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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 7 (+7/-0)
ccp: 138 (+139/-1)
votes given: 2412 (+2393/-19)
score: 145


They need us like a crack whore needs dicks to suck behind a tank station. However humiliated and disgusted she feels, she gotta have them shekels for crack. Except Jews just fuck us in the metaphorical ass and steal our shekels, then say we did it, and smoke crack while laughing about it.

/v/KEK viewpost?postid=6275811933300

No, that'd be gay as fack bro. I don't date faggots.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=624c2860c7b32

All I want is to take a stroll without seeing 50 fag flags and 6 million niggers

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=624b5dfe20336

The real surprise here is that this whore is actually being honest about the body count to her dates, according her own post. This seems inconceivable to me, so this is probably just good old reddit karma whoring. Also, fishing for compliments by saying 36 is a high number. I know a couple of college whores, and 36 is on the low side for a 23 year old according to my experience.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=624aed0758ed9

I'm shocked. Truly, this is an unfathomable mystery. If only there were some kind of extremely obvious explanation for this recent phenomenon of top-tier athletes dropping over half-dead on the field. Either way, nobody could have predicted this.

/v/Sports viewpost?postid=62497f6a74cbb

It's probably the Talmudic idea where notifying your victims of your crimes, absolves you of the crimes. Now, they are free of guilt, since they have showcased their crimes openly.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=62474a3ee41d7

Can't wait until he shows off his pet hippo!

/v/videos viewpost?postid=624461ea7b924

The inversion that takes place is almost comedic. A Jewish utopia undermined by the eternal goy. Their virtuosity at lying is so great it almost makes you think they believe their own bullshit. They'll genocide a population and then brazenly claim they were the victims, justifying another genocide, and the cycle repeats. They even threaten to sterilize the earth using the samson-option in response to 'persecution'. The "ultimate justice". And if there isn't enough persecution they just invent it. I'd laugh if the situation weren't so grave.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=6210d65247bb0

I concur. I'm not a religious man, but the fact that for some reason all the powerful elites are evil satan worshipping child rapists makes you think; might it not really be a meme cult, but is there really some kind of dark power to be had somehow by being a completely depraved sociopath?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=620e3af83d19c

Mocked. Progressives would never use the word 'phenotype'. Phenotype results from genotype (and some minor environmental factors), and genes are a taboo for the small-minded.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=620cb0dc142e6

Nowadays you need to be a self-taught expert in food science to not get poisoned. Not only that, but also aware of toxic chemicals in almost every single every day product, such as shampoo or tooth-paste. In addition, you need to learn to distrust modern medicine, which most people (including myself) learn the hard way. It's a disgrace that is has come this far. It's a fucking minefield of toxins and poisons that you have to navigate, and nobody warns you of this, you have to find it out yourself. Government is more busy selling your country to the highest bidder than trying to improve public health. They need diseased and weak subjects for easier control.

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=620a8e396af32

Thanks for the elucidation. I had wrongly assumed the terms HIV and AIDS could be used interchangeably because they are nearly always used in the same context.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=620240fb522d5

Indeed. Apparently the 'vaccines-cause-aids' theory is not that far-fetched, otherwise they'd have ignored it. An alternative explanation is that they made the new aids variant up to explain away the masses of people with ruined immune systems from the vaccine in the near future.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=620240fb522d5

2.3 million dollars of cocaine, 383.000 dollars of coke per puppy. Assuming high end 100 dollar per gram prices of cocaine (well over street price where I'm at), that makes 3830g of cocaine per puppy. 4kg of cocaine per puppy seems like legit research to me, surely they wouldn't have embezzled the cocaine. When the mass of the cocaine outweighs the puppies, you know you struck research paper gold!

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=61fa1bd310e7e

It's called the 'fear grimace' in chimpanzees, something betas do to appease alphas. It is a gesture that conveys the fact that you are non-threatening.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=61f6f76c2877b

This reminds me of my dreams. I'm guessing the artist is struggling with mental illness. The juxtaposition of dark and light themes make bipolar disorder come to mind. Madness and creativity go hand in hand, after all.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=61e411a277b37

The purpose of the so-called 'Anti-Defamation League' is literally to defame political opponents. They do the opposite of what their name stands for. This bears similarity to the anti-fascists, where literally everybody but them is a fascist in their point of view.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=619a4cdcd754c

Yeah, when I gained a lot of weight all my friends made fun of me, and it was the right thing to do. I knew I got fat, and I felt bad about it. Whenever somebody I hadn't seen in a while would not point out the fact that I got fatter, I'd feel bad. The reason being that I know that they knew that I got fatter, but they wouldn't mention it. If they'd mention it, then it would've gotten out of the way, if you know what I mean.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=619996de58dd5

Damn, and here I made the mistake he was being generous (kek) or that the design was cost-efficient. It could probably be done for half the money, so assuming the actual cost is 500M, he'd make 300M while projecting the image of a generous philantropist helping poor students in need. In actuallity, it is a grandiose vanity project and an unethical psychological torture experiment, and he probably makes money on top of it, too.

I underestimated his cunning. He's not a billonaire due to giving away free gifts, after all.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=618f62450f6a1

I'd argue a real window makes a massive difference. It also forces the design to incorporate wings, internal gardens, or other solutions if you want to make a hallway with rooms on both sides that all have windows. Also, conventional student housing—while arguably still too small—is bigger than the size of a closet.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=618f62450f6a1

Or just accept the money, build the hall and never use it. Use the money to build proper student housing.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=618f62450f6a1