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Member for: 3 years

scp: 251 (+264/-13)
ccp: 172 (+176/-4)
votes given: 67 (+65/-2)
score: 423


It's good because the primary purpose wasn't to have people submitting ID, but to create a hurdle that would prevent very young children from being able to access porn so easily. Everyone who wants to see it and is intelligent enough will just use a VPN.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=6598090522e56

The Japs isolated some peptide from turkey tail mushrooms, and I know of some people that used weed concentrates topically and orally to beat that specific type of cancer.
If it was removed, then it is now just about giving your body what it needs to make sure it doesn't come back, you will live to be 90 and have many white children.

Do whatever you have to including lying to get a nice white wife to have kids with, that will give you purpose.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=658692482bdb8

If he doesn't kill every public official involved, and THEN beat his wife to death in the street, this will continue to happen, because they don't fear consequences and think that you will just obey any bureaucratic jewish law they come up with.

/v/TransgenderAgenda viewpost?postid=6581495a6535f

Look up bodybuilders before the invention of anabolic steroids. That's your genetic maximum. Creatine will fuck your hairline up too btw

/v/GoatFitnessClub viewpost?postid=6580e3c2b97e3

I have spent a great deal of time trying to figure out any way I could possibly forgive some people as part of the process of healing myself. I have concluded that it is not possible. No amount of rationalizing, psychedelic transcendence, MDMA talk therapy, religious prayer or contemplation has allowed me to get over my literal bloodlust, homicidal ideation, and deep PTSDesque fight or flight response in regards to the issue in question.

Forgiveness is for God, not me.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6580824bb958d

Odysee was bought out recently by jews, I am concerned. Should I wipe my data or will they be able to track me down anyways?

/v/BushCamp viewpost?postid=6579ca3b9bfc9

I wonder what the brothel charged per visit

20k+ dicks? How many miles of dick is that?

/v/videos viewpost?postid=657383ff09f98

Any smart, articulate WN that go public get their life ruined, arrested or murdered.

William Pierce was probably the last great man of our movement. Now the best we got is probably Eric Striker, and he is currently going through a messy breakup with the NJP.

Regardless, I think we all know deep down that things are actually too far gone and we are too little too late to actually fix any of this shit, and even if we could, no one would help you. You will be alone trying to take on the might of what is essentially a 400 year plot for jews and their freemason butt goys to assume global control with their economic soft power system, and now that they have that cemented they can use hard power. The FBI will actually just bring like 40 swat goons to your home and fuck you up if the ADL tells them to.

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=656baa8b82d30

that shit is mad funny, here's to hoping they just keep resetting it every 2 weeks

/v/QMania viewpost?postid=656aa01f54bc4

Thank you for what you make, sincerely. I have consistently enjoyed it over the years.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=655d296b16a8d

The only good thing Oregon has ever done.

At best, restores one's love for life. At worst, forces bad people to see how bad they are and feel horrible about it.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6504f2baea78d

dreams intensify for a few weeks after quitting

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6498386e24946

The way women are currently is entirely the fault of men. They are like children. Retarded emotional hormonal children that are hard wired to obey. If we as men were not such feminized cowards, and we used force to remove all kikes, and remove women's rights, they would all fall in line overnight. Even the most ran through, SSRI brained, endocrine disrupted emcel would stress herself into a mania over not having a husband and children, and then having dinner cooked and house cleaned, if only we MADE THAT THE NEW SOCIETAL EXPECTATION AND CULTURAL NORM.

Most of what they are doing is a shit test because all the men in their life have failed to be a strong, sacred masculine guide and role model for them. Women are not to blame, this is their nature. You are to blame. Men as a whole are to blame. I have my woman under control and she respects and loves me, but the fact that jews are still walking around America unmolested is fucking pathetic. Do something.

/v/Women viewpost?postid=63951566731d0

wow imagine that the same candidate that was funded by the jew who bankrolled euromaidan supports ukrainian corruption and war

/v/UpliftingNews viewpost?postid=63489635b287e

Maybe try pasteurizing or sterilizing it after it has been sealed?

/v/preppers viewpost?postid=6342cb9f1f7e1

i have a carbine and a drum mag so it is just a fun gun for me, 9mm isn't all that powerful after all

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=6212ab87dd78a

Buy a Franklin Armory binary trigger to make it almost fully auto legally.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=6212ab87dd78a

He is a fake. Jews know they have to hijack the pro-white narrative that is growing amongst the people, and they use "CRT" ceremonial bullshit to do that. Notice how none of the politicians who oppose CRT never actually state what it is, who came up with it, or most importantly, will NEVER EVER advocate for white interests.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=61e33d735a72a


/v/Troons viewpost?postid=619a22e137343

The Houthis and Iran are actually the good guys. Anyone who is aiding in the destruction of the jews is an ally to me. Once they strike Israel, we will strike them here in America, and be rid of these parasites for all time.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60e2251d5333b