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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 152 (+157/-5)
ccp: 378 (+397/-19)
votes given: 41540 (+33841/-7699)
score: 530


I keep downvoting carnoud03 or something for 2 reasons:
1- spam
2- can't confirm but I am 99% sure that same user was involved with bad things old voat.
Maybe I should just block him but it bothers me.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6642253e1cfb6

Just imagine a church clerk caught off guard on this call, he thinks: "fuck, a fucking kike sneaking jew is calling me and probably recording to try to sue our church or claim antisemitism.. I'll just say yes"
A phone call can never be enough to check things like that, go there, meet them, talk to them outside of church and you'll get your answer

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=663ba5eb721a3

Strange that she changes subject so quickly when he starts talking about Israel.
There is a good comment in the video: "if a civilian with no real grasp of the consequences can do this, imagine what spies willing to die for can do"
For sure China has a lot of info taken the same way because of stupid horny guys (usually immigrants and/or unpatriotic)

/v/NWO viewpost?postid=663403c7c10c2

"Uber destroyed humanity"
"tik tok destroyed humanity"
Tinder is just an app..
humanity is broken, it's values and morals are broken.. Way before an APP was created..
Tinder facilitates the worst part of it but it did not "destroyed humanity".
Jews did.. Each and every small change, law, TV shows, movies, porn, little by little..

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662cffebb9996

They are different taste for different occasions.
Prosciutto is for paring with things, putting on pizza, sandwiches, etc.
Jamon you can and should appreciate on its own.
The same way You don't take a very expensive steak and put on a sandwich...

/v/Food viewpost?postid=662cf19643f6e

You are not the OP. Is that the actual movie?
I agree with oyveio, why omit the title?
Bitchute is blocked in my country (in most of Europe) I have no idea what you are talking about with a wall or text and a link I cannot see..

/v/History viewpost?postid=6622917f55975

She stole the idea from a jew.
There is the same image of a kid jew doing the same years ago

/v/TheMemery viewpost?postid=660d8e8080809

I think it's important to have it. Not sure how it's abused, maybe I'm not seeing as much due to some filters..
But little by little, you may give more hints about who you are, which country, region, city, etc.. And you might not want that, thus anon posting.
Or you might want to raise a question that goes against previous posting and to avoid being hypocritical, you might want to post anon and get the info, let's say you are a jew loving person who is starting to open your eyes...
I don't know how much they are abusing the anon part as you claim, but maybe there is a middle ground. I think it should exist.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=660819b33865f

Looks like those videos where they "rescue" animals that totally by accident were in those situations and by luck the people filming were near.

/v/Reptiles viewpost?postid=66068c4bddb0a

Decades of godless country.
"Let's mock Christians all the time on TV. But let's protect Muslims and Jews"

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=65fc5e21c4363

I also remember news from many years ago saying something about Australia top on cancer because of melanoma or skin cancer due to being under the ozone layer hole.
And Australians don't care about the sun.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f9fb0905c89

Murdock 1 point 2 months ago

Sounds like region or Internet provider block.
There is a way to configure different dns in your router, but if it's region issue... Not sure if it will help

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d7de062ce1f

Murdock 0 points 2 months ago

Interesting theory about they having AI so long ago.. I would imagine that the editor might wanted to short the gaps between words or even change the answer by splice and did a poor job in that collar.. (Maybe he tried the Michael Jackson effect, where we cannot see differences because it's the same person but the collar gave it away)

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65d1c3e58a6ee

Murdock 1 point 2 months ago

Where is the original? From when?
I can't find this video

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65d1c3e58a6ee

Murdock 3 points 3 months ago

I believe they only need to appear they will force women.. After that They will offer money to women who gives information or helps the army "recruit" more men and we will see the lowest on the Ukrainians.. Wifes, sisters, cousins, maybe even daughters ratting their family and loved ones.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65c4384897117

Murdock 1 point 3 months ago

These are the ones they can survey.
I suppose it's 50% more at least.
The vast nigger majority doesn't even know who is the real "baby/monkey daddy"

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65c077dd17512

Murdock 1 point 3 months ago

She might be hearing her phone, not reading.
There are levels of blindness. Some people see only blobs of light/shadow, they cannot distinguish the formats on the street.
Some phones for blind are adapt to that, their initial interface is just black and white with huge "buttons" usually just to: accept call, call someone (will wait the owner say name or number), message reading (when received), send message (will wait the owner to dictate).
She might have just received a call or message and stopped to click accept / reject / or read message.
Look, the thing is a monkey and it's most likely pretending for extra money.
But.. There are other ways to interpret this, many more. Blindness is not a switch: you see, you don't. That is it. That is my point.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65b964dd6ebec

Murdock 2 points 3 months ago

You are probably right or could be just a joke.
But blind people also have phones.
And there are many levels of "blindness".
The biggest joke is that monkey using technology.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65b964dd6ebec

Murdock 5 points 3 months ago

Your compilation misses the most important argument/findings..
They made tests of zyklon B and DID NOT find any traces anywhere in the "chambers" or anywhere else in the camps.. EXCEPT for a few small rooms in which they put all the clothes, zyklon B and closed to clear the clothes of any bugs.
Those rooms were in the middle of the main buildings. The size of closets.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65b8a12c343b1

Murdock 0 points 3 months ago

It was a few years ago. 2016. Not the 80s.
See? Memory wiped

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65b327db47fca

Murdock 7 points 3 months ago

Panama papers. A scandal showing pretty much every rich and famous has money hidden to not pay taxes. Many banks, companies and govs all helping with Shell companies and paper trail.
Even royalty.
Imagine the influence and power of the heads on that (nobody will ever know).. They just went to the most powerful people and convinced them to give them the majority of their money and they did...
Because it was all safe and protected.
Even after the discovery, the journalist was car bombed. Nobody ever mentions Panama papers.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65b327db47fca

Murdock 3 points 3 months ago

They are shooting the Somalis?
That is great!

/v/Islam viewpost?postid=65b025ed24754

Murdock 0 points 3 months ago

I think people are not giving enough credit for this.
Imagine what he had to do to gain this speech spot... As soon as he was elected, he had to put on a facade to the WEF team that probably met him face to face and he had to convince them they should give him an exclusive long speech spot in their convention for him to talk about "climate change and how the new world order is great "..
After convincing the face to face guys, they went back to their cult-board meeting and for sure there were some skeptic ones there raising questions like: are you sure he is for real one of us?
All this and more had to happen to culminate in this glorious 20+ minute speech against socialism and climate BS.
This was awesome and it will never happen again, they will probably demand actual blood sacrifice and/or sex tapes from the future speech guests to blackmail them and not allow this to happen ever again.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65a9b10c3972e

Murdock 2 points 4 months ago

I convinced one girl to not use nose rings anymore by explaining the origin..
It's done to pigs to prevent them from fucking up the soil. Since it hurts and gets tangled.
Also used in big animals for control, you can see backyard bears in romenia been handled around by weak guys with those nose rings.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65a79275c0d43