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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 181 (+188/-7)
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score: 4686


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Her are some flyers for anyone that wants to leave one laying around at a diner or on a community poster board      (www.gtvflyers.com)

submitted by ItsOk2bArian to JewishCrimesMatter 2 days ago


Seems like we've had some fresh blood around here lately, so here's something for you kids to play with
That one time when Germany took on the Empire     (youtu.be)

submitted by ItsOk2bArian to whatever 1 month ago


I was disappointed with the ending but I have no regrets
Why haven't any of you Aussie bastards told the rest of us about Sugar Neeks? All I ever see is the dickhead with the goofy ears.      (Australia)

submitted by ItsOk2bArian to Australia 10 months ago



If more of women's sports looked like this, more men would watch
We lost a good woman today      (PureFuckingKikery)

submitted by ItsOk2bArian to PureFuckingKikery 11 months ago


My best friends Wife has succumb to her rare Jew only Cancer. Great great great grandma was a crypto kike. She had to do extensive research to learn that.
Now a hundred years later the Jew strikes from the grave. Her father is also dieing from a different rare genetic Jew Cancer. An entire branch of family lineage has ended.
My inner circle of friends/family is devastated. She was a Matriarch and caretaker to all.
I'm leaving out a lot, just venting into the void.
You faggots get it.
Remember goys, khazar milkers will end your family tree, even if it takes them generations after their death to do it
Pack of mix breeds speak to the mud bloods     (twitter.com)

submitted by ItsOk2bArian to whatever 11 months ago


I know, I know, it's a twatter link to a rap video.
I just thought it was amusing they clearly pirated the set for the video. No fuckin' way target allowed this shit.
I like when the golem attacks the jew
I have a refrigerator in the middle of the jungle      (whatever)

submitted by ItsOk2bArian to whatever 1.1 years ago


It's just so out of place and bizarre to my minds eye. It looks ridiculous to see a black refrigerator, on a pallet, under a tarp canopy, in the middle of my camp, surrounded by various trees and jungle shrubbery.
Some times I just sit and stare at it when I take a break from working my land.
Where did the hardcore deep divers go?     (whatever)

submitted by ItsOk2bArian to whatever 1.2 years ago


Old Voat was on the cutting edge of what was happening.
I know this question has been argued to death, but where did that go?
Where are these people posting now?
Where are the revelations that when brought to the attention of enough people on Voat suddenly caused those being put under the autistic microscope to censor/delete/rewrite the internet and go into hiding or do damage control?
Old Goats know what I'm talking about.
Where did that level of devotion to serious investigation go to?
It's like all those contributors just quit.
I don't see posts that even come close to old Voat happening anywhere on the internet
Any Hawaiian Goats lurking around here?     (whatever)

submitted by ItsOk2bArian to whatever 2.2 years ago


I have escaped the mainland and began setting up a homestead in the jungle. I chose Hawaii because it's as far away from "America" as I could possibly move without changing citizenship, plus 2500 miles of ocean felt like a good barrier from the rest of the worlds bullshit.
My family is basically permanently camping while I build us a small house and develop our land for animal and crop farming. We live in tents under a 20x40 tarp canopy. We have rain catchments for water and 2 solar panels for electricity. We use propane water heaters for showering and washing dishes, and a propane grill for cooking. The kids use online schooling for education.
I'm not particularly skilled at anything, but I'm doing my best and learning to adapt quickly. We love it here and I just wanted to reach out and see if any Voaters respond
JewFlu killed my Old Man today     (whatever)

submitted by ItsOk2bArian to whatever 3.0 years ago


79, diabetic, enlarged heart. Cohen-19 caused viral pneumonia, which caused a heart attack, which shutdown his kidneys. He spent two days being forced to breath by a respirator but his oxygen level kept dropping. He died within 45 minutes of being taken off the respirator. My mother and I had to watch through a fucking window and couldn't enter the room. The nurse was very compassionate. She stayed by his side and held his hand the entire time, but that should have been my mother.
I'm so heartbroken and angry.
He was a boomer but he was Goat as fuck. Take no shit, believe no lies. God, Family, Country.
Rest in Peace Dad. You earned it.
You guys would have liked him. He enjoyed your memes