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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 443 (+455/-12)
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score: 1707

Democracy is stupid even if done reasonably, but USA cannot even do that much     (DumpsterFireAmerica)

submitted by SithEmpire to DumpsterFireAmerica 4 weeks ago


Democracy isn't required to run a country, nor was USA founded with democracy in mind. It's also gay because a slim majority becomes the tyrant.

Now these days when USA wants to do a democracy, the entire world has to have a fake infection because the excuse for mail ballots wouldn't "work" if the election season sniffles magically only affected USA.

Then, what does all the trouble buy us? Comically fraudulent elections where both sides are just going to try to print more votes than the other side, as if achieving that makes them more qualified somehow. Absolute mockery!

That's what USA has, a "demockracy". Votes don't actually represent choices, printer go brrrr for nothing of value, it just needs to print more than the other lot.
Implement HTTP+NIGGER, a new protocol modifier I just invented     (IdeasForTalk)

submitted by SithEmpire to IdeasForTalk 1 month ago


Inspiration: The [+NIGGER license modifier](https://plusnigger.org/).

Because HTTP can have any custom headers, I figured why let license modifiers have all the fun, go for a *protocol modifier*!

Clients and servers implementing the HTTP+NIGGER protocol SHOULD include an extra HTTP header called nigger. Because most HTTP hosts don't give a fuck about uppercase and lowercase in the header key name, the case is unspecified.

The header value is also unspecified, but MAY be "NIGGER". If a client uses plain HTTP without the nigger header, the server MAY use the header value "FAGGOT". If a client sets the nigger header value to "N", the server MAY respond with nigger header value "I". Servers are encouraged to implement interesting nigger header responses depending on the client nigger header.

Example client HTTP+NIGGER request headers:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: www.voat.xyz
Nigger: NIGGER
User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
Accept: */*

Example server HTTP+NIGGER response headers:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Nigger: NIGGER
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

A client may also specify the HTTP+NIGGER protocol explicitly, such as HTTP/1.1+NIGGER, in which case it MUST include a nigger header. A server which receives a HTTP+NIGGER request without a nigger header SHOULD respond with HTTP+NIGGER error 444, which MAY include the text "Did Not Say Nigger".
Idea: Anyone who thinks Earth is overpopulated should have to declare their maximum limit then commit sudoku in ascending order.     (whatever)

submitted by SithEmpire to whatever 3 months ago


That way, as the candidate set reduces itself it lowers the world population, while their agreed maximum also gradually rises. The low numbers go first, then if we need more reduction we move on to the middling numbers, sort of like an hero auction.

Eventually either the population drops below the amount those remaining people are willing to accept, or we run out of complainers. Problem solved, or at least concluded.

Mouthed off about population and find yourself called upon to volunteer? Raise your limit if you want to live, remove it and shut the fuck up, or stand by it and cobain yourself.

There's probably a really interesting game theory question in there somewhere, but it's at least a good thought experiment.
If new york is full of rabbi holes, the vermin needs to be purged.     (whatever)

submitted by SithEmpire to whatever 4 months ago


It is like an infestation in every way. Rabbits are also rodents and have rodent behaviour, always tunneling around and under buildings.

If the floor starts speaking yid, it is time to gas the vermin out. Either that or just start filling it in, although admittedly these rabbi holes will need one massive volume of building material better used elsewhere.
Always remember that the White Human is a literal endangered species in need of conservation efforts     (WakeUpWhitePeople)

submitted by SithEmpire to WakeUpWhitePeople 4 months ago


It's a qualitative matter, but take a moment to read about a few endangered species, especially the contributing factors and conservation efforts.

Habitat destruction is a major factor. Others include food supply, poisoning, and direct attacks which take various forms depending on species (poaching, for example). A couple of those also apply to china and nigger africa, but those species aren't low population, whereas all apply to the low population White Human.

Anyone who invokes "Human population" to argue something which would be false if changed to "White Human population" can be called genocidally unscientific in hiding that endangerment. The genetic divergence between the White Human and niggers is a measurable number far higher than with many recognised animal sub-species.

Anyone who attacks the White Human, either physically or ideologically via jew phrases such as the supremacy buzzword, is doing worse to an endangered species than acts which conservation efforts seek to make temporarily illegal. Speaking of conservation, species less endangered than the White Human are given protected habitats and breeding programs, many now considered recovered and closed as successful.

It isn't supremacy, and remember not to omit "Human". It is White Human conservation and survival.
What is the difference between Santa and the jew?     (jewJokes)

submitted by SithEmpire to jewJokes 9 months ago


Santa goes *down* the chimney!
What do you call a jew pokemon? Pika-jew!     (jewJokes)

submitted by SithEmpire to jewJokes 10 months ago


What do you call a jew pokemon trainer?

How did nigger become the worst word to say?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by SithEmpire to AskUpgoat 1 year ago


The purpose of asking is to consider and capture the essence of what makes a forbidden word, and if possible, design the most offensive word in the world.

Nigger is great, which we can see every time the jew media is forced to refer to it and has to say "n-word". Niggers call niggers niggers all the time though, so it cannot be *that* bad. I want something which even a uppity nigger would not dare speak.

Fuck and cunt can be heard at many businesses so those no longer meet the standard.
All White Western countries should implement rolling "black-outs", where each area takes turns to throw all the blacks out.     (whatever)

submitted by SithEmpire to whatever 1.7 years ago


The result will be improved energy efficiency on an unimaginable scale, just think of all the reduced infrastructure burden.
Whoever keeps using the James Webb telescope to image galaxies and nebulae should fuck off and let the real researchers focus on exoplanets.     (whatever)

submitted by SithEmpire to whatever 1.8 years ago


We don't need deep field stuff with over 9000 galaxies in one image when we aren't even interstellar yet, let alone intergalactic.

Most nebulae look much the same, and none are of any use.

Space fully deserves its fake and/or gay status until we can get an actual generation ship flying to an actual habitable exoplanet. Identifying them is difficult because the orbit has to pass by its star for back-lighting, which says to me that all of its time should go into locating new candidate exoplanets, with priority access when such a passage occurs.

With a definitive destination, I am 100% sure that an actual voyage is possible (the first step is never submitting to pessimism). I would go, even if my purpose was just to produce and educate the next generation during the flight, because it feels natural to have the forefront of humanity in mind.
How many of us are Purebloods now solely due to contradicting the jew?     (Purebloods)

submitted by SithEmpire to Purebloods 1.8 years ago


That is to say, foregoing direct logic and actual effort to research the issue, but avoiding blood-rape only because the jew media said to get yourself raped, therefore not doing so.

I still think that critical thinking has its place/time, but for the most part, just contradicting the jew is enough to stay safe. It takes such a massive burden off the mind, and saves so much thought power for enjoyable pursuits.

I would go so far as to say it isn't even an ad hominem fallacy. After all, it really is Every Single Time. The jew always lies deliberately. Even if speaking in some context where telling a lie would be totally senseless and not actually benefit the jew at all, it STILL has a chronic and unavoidable impulse to tell a lie. At that point, "jew, therefore wrong" follows logically.

I remember Scott Adams eventually conceded that vaxecution was occurring, although his comment was combative, demanding people not act as if somehow they knew or deduced it. Within the narrow scope of (((available information))) he was correct. The trick was to ignore it entirely and just don't do whatever a jew says to do.

I might combine that concept with a similar essay I have in mind regarding the whole slippery slope thing. The basic concept is that the so-called fallacy is beside the point. The point is that the slope *could* happen if not prevented at the start, the cost multiplied by the risk is too great, therefore by Slippery Slope Theory it should be prevented.

Empiricism is fun.
UTF-16 has been nothing but a 30-year mistake which blights the entire Unicode text system.     (programming)

submitted by SithEmpire to programming 1.8 years ago


Standard ASCII is one byte per character, ending at 0x7F, which gives just about enough space for control bytes, spaces, punctuation and uppercase/lowercase Latin.

Extended ASCII uses the upper half to include some accented letters, and there have been attempts to use dreaded "code pages" for switching alphabet entirely, but Unicode is the proper international solution... in return for accepting that the character encoding is no longer one byte each, and moreover may be variable width.

UTF-8 is proudly variable-width, matching ASCII in most documents while using only those upper half byte values to encode non-ASCII, a robust system which reduces impact when an unaware program reads it as ASCII. The variable width is an issue for a few types of program such as word processors, though most operations (copying, sorting, searching) need not care.

Then some butthurt happened in the early 1990s, and someone just *had* to insist on fixed byte width, and out popped UTF-16. Two bytes per character, costing a load of extra storage for most files, and absolutely no plan for what happens when we reach 0xFFFF. Java, C# and JavaScript all signed up to it for their fixed width string storage.

The Unicode character space started getting flooded with every alphabet in existence with all the durka durkas and the ching chang chongs, and symbols for mathematics, music and such. It looks to me that they got up to 0xD000 before admitting that it is going to run dry.

The solution? Reserve 0xD800 to 0xDFFF... for using pairs of characters in that range to represent 0x10000 and above. So, a variable width encoding.

This is indeed literally as retarded as having to use a gas-powered generator to recharge an electric car.

Even worse, the UTF-8 system could store Unicode up to 0x7FFFFFFF, but that UTF-16 extension only takes it up to 0x10FFFF, and now Unicode itself specifies 0x10FFFF as the limit just to appease UTF-16.

UTF-16 has fucked everything up for zero benefit in return. Even C++ has an entire wide-string type and string library suite for it which is widely known as a massive trap to avoid and put UTF-8 bytes inside normal strings instead. Windows purports to use wide-strings for files, but it is broken.

Python (a.k.a. programming for niggers) 2 tried to "help" with Unicode in the same way that cats "help" ensure that everything is knocked successfully onto the floor. Python 3 sort of behaves itself, while in the background it insists that if a single string character would be multi-byte in UTF-8 then the entire fucking string gets converted to a fixed width encoding big enough for that. Actually that is really a different manifestation of insistence on fixed width rather than UTF-16 specifically, but that type of thinking is still the problem.

UTF-16 must be destroyed.
"Sudden adult death syndrome" is the most jewed name for vaxecution imaginable.     (DeathVax19)

submitted by SithEmpire to DeathVax19 1.9 years ago


Imagine that text being recorded as a cause of death, literally just saying that the death was due to dying. Death was the cause of itself, a statement so small and circular that its speaker probably wears it as a hat.

"Sudden" and "adult" are just meta data, no more useful than an arbitrary opinion about the event.

"Syndrome" means concurrent factors. It is bad enough that some disorders get called a syndrome despite being a single phenomenon, but this one has no actual listed conditions or events contributing to it.

I think it will be used to cover up direct assassinations, if it hasn't already. Death was the cause of death, meanwhile the bullet entries had nothing to do with it.
Is there any decisive criticism against using UTF-8 everywhere as standard?     (programming)

submitted by SithEmpire to programming 2.0 years ago


Infogalactic has UTF-8 at accounting for 85% of websites in 2015, and Wikipedia claims 98% presently. The latter whores itself out and has no criticism of UTF-8 at all, and the former only really covers the obvious points about some operations being mildly less convenient with variable-width encoding and sometimes using 3 bytes instead of 2 for an asian glyph. Everyone recommends it as a standard, even Microsoft.

I have no direct problem supporting UTF-8 and running tests against UTF-8 input and those icon characters it has, but its dominance has me very suspicious. If it has the blessing of that much of the world, that must include communists and degenerates. This almost never happens unless it's a format lock-in to secure future compliance of the developer, or incur royalties if a piece of a program happens to be able to encode it (MP3 is that way).

I don't doubt its usefulness, I just get concerned at the lack of anyone presenting any real contrary position at all. Is my suspicion unfounded, or does UTF-8 have some deep rabbit-hole beneath the surface?
Vehicular honking is an excellent counter for the way that old-media operates.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by SithEmpire to TellUpgoat 2.3 years ago


I noticed the posts with the NPC TV-watchers complaining about not being able to hear the TV over the honks and wanting to kill themselves.

Old-media hates this intensely because it *needs* either to misrepresent support numbers (remember Zion Don's inauguration?) or just omit to report at all. Honk loudly enough and the NPC can neither deny the event nor hear any further TV lies. Any loud noises would work here, but honking in particular has brilliant memetic implications, especially if some of those truckers are also bringing actual clown honks.

It also pushed that faggot Trudeau into lying publicly then having to memory-hole that and flee immediately after, two things it *really* did not want to do. That is power.
If someone invents a counter-therapy which reverses the clot shot, the product should be named Control-Z.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by SithEmpire to TellUpgoat 2.3 years ago


Messed up like a retarded sheep? Control-Z your low IQ monkey blunder for the low price of one "I am sorry, I was wrong and you were right".

No idea how it would be done, nor whether it would be a good idea to contradict an otherwise Darwinian outcome, though at least it would be impossible to get without admitting fault. Hopefully the shame would be too much to endure for the ones who need to be culled most.
Modern science is corrupt and villainous     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by SithEmpire to TellUpgoat 2.3 years ago


Edit: Pressed submit accidentally.

I just read the thing about more scientists creating more viruses. There is no way these shitbags don't know they are being villainous deliberately.

We had cars, then aircraft, then aircraft with weapons, then aircraft with nukes, satellites, moon-rockets, space stations, RC cars on Mars... Then fuck-all else of value for like 20 years.

Science sucks now.
Python is horseshit and Guido van Rossum is a nigger-loving nigger.     (programming)

submitted by SithEmpire to programming 2.5 years ago


All of my contact with Python is to fix broken stuff, where most of the time the fix is to start over with a better platform. Every time I end up having to use it, I find new failures in its design which are even more mentally retarded than the time before.

Reliance on white space is colossally retarded and it imposes the need for a `pass` keyword. Anyone who thinks it is possible to force programmers into writing legible code that way is a colossal retard.

Like most pretentious garbage it changes many classic reserved words, just enough that the number of complainers does not rise above half the users. `throw` is `raise`, `catch` is `except`, `null` is `None`, `true` is `True`, `false` is `False`. So much for keeping to a lowercase style when you can use capitals just because those are constants rather than keywords.

Inconsistently, it retains `==`, `!=` and `^` but changes `&&` to `and`, `||` to `or` and `!` to `not`.

Despite being popular for data processing, it cannot thread. It has something *called* threads, but this is only useful for I/O, because its "global interpreter lock" fundamentally can only run one line at any time. The autistically screeched response is to run extra processes, but its attempt at shared memory is also total ass. All the data popularity comes from being a front end to NumPy, which is written in C.

Lambdas? Only if the result can be written in one expression, no statements allowed.

Class constructor? Some nigger decided to name that `__init__`.

Anonymous object? It was supposed to work but doesn't, but you can `import types` and use `types.SimpleNamespace` instead, that works. Unless you want methods with statements in, then you need to use `def` and pass in all scope variables.

No pre-increment or post-increment. `+=` works, but you can't use it within a comparison test, because fuck you.

No `switch`, get used to `elif` nigger.

No do-while, make a flag or copy the fucking loop code.

No labels for `continue` and `break`, no numeric argument option, not even a fall-back `goto`. Guido himself said that this type of code is too complicated, by which he means he is too retarded to understand it, so fuck off and make a load of complicated flags and tests instead.

It doesn't even have the `===` operator like other languages with dynamic types, you have to test the types yourself... using `__class__` like a nigger.

No `static` keyword, but you can make a static method if you put `@staticmethod` on the line before. Genius.

You can have the ternary operator, but you have to put the test condition in the middle instead of at the front. Also `if` and `else` are reused for doing that, just in case you missed having a horizontal scroll bar.

That much is only what I have learned while otherwise trying to avoid Python.

Idea: Take the word "kosher" from them and change it to mean "jew-free".     (whatever)

submitted by SithEmpire to whatever 2.6 years ago


For example, "that search engine is kosher" would mean that the website is not run by jews. All those value-added food products with the jew mark would not be kosher, while local produce is no problem (jews don't produce things, if somehow you weren't aware).

Admittedly it would be difficult to engineer and I am not immediately sure how best to start working it into that form of use. Mainly I figured that using their weapons against them would be good, and the more butthurt they are about losing that particular word, the better.

After all, if everything is jewed to the point of being taboo to say it directly, surely you can just change "everything is jewed" to "nothing is kosher". By the same taboo mechanism, nobody can contradict you when your protest is that nothing is kosher any more.
If security at the southern U.S. border is so bad, what is there to stop people from going out to hunt illegals or place explosives?     (whatever)

submitted by SithEmpire to whatever 2.6 years ago


Especially if you are able to record it and post the video online. The only way that this would be infeasible is through differential enforcement of some rule against it versus the entry rules being breached. If all the wall money instead funded a bounty pot, the problem would be solved long ago.

Is there even any such rule? The most I can imagine is that taking a few snipes technically is a form of exporting munitions,
Keep devising new catchy insults for any leftist or totalitarian horseshit.     (whatever)

submitted by SithEmpire to whatever 2.6 years ago


I have seen some good ones lately:

> Clot shot, quack-cine

> Mask-hole, maskurbation

Of course, "plandemic" has been a mainstay, and "controlavirus" is quite a good subverse name here.

For countries/states using the jew flu as an excuse to spew out BS frog-boiling laws, I suggest attacking with the term "micro-tyranny". Everything sounds more authoritative when it has an apparent name, even one you just invented in the moment.
The fully white TalkLol favicon could use some outline or other form of contrast.     (TalkDev)

submitted by SithEmpire to TalkDev 2.7 years ago


See https://files.catbox.moe/gxrxmq.JPG for reference.

The blue arrow was 99%+ fine*, gambling on the very likely chance that nobody has a client with a blue menu background, but this isn't the case for white, black, and some greys.

As with good meme image text, it needs something like a sharp outline, drop shadow, or just a (rounded?) square block behind it.

*Even then, the blue arrow fails in the case of placing a website link on a blue PC desktop or blue mobile home screen. Favicons generally just need contrast to be sure.
Fuck the British Bullshit Corporation. "Covid-19: First man to get jab dies of unrelated illness" - does not say what the fucking illness was.     (archive.vn)

submitted by SithEmpire to whatever 3.0 years ago


One just knows that if it was cancer then they would have just said cancer instead of typing out "unrelated illness".

It might have been unrelated to the pinko pox, but when they don't just say it, you know it was sure as fuck related to the jab.
When the social media jews address "Fellow White People", does that actually work against any significant number of White people?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by SithEmpire to AskUpgoat 3 years ago


Years on, I keep seeing new screen captures with this still happening. It's still always a jew, and it can still be used as basis to call the jew a jew with 100% success rate. I know as well as any here that the jews can not and will not stop jewing, but have they really not made any genuinely new effort to shape-shift?

Surely they must know that White people don't address each other that way, on account of having actual distinguishing properties and identities beyond lineage. That being the case, are they actually addressing non-White people with a signal that it's okay to lambast White people about the topic in question? I imagine that does work due to lower non-White IQ. No wonder they cannot tolerate intelligent non-jews, nor the anathema that is having their shape-shift pass declined by being called a jew.