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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 181 (+188/-7)
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score: 4686


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I love these exposes OMG does. Nothing funnier than a highly trained glownigger ruining his career because he fell for a Honeypot.
"I wanna motorboat your young titties, let me impress you with my secrets."
Bonus points for taking down a jewy looking Arab being paid to spy on our own country.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6633487577c9d

I used to have the most amazing chiropractor, then I changed states. Sometimes I daydream of flying back just to see him again

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=6632f64bedd7d

I was gonna suggest at least he should take a board member of the ADL/AIPAC with him, but doing a flip could be cool too. Bonus points if he does both

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=6632f64bedd7d

Give us more to work with than that brother.
I got fuckin' wrecked from head to toe when I was 23 and have lived with daily pain for 20 years. I'm not saying I've never considered climbing into the forever box, I'm just saying prove to us you've got it the worst or you're just being a whiney attention bitch.
I had a broken leg for 9 years and had to stand/walk on it to stimulate bone growth. I have fibromyalgia that "stabs" me constantly and occasionally makes me feel like I stuck my dick in a light socket.
I could go on but let's hear what you got.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=6632f64bedd7d

Goddamn it man!
The reddit link is what you think deserved a warning?
Not the missing link caveman porn?
You bastard, they're are things that can never be unseen

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=663271c41a5bb

It's cool to hate


/v/JewishCrimesMatter viewpost?postid=662fe360696ab

Whatever gets the message out. I would laugh good and hard if these flyers started a woke army of niggers and faggots going against jewish power

/v/JewishCrimesMatter viewpost?postid=662fe360696ab

I'm sure the GDL would welcome any research you would like to contribute to the cause, but you gotta admit a jew named Pedowitz is a meme that writes itself

/v/JewishCrimesMatter viewpost?postid=662fe360696ab

That's definitely some solid provocation. I'm sure that triggered some negroe fragility

/v/JewishCrimesMatter viewpost?postid=662fe360696ab

So far the worst HT has gotten is littering charges

/v/JewishCrimesMatter viewpost?postid=662fe360696ab

Serves those "heroes" right for using stupid fucking tactics. Home raids should not be legal and are a retarded strategy. Just dog pile the motherfucker when he's on public property.
Entering an Americans home with the intent to do them hard is always the quickest way to get into a gunfight

/v/news viewpost?postid=66301a9100a42

An expensive fancy billboard that was clearly paid for by Aipac, ADL, or SPLC is a victory?
I mean the American company that owns the place probably has a lot of jew investors, so I guess

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66309359596e6

That's the only reason they can order the arrest of the Grand Wizard of kikes and not be immediately assassinated. They are no threat. Imagine if any other court in the world put out a warrant for any Israeli prime minister. Go ahead, try and imagine it. I'll wait

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662fe4a45fee3

For a true deep dive breakdown of the Protocols I highly recommend Henry Fords book. It is a collection of articles that were printed in his newspaper and took years to research and create. It's a literary masterpiece.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662fe77a598c7

The Truth welcomes questions, only lies fear scrutiny

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=662f523853d9e

I used to watch Owen Benjamin when he went fully independent and I remember a specific rant he did that was very on point. Without the laugh track and soundtrack, Seinfeld is just 4 psychotic jews in New York that lie, cheat, and steal from everyone around them. He played a few clips where the laugh track had been removed and it was disturbing how not funny it is when you aren't given the audible cue that a joke had just been said.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662fa4ce7d2be

Good eye, it's very jewish
The Freemason's have a long history of jewy shit

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=662eb6dd698d4

Well you would indeed appear to be correct, however I think I would rather live in a van down by the river before moving to rural Kansas.
Does Fire insurance cover tornadoes, or do you have to get insurance through FEMA for that?
Are they allowed to have a fence around their quarter acre lot,or is that against the HOA rules?
Does the house come with a meth pipe or do I buy that separately?
I have so many questions for Zillow

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662be9f8151d6

The corncob is a working mans pipe because it is lightweight enough to grip with your teeth, allowing you to use both hands to fight jewish power while smoking a nice Cavendish.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662eca9e0e64a

Those are "Shocking Facts", as the Commander would have said

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662eca9e0e64a

You must be new here. Yes, that picture and the facts on his signs are completely real.
That is George Lincoln Rockwell, he was a great man and an officer that fought in WWII.
He founded The American Nazi political party because he realized we fought the wrong people. He wrote literature and gave speeches to try an educate Americans about Jewish supremacy and the communist plot to destroy the United States.
He sacrificed everything to try and save us from ourselves and was eventually shot by one of his own men who turned out to be a Jew if I remember correctly.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662eca9e0e64a

We live in a simulation and the system is crashing

/v/based_department viewpost?postid=662e8c89d41b5

That's not a workout, it's just playing on the monkey bars. He should go to the park and stop bothering the adults at the gym

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662e89cae39b2

What is luxury by your standard? My cabin in 3 acres of woods is 20x10 and it's all the space my Wife and I need. I spend most of my time outside with my animals enjoying nature. I only ever step foot in it to go to bed. I cook at an outdoor kitchen I built myself. I shower and shit comfortably surrounded by beautiful scenic plants watching Cardinals and Finches eat at my bird feeder. I have high speed internet, all the electricity I care to generate, and free water that falls from the sky. My mansion is my private forest. What more could you want white man? Boats and hoes?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662be9f8151d6