly unwanted federation has to ruin everything just so that people with no actual democratic integrity can pretend to vote.

/v/DumpsterFireAmerica viewpost?postid=6615fd5f301fc

Despite what anyone says, be it progressive drivel or a court ruling, there will still always be both a social and legal demand for a word which means the real one.

Obviously that word therefore might as well be woman, otherwise the cost imposed to require different words should justify the "benefit". Difficult when the latter is nothing but feeding a stupid fetish.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=6614b24603505

John Goodman really made that movie the masterpiece it is!


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661234bfe2e91

White teenagers can tell the time.

The nigger teenagers can't tell the time, analogue nor digital, nor understand the notion of time, nor of numbers, nor reading words and numbers.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=661232c93a9c0

I put the shekel niggers along with the other niggers (sand, curry, swamp, the plain ones, etc).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6612447981755

Also has really misshapen jew teeth!

I remember having a dental check-up which followed months of jew identification practice, and a slideshow on the wall had before/after pictures of teeth corrections which I could see were all of jews. Couldn't find a whitey with teeth bad enough to be an example!

/v/pics viewpost?postid=660fa85f685b4

It's basically standard in Italy, almost like a friendly courtesy honk, great for road network flow.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=66092da99ed20

Was going to say, that describes almost the entire party!

Need recognition means for non-shills, at the moment that looks like "answers to the name Kari Lake". That recording with resigned soft cock socialist Jeff DeWit really captured what that party is about.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6609064f90514