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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 1114 (+1241/-127)
ccp: 3018 (+3114/-96)
votes given: 23076 (+22902/-174)
score: 4132


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GERMTHEORYHOAX, MeanwhileOnPatriotsWin, CryptoReality, COVIDisntReal, TempleOS, ItsAlwaysSunnyInPhiladelphia, 1488Music, crApple, SectionApe, ToCatchAPredator,
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Sounds like a kid trying to explain away why his hand was caught in the cookie jar.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=663533d39865f

Big sister got me into it, and that was the last time we truly bonded.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=6632908bba71f

I stopped watching Nickelodeon after Invader Zim, that was before I heard stuff about Jhonen Vasquez that I wanted to know nothing about. When you look at his Johnny the Homicidal Maniac comics, it's hard to look at that and think, "y'know, we ought to let this guy make a cartoon on Nick."

I did like Zim though.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=6632908bba71f

Agreed, why is this on the front page with 100% upvotes?


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66318bc48348c

Never owned the original, this was my first firearm purchase.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=663016278965c

I have the LCP MAX. Shoots 10 but there’s an extended mag option that fires 12 iirc.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=663016278965c

Every single cuck in this room deserves a swirlie.

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=662eb6dd698d4

The old man is going to be in a lot of trouble. It's already bad here in the States, in Canada it's so much worse.

In California, you have to take a step back, wave your arms in front of your body, and verbally state "this is my personal space, if you enter my personal space again I'm going to be forced to defend myself". After that, you can only punch one time, and then you HAVE to run away.

Punching someone because they put a finger in your face (even if they grazed you with their finger) without taking any steps to avoid conflict is going to land you in jewjail.

I'm not saying I disagree with what the old man did. It was great content, and it's what SHOULD be allowed to happen. I'm just saying what's going to end up happening to him in the current legal system.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=66284ec9b26a8

Not that I've ever played Fortnite, but anyone here remember the time when they had the MLK event and they didn't disable the "Whipcrack" emote?

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=66270526aa512

[BlackBerry picture password](https://youtu.be/JpdnOC0xMjI)

So they can go FUCK themselves reeeeeal good.

/v/Privacy viewpost?postid=66219bec41322

Looks like the bad guys from the Skibi Toilet shorts that stopped being funny after the first episode.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662039bfc2476

If there was a pandemic, we wouldn’t need the media to tell us about it.

More people died of cold/flu than “COVID”

“COVID” never was, and continues to not be, a real disease.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=661ec86e4f71d

My favorite is the part where the guy who lost a limb expounded upon how people were asking him "oh, that war is still going on?"

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=661c944463689

I did, I haven’t listened to the audiobook but I saw the movie. It was better than I expected.

/v/MoviesWithGoats viewpost?postid=6617172d9a1ef

Was: The Shining
Is Now: The Greatest Story Never Told

/v/MoviesWithGoats viewpost?postid=6617172d9a1ef

Our local LAN center had a Dance Dance Revolution Extreme set to Free Play.

Good times, and lots of Bawls Energy drinks to be had.

Also, fuck you Microsoft, I'm NEVER paying for Xbox Live. Never have, never will.

/v/VIBE viewpost?postid=6612d1ec680e1

Nope, didn't know this, so I learned something today. By the way, [this shit slaps](https://youtu.be/4nXfCrK0HLI)

Did you know that the Forrest Gump book has a sequel?

/v/books viewpost?postid=6610bb4ca34af

AFAIK you're allowed to use force to mitigate a threat until it is no longer deemed one, in this case, it would be deemed in defense of her friend.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=660c85cb5ddda

Agreed, I'd hire her, and point out that it's not a good look on any social media, especially LinkedIn.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=660cc72ce4c38

Did you actually invent it, like for real?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=660c3e66c1bd0

Mine might not be a popular opinion, I've seen this video before, I just can't condone this type of behavior.

Depending on where this was filmed, those girls very well could have legal justification to do what they did.

I'll use California as an example. Two points to be made:

1) You can call someone a nigger, you just can't get in their face and say the word nigger. You ESPECIALLY should not use provocative language if someone is sitting down and has nothing but a wall behind them and a person sitting to their immediate left, and immediate right, and they have no other method by which they can evade you

2) California has these things called Might Makes Right laws. That's probably not what they're called, but they are what they are. If I go up to the biggest baddest motherfucker in town and start making jokes about his dying mom, you are not to win that case when they beat the crap out of you and you try to take them to court over it.

On that note, the pepper spray was not being used in self defense, that was retaliating against a form of retaliation, which is what the chick who kicked him in the balls was doing to protect her friend from someone whose proximity was clearly not warranted.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=660c85cb5ddda

Wasn’t the guy who made Zeitgeist a Bolshevik?

/v/Christian viewpost?postid=6606b30707191

I always assumed communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct was the canary and that ConPro’s canary was arete.network

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6607522f3a973