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Book Burning - Zlibrary closed - Voat next? Voat's next home     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by MagicMushroom to TellUpgoat 1.5 years ago


Zlibrary.org - a book archiving site with many instances, has had an instance closed. There are other instances, but centralized sites (like Voat) are vulnerable to censorship like this.


Voat needs to find a distributed platform which is more resilient than its current, centralized home and the search should begin while co-ordination is still possible.

To help start the search, here are two viable options, which can be used as points of comparison to any other suggestions:



Aether is more established, battle tested. Plebbit will hopefully and eventually become even more resilient and effective against censorship. It is currently under active development and is hiring javascript developers, if you are interested.

The Voat communities on Aether /b/ and on Plebbit /p/ are here:

Shadow America     (media.gab.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to Goats_on_Aether 1.9 years ago


[Shadow America](aether://thread/99681f59bec480bf98e91cdc4d2862cb2d3fb5459d86f6277637f4aca8cae672)
Understanding Aether's network protocol     (getaether.net)

submitted by MagicMushroom to TellUpgoat 2.0 years ago


A lot of people are curious about how Aether's network operates. The typical process is explained in the above documentation.

@GloryBeckons kindly [mentioned](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=628ac172928c4) some concerns about Aether. I would like to quickly try and respond to some of the points he raises.

The content on Aether is text only. By default, thumbnails are off, so you don't download or see any images. You can whitelist individual or lists of websites which you find acceptable.

**IP Address**
I think most people use a VPN, TOR, i2p or something like that. Your node will connect to a few others on the network in its neighbourhood.

**Associating a Node with Content**
@GloryBeckons is correct. With a lot of work, it would be possible through a process of elimination to eventually work out which node on the network was producing which content and it might then be possible to connect the node to an IP address. Of course, this is not desirable from an anonymity perspective, however you might be curious to know that there are strong grounds for making this concession, explained here in **Aether's Security Model**:

>Let’s think through this step by step.

Aether needs to be a tool for the masses. This means, it needs to be exceedingly easy to use, and be accessible for the regular user.

Any improvement to the privacy of an average user is multiplied by the number of people using the app. The most good in this respect can be done not via making sure it works for the expectations of users with extreme needs, but by making sure that it is as private as possible while retaining excellent user-experience. Good user experience brings a lot more folks to the yard than theoretically perfect security on paper.5

As a result, this is Aether’s security model: It’s designed for the average user who wants privacy. If you’re looking for an escape from corporate surveillance, or indiscriminate dragnets, it’s very useful.

Aether isn’t an app that tries to pitch privacy as one of its main features. Rather, it’s a communication app that can stand on its own merits, that also happens to come with excellent (qualified by the paragraph above) privacy.*

**TL/DR** The more people using Aether, the stronger the anonymity, and Aether aims to grow anonymity by ease of use.

Aether does support TOR. If you know what you are doing, you should be able to configure it.

**Protection against State actors**
As @GloryBeckons [points out](https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=628a93198b892&commentid=628bfe4b8629f), Aether isn't designed to resist a concerted attack by state actors. It would be great if we had that level of protection. For such communications you are probably better off using e.g.:
* [Session](https://getsession.org)
* [MuWire](https://muwire.com)
* [OnionShare](https://onionshare.org)
I encourage people to use these applications when higher levels of security are required. The problem is, and i am sure @GloryBeckons will agree, that it doesn't end there. You then have to ensure that your Operating System is reasonably secure too, for example:
* [Qubes OS](https://www.qubes-os.org/)
You would have to learn how to maintain and use that OS too, and also have it with you when you need to communicate. You would probably want to ditch all your hardware too and go back to something running:
* [LibreBoot](https://libreboot.org)

It takes discipline to stick to the Free Software that you can audit. You need also to persuade your friends and family to use your systems too. The task is enormous. Aether takes the approach that it is easy,anybody can do it, it is fun to use and it is actually pretty darn secure.

By default, the settings are that your node will only retain content for 6 months. If you want to archive and have a few Gigabytes of storage to spare, you can increase that to 6 years or 60 years.

Voat.co is, sadly, dead. Aether was around back then and it would have been better if people started using Aether then and survived. SearchVoat.co has announced it will die in a couple of weeks. It is time Goats established Voat on a strong platform. Take a look at Aether. Alternatively, try https://gab.com, which has come along in leaps and bounds and is a far more likely candidate to survive as an http platform.
Clickable Links which open on Aether     (Goats_on_Aether)

submitted by MagicMushroom to Goats_on_Aether 2.0 years ago


Hello, Goats!

If you have had difficulty opening Aether links in your web-browser, it might be because you have not instructed your system to associate aether:// links with the Aether application. This is a similar process to telling your computer to open .mp3 files with your favourite media player, e.g. VLC, or to open .epub files with your favourite e-book reader, e.g. Calibre.

How to do this depends upon your Operating System. There are instructions for Windows and Mac here:


You might need to relaunch your applications or reboot before the changes come into effect.

Hopefully you will see a clickable link below, and if you hover over it, some information about the link should appear. If you click it, and you have configured your system to associate aether:// links with the Aether client, and you have your Aether client running, it should hopefully take you there.

[Hyperlink for Voat](aether://board/f2c944108971c509c3718a43e8bc77d95d3591746241b6a490e537f00122d98d)

If you want to see the markdown used to create the above hyperlink, here it is:

`[Hyperlink for Voat](aether://board/f2c944108971c509c3718a43e8bc77d95d3591746241b6a490e537f00122d98d)`
The Unnecessary War     (odysee.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to History 3 years ago


This brilliant examination of Pat Buchanan's excellent book is part of a series which undoes the Churchill cult that has gripped the Establishment in America.

If you love articulate and incisive thought, you will enjoy this a lot.
The Traitor Party     (odysee.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to whatever 3 years ago


If you are a Republican, this polemic is likely to ring true with you. If you are a UK Conservative, this concise speech completely dismantles the Tories.

Hear it!
London - A City that Used to Be English     (odysee.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to politics 3 years ago


MAKING SENSE OF RACE     (washsummit.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to science 3 years ago


This is a highly readable, important and timely book aimed at the educated layman. If you would like to get a feel for it, there is a stream with the author, Professor Edward Dutton, discussing the book here:


Race is our age’s great taboo. Public intellectuals insist that it does not exist—that it’s a “social construct” and biological differences between races are trivial or “skin deep.” But as with taboos in other times, our attitude towards race seems delusional and schizophrenic. Racial differences in sports and culture are clear to everyone. Race is increasingly a factor in public health, especially in disease susceptibility and organ donation. And in a globalized world, ethnic nationalism—and ethnic conflict—are unavoidable political realities. Race is everywhere . . . and yet it’s nowhere, since the topic has been deemed “out of bounds” for frank discussion.

Cutting through the contradictions, euphemisms, and misconceptions, Edward Dutton carefully and systematically refutes the arguments against the concept of “race,” demonstrating that it is as much a proper biological category as “species.”Making Sense of Race then takes us on a journey through the fascinating world of evolved physical and mental racial differences, presenting us with the most up-to-date discoveries on the consistent ways in which races differ in significant traits as a result of being adapted to different ecologies. Intelligence, personality, genius, religiousness, sex appeal, puberty, menopause, ethnocentrism, ear-wax, and even the nature of dreams . . . Making Sense of Race will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about race, but might have been afraid to ask.

About The Author
Edward Dutton is a prolific researcher and commentator, who has published widely in the field of evolutionary psychology. He is Editor at Washington Summit Publishers and Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at Asbiro University in Łódź, Poland. Dutton is the author of many books, including J. Philippe Rushton: A Life History Perspective (2018), Race Differences in Ethnocentrism (2019), and Islam: An Evolutionary Perspective (2020).

The Jewish Plan to Conquer the Gentiles & Rule the World EXPOSED (Part 2) | KMN Live w/ Adam Green     (odysee.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to politics 3 years ago


Know More News with Adam Green

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Intersectional Feminism Wages War On White Women     (odysee.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to whatever 3 years ago


Originally published February 3, 2018

White female feminists are under attack by "intersectional" feminists and it's hilarious to watch. "White feminism" is now in the same category as "White supremacy" and "White privilege."

Watch Lana's exclusive videos by getting a membership at
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611.86 MB
PA Southwest Dartmoor Hike     (odysee.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to whatever 3 years ago



Patriotic Southwest took to Dartmoor for a 5 hour hike across the beautiful moors.
Get in touch: [email protected]

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93.14 MB
PA Southwest March 2021     (odysee.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to politics 3 years ago



A quick video promoting the Hike that the South West branch of Patriotic Alternative did back in March 2021 across the beautiful landscape of Bodmin moor.

Claim ID
37.69 MB
Why I Don't Feel Bad About Supporting Repatriation     (odysee.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to politics 3 years ago



My Patriotic Alternative Spring 2020 Conference Speech:

My Telegram Channel:

My Gab:

Support my work on SubscribeStar:
- Thank you! <3

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170.36 MB
Western Spring     (www.westernspring.co.uk)

submitted by MagicMushroom to politics 3 years ago


It is the aim of Western Spring to provide an evolving belief system that meets the requirements of a complete cosmology, and which will re-inspire our current generations — lost as we are — set adrift and rudderless in a stormy sea. It is our aim is to combine an understanding of our past, with an appreciation of the challenges of the present, and with an inspiring vision for the future. Furthermore, we aim to rekindle our belief in ourselves — in our abilities, our virtue and our worth – and in so doing, enable us to face the future with greater focus, greater determination, and with greater confidence and optimism than ever before.

DiversityWe have devised a pragmatic and achievable way out of the grim socio-political malaise in which we currently languish, but more than this, our mission is to create a mass movement capable of acquiring sovereign political power and through this become the instrument of our people’s salvation. We will not stop until we have secured the future survival of our people and created the conditions necessary, not just for our future prosperity, but for our proliferation and advancement as a race to new heights as yet undreamed of. I hope you will join us!

submitted by MagicMushroom to news 3 years ago


Brendon's older videos are some of his best (and most heavily censored) and are well worth viewing.

If you appreciate his videos, he would benefit from a wider audience, so let your friends know.
Radio Albion     (radioalbion.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to whatever 3 years ago



Try the livestream in your player:
Nationalism, Computer Games & Real Men     (odysee.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to gaming 3.1 years ago


DeepMind Proposes Manipulation-Independent Representations for Imitation of Behaviours Demonstrated by Previously Unseen Manipulator Morphologies     (syncedreview.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to AI 3.1 years ago


The basic idea behind imitation learning is implicitly giving a robotic entity prior information about the world by mimicking human behaviour. Through such techniques, which can be likened to behaviour cloning or inverse reinforcement learning, it is possible to increase the efficiency of robots and their interaction capacities with humans, while also decreasing the cost involved in learning new skills.

Inspired by the idea that a robotic manipulator can imitate any visually-demonstrated behaviour of arbitrary complexity, a DeepMind research team has proposed manipulation-independent representations (MIR) that can support successful imitation of behaviours demonstrated by previously unseen manipulator morphologies using only visual observations.

The researchers first explain how to imitate unconstrained manipulation trajectories executed by previously unknown manipulators, specifically how to learn pixel-based representations that produce the right information for a cross-embodiment trajectory tracking agent. The proposed imitation method has two main phases: learning an MIR space, and cross-embodiment visual imitation through reinforcement learning using the pretrained MIR space.

In the evaluations, MIR achieved the best performance across all test domains, significantly boosting Jaco Hand performance on stacking success and perfectly imitating the simulated Jaco Hand and Invisible Arm on lifting, with a 100 percent score.

Overall, the study revealed the important considerations in learning manipulator and task-independent representations for imitation, and validated the proposed MIR’s characteristics for successful cross embodiment visual imitation.

The paper Manipulator-Independent Representations for Visual Imitation is on arXiv.

MIT Technology Review's annual AI-focused event EmTech Digital begins March 23, 2021     (www.prnewswire.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to AI 3.1 years ago


EmTech Digital combines the authoritative, influential, and trustworthy insight MIT Technology Review is known for with a virtual, attendee-centric experience. Designed for interaction, it offers attendees a chance to engage with speakers, MIT Technology Review editors, and each other through lively panel discussions and interactive chats, polls, discussion groups, and Q&A sessions.

EmTech Digital's presenting partners are Accenture, a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud, and security; and Siemens Digital Industries Software, offering a deep portfolio of software across a broad spectrum of industry domains.
2021 AI Index: Four AI Trends That Stood Out     (www.forbes.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to AI 3.1 years ago


1. The center of gravity appears to be shifting to China, but that could be a mirage. Years ago, the story was that the US was falling behind in math and science. Today, we’re hearing similar stories about China’s successes in AI. The report shows that China has overtaken the U.S. in the number of AI journal citations, and other such warnings abound. However, the report also shows that the U.S. is attracting Ph.D. students and they’re staying in the U.S. after they complete their studies. It also shows that 65% of graduating Ph.D. students in North America move into industry careers. These two trends suggest that while China may be ahead in AI research, the U.S. will continue to pull AI talent from around the world (including China) and graduate them into the private sector, which will drive increased hiring and attract more talent. China may be taking the lead, but I’m bullish on the U.S.’s ability to win the marathon.

2. New ways of addressing old problems will have far reaching consequences. The report highlighted drug discovery, content generation and surveillance as growth opportunities for AI. These are historically human domains that are increasingly being driven by artificial intelligence. The impact that these investments will have on our way of life, for good or ill, can’t be underestimated. Take drug development. A pharma company’s return on investment for research and development is at an all-time low (less than 2%). The promise of AI is that it can be used to improve this ROI by quickening the pace of discovery, and patients around the world will feel the impact of new therapies.

3. Despite all the talk of ethics, we’re not seeing enough action. Two issues in the report highlighted areas where AI is struggling: Its lack of diversity and ethical consensus and benchmarks. We all know that diversity is sorely needed. Racial and myriad other identities need representation in AI. To build these teams, we must address both diversity and equity. Not only is it the right thing to do, but diverse teams also make better AI. Bias is not the only ethical concern that we’re waking up to. AI’s societal implications are profound and fortunately many are asking what can and can’t be done to protect humankind as we drive these advancements. We can’t wring our hands and do nothing. We also can’t woke wash and window dress our way through technological evolution. We must find consensus in the AI community, set benchmarks and do the work that needs to be done. This brings me to my final observation:

4. Government regulation is coming, but we must not wait for it. As the report indicates, Congress has finally taken notice of AI. But it’s still Congress. Regulation may be years away and may arrive watered down or too restrictive. It’s up to the private sector to take steps to self-regulate immediately. They have the resources and the incentive. Sales will only suffer from the disruption that can be caused by unethical technology, and if they self-regulate adequately, the private sector may be able to avoid over-regulation.
DARPA Now Has AI-Controlled F-16s Working As A Team In Virtual Dogfights     (www.thedrive.com)

submitted by MagicMushroom to AI 3.1 years ago


DARPA announced recently that it’s halfway through Phase 1 of ACE and that simulated AI dogfights under the so-called Scrimmage 1 took place at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) last month.

Using a simulation environment designed by APL, Scrimmage 1 involved a demonstration of 2-v-1 simulated engagements with two blue force (friendly) F-16s working collaboratively to defeat an undisclosed enemy red air (enemy) aircraft.

In the words of DARPA, the ambitious ACE program aims to develop “trusted, scalable, human-level, AI-driven autonomy for air combat by using human-machine collaborative dogfighting as its challenge problem.”
The World Darkens a Little More: I May Have to Spend Some Time as a Political Prisoner     (www.craigmurray.org.uk)

submitted by MagicMushroom to UnitedKingdom 3.1 years ago


A FORMER diplomat has instructed his lawyers to begin preparations for an appeal to the Supreme Court after learning he had lost a contempt of court case over his reports from the trial of Alex Salmond in March last year.

Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, attended two days of the trial – at which Salmond was found innocent – and sat in the public gallery, later writing about it for his blog.

However, in January he faced a virtual contempt of court hearing before Lady Dorrian, the Lord Justice Clerk, at the High Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh.

It is now understood that a session for judgement to be delivered will be held at the High Court before Lady Dorrian, Lord Turnbull and Lord Menzies on Thursday – exactly eight weeks after the initial 90-minute hearing.

Sources close to Murray, 62, indicated that he was advised by court staff and his legal team that if he won the case, the judgement would simply be published.

However, if he lost, and particularly if a custodial sentence was probable, there would be a new hearing of the court – which has now been called.

Contempt of court carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison and an unlimited fine.

Last month, Clive Thomson, a 52-year-old from Rosyth, was jailed for six months for contempt in the same case.

Murray is expected to stand as a candidate for Action for Independence (AFI) on the Lothians list in May’s Holyrood election.
Free speech latest: New law ‘could see street preachers banned’     (www.newsletter.co.uk)

submitted by MagicMushroom to UnitedKingdom 3.1 years ago


A new law which is currently making its way through Parliament is so far-reaching that it could lead to Christian street preachers being banned.

The bill, called the Police Crime and Sentencing Bill, is being driven by the Tory government in response mainly to the Extinction Rebellion protests of 2019, and the disruption they brought to London.

Despite growing opposition to the bill from activist groups in society and Labour-led attempts to derail it, it comfortably passed its second stage in the Commons thanks to the dominance of the Conservatives in the chamber.

Although the bill’s scope is limited to England, Mr Robinson said laws created in England are often “predictive” of laws which the devolved regions later enact.

Part three of the bill amends the Public Order Act 1986 so police can impose conditions on protests that are noisy enough to cause “intimidation or harassment” or “serious unease, alarm or distress” to bystanders, including protests consisting of one person.

It would also abolish the common law offence of public nuisance and replace it with a statutory offence of “intentionally or recklessly causing public nuisance”.

Mr Robinson said the scope of the new law is “incredibly loose”.

“The ability of the police to curtail what is an Article 11 right within the Human Rights Act, the ability to assemble and protest, is really quite extraordinary.
England’s first native oyster hatchery to release a million oysters a year into the Solent     (inews.co.uk)

submitted by MagicMushroom to UnitedKingdom 3.1 years ago


England’s first native oyster hatchery has opened with ambitious plans to clean up the waters of the Solent on the south coast.

The hatchery, established by the University of Portsmouth and Blue Marine Foundation, will provide a million oysters a year for a restoration project to reduce pollution and boost biodiversity in the area.

The strait between mainland Britain and the Isle of Wight used to be famous for its oyster population, but after years of over-fishing and pollution numbers have declined dramatically. It is a similar story across the UK: according to the Zoological Society London, wild native oyster populations have declined by more than 95 per cent in recent decades.
Summary of the UK Defence Review     (ukdefencejournal.org.uk)

submitted by MagicMushroom to UnitedKingdom 3.1 years ago


Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has outlined the result of the ‘Defence Command Paper’, a white paper outlining the shape and size of the British military over the years to come.
You can read ‘Defence in a Competitive Age‘ for yourself here, below is a brief summary of the main points broken down by service.

Royal Navy
HMS Trent, a Batch 2 River-class patrol vessel, will be permanently based in Gibraltar, and HMS Tamar (P233) will be permanently based in the Indo-Pacific.
A new surveillance ship will be acquired, tasked to deal with protecting critical national infrastructure, such as undersea cables.
Hunt-class mine countermeasures vessel and Sandown-class minehunter will be replaced by autonomous minehunting vessels.
A Bay-class landing ship will be converted to a littoral strike role for the Royal Marines, who will also evolve into the Future Commando Force and be forward-based.
The Type 83 destroyer will be developed to replace the Type 45 destroyers in the late 2030s.
Two Type 23 Frigates will be retired early, before an increase in numbers with the introduction of the Type 26 Frigate and Type 31 Frigate.
Harpoon will be retired and replaced by the interim Surface to Surface Guided Weapon; the Type 45 Destroyer will also receive upgraded air defence weapons.
British Army
The British Army will be reduced in size, to 72,500 regular personnel by 2025, with no change in reserves.
77 Challenger 2 Main Battle Tanks will be retired, with the remaining 148 upgraded to Challenger 3.
The planned Warrior upgrade will be cancelled, and instead the vehicles will be retired upon the introduction of Boxer in the mid-2020s.
£250 million will be invested in Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS).
£800 million will be invested in a new automated fires platform.
The Infantry will be restructured into four new administrative divisions.
A new four-battalion Ranger Regiment will be formed, from the Royal Scots Borderers; 2nd Battalion, Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment; 2nd Battalion, Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment; and 4th Battalion, The Rifles. The new regiment will sit within a newly-formed Army Special Operations Brigade.
A new Global Readiness Force will be formed, consisting of a newly formed 1st Combat Aviation Brigade, and 16 Air Assault Brigade, the latter of which will be reinforced by a further infantry unit.
The British Army will be re-organised into 7 self-sufficient Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) – two heavy, two light, one deep strike, one air maneuvre, and one combat aviation.
The 1st and 2nd Battalions of the Mercian Regiment will be amalgamated.
A Security Force Assistance Brigade will be formed to assist and train partner nations.
Manning will increase in the areas of electronic warfare, air defence, and unmanned aerial vehicles.
23 Gazelle, 20 Puma, and 5 Bell 212 will be replaced by a new medium-lift helicopter.
Royal Air Force
£2 billion will be invested over the next 4 years, into the Future Combat Air System, alongside further development of the LANCA UCAV system.
The UK will commit to grow the F-35B fleet beyond 48 aircraft.
24 Typhoons retired in the next few years, Hawk T1 will go too.
Five E-3D Sentry early warning aircraft will be replaced by a more capable but smaller fleet of three E7 Wedgetail in 2023. These will be based at RAF Lossiemouth.
The UK will retire the C130-J Hercules in 2023, after 24 years of service. Twenty-two A400Ms, alongside the C17s remain.
Counter terrorism operations are currently supported by nine Reaper RPAS (‘drones’) which will be replaced by 16 Protectors by 2024.
The UK will further develop combat drone swarm technologies.
The UK will upgrade the remaining Typhoon jets radars and introduce Spear Cap 3 deep strike capabilities.
£200 million will be invested in enhanced electronic warfare & signals intelligence capability.
£6.6 billion will be invested into space over the next 4 years.
You can read greater detail from the Ministry of Defence here, including the paper.
