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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 152 (+157/-5)
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score: 530

Twitter - nitter links bug ios upon return      (TalkDev)

submitted by Murdock to TalkDev 4 months ago


I believe it started recently, maybe 1 week.
There some links of Twitter / nitter videos that I click > redirect > watch the video > close the video > now.. Upon swiping back to voat, it does not come back. It stays in that Twitter post, even refreshing the page.
Even if I manually type voat.xyz and press "enter"
I have to force close safari and open again (and log in again).
Not sure if this is a bug in iPhone ios or Talk/voat.
That is why I decided to post. Just in case.
If it's not related, just ignore it.
Thanks and have a nice day
Unpopular opinion: I like his song     (whatever)

submitted by Murdock to whatever 8 months ago


I appreciate voat / upgoat opened my eyes to that soulless redhead jew.
But I like his song and I believe is a net positive if lots of people are listening.
Fuck it.. Here is another one: I hate jew petterson. But I think his book and message to young men is also a good thing. Clean your room, focus on small improvement.
I believe many people might decide to take the first step into the light from those messages / music. Regardless if we hate the person who wrote them.
Eventually they might become frens.
How it should be     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Murdock to whatever 10 months ago


Hot Wheels      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Murdock to whatever 1 year ago


German week promotion in a polish supermarket     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Murdock to whatever 2.4 years ago


Easy quick BBQ side dish with bread crumbs and garlic     (whatever)

submitted by Murdock to whatever 2.6 years ago


I've focusing on steaks lately, I learned a very easy, quick and delicious side dish that complements BBQ steaks.
It's based on bred crumbs.(Bread flour after bread is done, cheap or you can do it yourself)
Cut some onion, half of it. Small pieces.
Cut some garlic. 4 clove per person.or use a crusher.
Basic: if it's just you.. A small saucepan is OK.., some oil or lard.. Medium/high heat...
When it's hot.. Put the onion, cook a little bit, put the garlic,cook a little bit..
Wait for them hi to be brown, not burned..
Add a big spoon of butter, wait for it to be dissolved..
TURN THE HEAT DOWN, like low-med heat..
Put 1-2 cups of bread crumbs (bread flour)..
Add 1 tea spoon of salt.
That is it..
Mix, stir the flour (bread crumbs) around.. If you think it's too "wet" just add some more flour. And keep stirring.
Quick, easy, anyone can do it. (I did it and friends loved it)
Of you want to improve it..
You can use bacon before.. During the onion/garlic phase.
Or you can add spices or powder pepper like cayenne in the end to give it a bite.
If you are doing a BBQ.. Use this to deep your juicy steak, maybe mix with the egg salad..
It will be great.
Try it.
Let me know if it worked.
Note: this is awesome with "wet meats" like pot meat, gulasz, strogonoff, etc.
Mobile width issue due to upper subverse bar locked size     (TalkDev)

submitted by Murdock to TalkDev 2.7 years ago


It's even worse when you try to share / discuss, because the forms get resized but now pinch zoom does not even work, it does but you get zoomed around, while typing the screen moves when you reach the border (like a typewriter)
Hope I was clear, the width of the size is locked to the width of the upper bar with the subverse list, which in mobile it's awful.
@System please take a look when possible.
My neighbor is a 90 year old with Alzheimer's     (Jokes)

submitted by Murdock to Jokes 2.7 years ago


I see him every morning and he asks me if I've seen his wife.
Every day I have to tell this poor man that his wife died 20 years ago.
I could have moved to another house or even ignore his question.
But the look of joy in his eyes whenever I answer him is worth the world.
Olympic wrestling tough situation      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Murdock to whatever 2.8 years ago


@System, might want to keep an eye on the "new subverses"     (TalkDev)

submitted by Murdock to TalkDev 3.1 years ago


Just like Poal, we have a bunch of new "subverses" been explored by multiple account users and/or bots.
I will not mention all, but keeping an eye on /news, you can see spam on new subverses created by the spammers...
Meaning.. They created and own the sub, they post eavry minute. And they mysteriously get more upvotes in minutes than a bigger subverse...
They are usually named variations of a main sub..
Like news... Realnews, truenews, actualnews, novanews, todaynews, covidnews, covidsperacy, covidjoke, covidjews, etc.
Not sure if any of them exist here, but that is the idea they had in Poal.. They had no numbers.. Created subverse, spam, and eventually got enough "points" to dominate other subverses..
Please keep an eye open for them
How is this post without a subverse?     (TalkDev)

submitted by Murdock to TalkDev 3.1 years ago


Or is it just me?

I've reloaded in another tab (phone) and still shows without subverse.

Might want to check this out.
(((Netflix))) Jurassic World Thumb: Dino tong looks like Dick point to teen open leg. "PG". Spielberg producer     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Murdock to whatever 3.2 years ago


Never saw it. Just realized by browsing. \r\nSearched and found more thumbnail like this. Teen open legs.