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Member for: 8 months

scp: 693 (+709/-16)
ccp: 694 (+718/-24)
votes given: 4120 (+2918/-1202)
score: 1387


Good shout. The Iranians are already in minimization mode. "Your attack didn't do shit" type deal. Utterly predictable, they are standing down in this shoving contest.

No doubt they'll just put it in the scorebook and try and get their own back at a more convenient time.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6621d5ac77f8b

Imagine letting a crooked, slimy two bit hebe like Netanyanhu drag the whole Western world into a conflict with the sand niggers.

Every step of the acceleration process and you become more convinced the kikes either actively planned October 7, or knew all about it and simply allowed it to happen as a pretext.

Biden should cut every dime of funding to these dangerous enemies of the U.S and leave them to it. If the kikes want to fight the Iranians, use their own weapons and own shekels. But just watch, we'll have the usual traitors like Linsey Graham and McConnell sending another thirty or forty billion of U.S taxpayer money straight to our (((greatest allies))).

/v/War viewpost?postid=6621ddce62eff

The kike Netanyanhu treats Biden like a stray dog. I can't remember our country being this obviously weak in my lifetime.

Zog does what the fuck he wants, then gives US taxpayers like me and you the bill. Didn't we spend close a billion or so stopping the Iranians light them up last week?

What a time to be alive.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6621d5ac77f8b

The money they make off cigarette taxes is far more than the cost of the healthcare they give. You are a retard to believe otherwise - if banning smoking would have made countries financially much better off they'd have done it decades ago.

This is ignoring some other obvious facts, like 100% of non smokers fucking die and they need healthcare too. Banning smoking would change where money is spent on health perhaps but it wouldn't reduce the health spend by a single cent. Because people would just die of something else, and (((big pharma))) will find a way to make money off that something else.

Even your original pretext that smoking is inherently unhealthy isn't as strong as you think it is. Japan, Cyprus, Spain and South Korea have much higher per capita cigarette consumption than Western countries - yet life expectancy is virtually on a par with countries that have much stricter rules around tobacco, even adjusted for gender.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661fda1620a27

>Brannon, of San Juan Capistrano, California, also admitted that he made plans for additional attacks on a second Planned Parenthood clinic, a Southern California Edison substation and an LGBTQ pride night celebration at Dodger Stadium, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a statement.

Nine years is not a bad outcome really, especially as he was charged and indicted federally. When you have a hit list of diversity targets, you're military trained and have been caught lobbing molotovs the judge usually doesn't like that.

/v/news viewpost?postid=661e5deed1be0

Motherfucker apparently was a "local food truck owner". You can see the entitlement on the dead nog prior to getting himself shot - he clearly acts like he owns the place or has some sort of special privileges. Presumably because he buys a half tank of gas or whatever every few days, he felt he could do what the fuck he liked.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661cd4f67712e

Wasn't a cop. Was an armed security guard basically.

Security guard also managed somehow to get shot in the leg himself.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661cd4f67712e

Yeah, that's because somehow somewhere the nigger managed to shoot the rent-a-cop in the leg.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661cd4f67712e

A dispute over, of all fucking things, a BBQ truck and where it was parked.


Seems like the nog was local and a regular, and felt entitled to park wear the fuck he wanted. Security dude - not a cop - was trying to impose his authority. This was the result.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661cd4f67712e

Fuck, the kikes apparently had and have more paid informers in the "resistance movement" than there are legitimate jihadis. Similar to the Brits in Northern Ireland or the FBI during the Red Scare. You couldn't drop a fart without the handlers knowing about it.

The kikes play a longer game than most. They looked at the Palestinian birth rates then they looked at their own. On the surface the kikes appear to have no demographic problems, but look deeper and you'll see all the population growth is literally coming from the so called orthodox kikes.

These kikes are so kikey the other kikes hate them. They refuse to fight or work. They literally get welfare to spit out little kikes, grow their beards, wear their stupid fucking hats and pretend to read the torah. Thirteen percent of the population and growing at an enormous rate.

In this context it's all a calculated move. The kikes aren't sharing their desert shithole with anybody, regardless of what the UN or US fucking say. Let alone a bunch of sand niggers that even the other Arabs all fucking hate as well.

If they were ever going to push the camel jockeys into the desert now is the fucking time. Biden is likely the weakest president in a hundred or so years. The muslims are breeding like fucking rabbits, and in twenty or thirty years would likely have a large demographic advantage.

Remember, what made South Africa and Rhodesia ultimately untenable was the sheer numbers. In Rhodesia the end of white rule had one white for every twenty nogs. In South Africa it never got that unbalanced, but it was still a three or four to one ratio of jigaboos to whites.

The kikes refuse to investigate the so called "breakdowns" of October 7 until after they've finished carpet bombing the shithole that is Gaza. They allowed the attack to happen at the least, but very likely participated directly in the planning or funding of it as well. If they don't push the palestinians into the desert now then it's never. The US will likely never be weaker. The numbers are only going one way population wise. The kikes need to get rid of these people before it becomes politically untenable to keep the ethno-state going. Everything was a pretext to lead to a planned outcome.

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=661bdb2a5b308

Clock is ticking for them to be pro-active IMO. They started the kike state with four hundred kikes studying the torah on the taxpayer tit. That number has expanded to around fifteen percent of the population. They refuse to join the army, they refuse to work, they just want to wear their stupid fucking hats and sit on their lazy kike asses spitting children out, who do exactly the same.

It's a demographic time bomb and by no means sustainable. Tough circle to square, even for a sneaky fucking jew like Netanyanhu. kikes might have the largest welfare queen problem in recorded history. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6618a3a22c8ec

Blacks are seventy percent more likely to smoke than whites. Eighty to ninety percent of black smokers prefer menthol, versus about one in three for white smokers.

If Biden is so desperate for votes he needs Stanford and Son style niggers who smoke two packs of Kools a day you have to logically figure he's pretty much fucked. This is truly bottom of the barrel shit.

/v/Universal viewpost?postid=661501527c819

You're the most efficient fed in the government my friend.

Many thanks and enjoy Easter.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=6605a37ebf883

This is literally a textbook example of how it works in action.

Note that it also has to include the subversion of the political class. Their silence is absolutely crucial in what is happening here in America.

Letting millions of undocumented people into America should be a precursor to treason charges. The two party system has managed to usurp just about every check and balance the founding fathers originally put in place. It is past time we the people rethought how and who this country is run for.

/v/news viewpost?postid=660403528c1f5

I think it's the first generation to genuinely overstay its welcome. We've extended human longevity so fast and so quickly that these fuckers were just the first to think they can defy the ageing process forever.

Boomers are about a million years old but seem obsessed with pretending they're young. A distinct lack of dignity during the ageing process is almost the generations defining trait.

They're still trying to inflict boomers as leaders upon us even now. Please, just fuck off into the sunset. Pelosi, Biden, McConnell and these geriatrics that have fucked the country and refuse to get out the way to see if anyone else could do better.

I wouldn't let McConnell or Biden sit on my couch because they'd likely piss themselves. They're fucking eighty plus year old geriatrics pretending they're young and virile. It's unedifying and pretty fucking embarrassing. And symbolic of the whole generation.

They fucked the world and wanted a thank you for it will be the boomers epitaph. And then the rest of us will have to start to pick up the pieces and put them back together again.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=66042b0944e19

Street shitters wipe out bridge, cause billions in economic damage and kill a few unlucky people and *still* *called* *heroes* is peak fucking clown world.

So *brave!*

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=66038c48a5eee

The average rent on a place in Manhattan is now more than 4500 a month.

What sort of rents are they collecting in Port of poverty or whatever the fuck its called?

/v/NYC viewpost?postid=6603660e715eb

I like the Aussies but they definitely have an enormous blind spot when it comes to the human experience.

This town is full of niggers doing nigger things. So absolutely no different to anywhere else in the world you find a preponderance of coons. Yet the Aussies still act surprised, dare I say a little hurt.

"How could this happen here?" - my guy, its a town full of stone age niggers. You expected Tokyo or Zurich?

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=6603b443cdfe1

He allegedly shot himself in his truck in the hotel car park of where he was staying. He was literally due to respond to further questioning that afternoon - when he didn't show they raised the alarm.

A blackmail based suicide would certainly fit the timeline. An organization as well resourced as Boeing would almost certainly have had investigators gathering shit on this Barnett guy. Who knows what they turned up on him or his family, or even just what damage they could do to his friends and families lives if he kept on talking.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65f43fa6d59ba

They managed to shut down a lot of places. Fuck, I'm old enough to remember when Reddit still had fatpeoplehate as a popular sub. The way the debate is framed these days is quite Orwellian. It's a variation on Newspeak.

But for every site and chat board they shut down new sites did pop up. And here we are.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65f4065b73af8

Haha, my Mom had family in New Mexico I spent a few summers with my cousin there in the eighties. Outside Carlsbad.

We'd go out from dawn to dusk to the Caverns and just run absolutely unchecked. My cousin is nearly two years older than me so was a lot more worldly than me at the time. I remember we found an old Buick someone had abandoned, and us sanding it to collect the rust. (iron oxide) We were trying to get into the cash box of a payphone near Route 62, but we hadn't placed the thermite in the right place and it just went through the top plate and wiring the bottom plate before finally meeting its match on the concrete floor.

My aunt and uncle were living pretty poor back then. My uncle used to repair stuff he could like bike frames or whatever to save money or even make a little coin here and there. He was the one who actually owned one of those Solidox welders with the nasty ass pellets instead of a tank. I always hated the things because I could never work fast enough before the pellet burns out but they certainly had other intriguing end user possibilities....

/v/GEN_X_Pub_n_Grill viewpost?postid=65f278acf30cc

I've forgotten more from my teenage years than I remember.

But the fun we had with thermite. And solidox. You don't forget that shit.

/v/GEN_X_Pub_n_Grill viewpost?postid=65f278acf30cc

Oakland is like the fucking Congo, and rapidly heading towards becoming a North American version of South Africa. The effectively white enclave across the bay bridge gives it that sort of feel.

One of the biggest shitholes in America, up there with Baltimore, Chicago or Detroit. Jungle bunny social tax in action.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65f0774a55780

Barnett had reported high failure rates of oxygen masks. He claimed this was to meet deadlines and that he had reported it to the FAA and Boeing management but no action occurred.

Boeing denied the allegations but did admit that inspections had shown oxygen bottles not deploying properly.

A series of failures on Boeing aircraft were also attributed to cost saving measures by Barnett. He claimed that passenger safety was being widely compromised throughout the entire Boeing range of aircraft in favor of making money.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65eff20465109