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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 1715 (+2599/-884)
ccp: 410 (+523/-113)
votes given: 1379 (+1052/-327)
score: 2125


Owner of:
Poal, DialGay, Carl,
Mod of:
Tartaria, SoapboxBanhammer, oldgoats, SoapboxBongHits, randomnumbers,


You just copied the exact title from the post on Patriots.win. Faggot.

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=62d569c3a9432

There's no excuse for using Poal. Using Poal means you let guys fuck you in the butt. You can make all of the retorts you want using your fancy-ass dandy language. It changes nothing.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=62d184d8637e6

No. They'll crash the economy right as the mass deaths start becoming noticible, then blame the deaths on famine.

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=62d1cf91462e3

They're a helluva lot of fun to be around once you realize they're just fucking around and you being uncomfortable about it just makes you a pussy. How long were you on Voat and you still don't understand that?

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=62d1b53fcfc89

The site is small for a reason. First: Poal ate a lot of the remaining Voat userbase (those faggots should have been filtered out by the Voat immune system far sooner) Then: System turned his summer hobby project into a hugbox. Early administrator ethics testing performed by SBBH clearly demonstrated to everyone on the site that system was not a worthy admin. A lot of people left after they realized that. Everyone who's still here is just a retard who is just barely not retarded enough to go to Poal. (I'm not here, just visiting for a few hours, and I might be back in a couple months.)

In summary, this place is dead because the admin is retarded. Not because people are mean to each other.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=62d1b53fcfc89

While talklol might qualify as extremely gay, Poal.co is more akin to drinking a frothy blended mixture of piss, shit, come, puss, and pureed roadkill out of Mark Wahlberg's asshole. You sir, are sick. Get help.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=62d184d8637e6

So you support the jew loving toupee-wearing pedofaggot who wants to kill us all instead of the silver-haired senile old pedofaggot who wants to kill us all?

Yeah. Just vote for the lesser evil. You fucking dupe.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=62d184d8637e6

Yes I do. What was your Voat username?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62d1b753ec730

This place is dead. Anyone who's still here has given up.
I just came back for just a minute to check on you retards.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=62d1b53fcfc89


I can't wait for the look on your face when you realize who owns this place...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62960159b7cae

Nah, it's everyone. It's pretty much down until they get a new database set up.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626aef8a1dfa4

Didn't he post a picture of Tom Hanks once?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=625c945e3f2ed

@system Trumpman1488 posted a link to a jitsi chat in the talklol chatroom. I went in, and the only person in there was some young kid. User is definitely around 12.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=625b825aea9d2

Dunno what the fuck you're talking about.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=625b825aea9d2

I'm Fecaldemiurge6000 and TurdLord5000.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=625b825aea9d2