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Member for: 10 months

scp: 22 (+23/-1)
ccp: 45 (+46/-1)
votes given: 28 (+28/-0)
score: 67


I wish I had more upvotes to give.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6556ec8ee1855

Spoken like a true shaman of the cave people.

/v/Space viewpost?postid=65183b4c54fef

Twitter; never have, never will.

There is something fundamentally stupid about limiting the length of a message to cater to ADHD millinials who can't focus on anything longer than 1.2 seconds.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65181f2164b26

Let's hope they had enough brains to not talk about it near their pocket spy devices or carry the devices with them during the alleged act.

/v/WakeUpWhitePeople viewpost?postid=6518429149af9

I've seen many different types of people holding caulk guns. I've never seen a black woman weild one. It's like they sit around and think of the most improbable things for niggers to do and then run with it

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=650c9e3f35b92

It's just AOJew and his alts now.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65038cc380199

Do some research on interferometry, multilateration, and phased arrays then tell me again how impossible it is.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64fe16a24b4aa

5G can track you naked in a forest. They no longer need you to have a device.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64fe16a24b4aa

Today's military is not the military I signed up for 30 years ago. It's full of shitskins and faggots now.

I will uphold my oath against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=64e2858540ed4

You people choose to live on an active volcano. I have no sympathy.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64d35b92ef687

Theirs and old saying gnowing grandmer, an its an good won... cant remembro waht it's.

/v/SoapboxBongHits viewpost?postid=64d39bed186f8

Abraham_Lincoln speaking: What the hell is up with you alwaya speaking for other peopke?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64cd74728ffbc

Why is it the area around chernobyl is still uninhabitable, but Japan shakes of two atomic bombs?

/v/anime viewpost?postid=64cc7ad05b9d5

> ... they're better

That's what the jews have been pushing. The ONLY way they are 'better' is in electrical efficiency. They are bad for your eyes medically, they are ugly, it takes more energy and pollution to manufacture them, they fuck up circadian rythms of humans and animals, plantlife suffers from constant exposure, they are hazardous to safety at night, the list goes on.

But sure, hold on to that ONE good attribute and scream it to the heavens.

/v/Technocracy viewpost?postid=64caa494bbf37

Yay I'm gonna be a kang n sheeeet

/v/technology viewpost?postid=64ca846741a7e

When warm safe lightbulbs are outlawed only outlaws will have warm safe lightbulbs.

LED bulbs are damaging to your retinas and affects your psychology in a negative manner.

This is the throwing down of the gauntlet on humanity. They hate us so much they are willing to make the night into a painful disruptive eternal hell.... you can't even look up and see stars because A)skyglow from light pollution B)glare from LED sources in every direction hitting you in the face and C)obsenely overlit makes your pupils constrict, ruining your nightvision.

Fuck this planet.

/v/Technocracy viewpost?postid=64caa494bbf37

You can't reason with fanatics who take centuries-old fables as unchanging constants. For them, the world will always be flat, creation of the cosmos and lifeforms happened in exactly 6 days, and worst of all: jews are the master race. They will twist and berate every contrary fact to maintain their flawed view... because some long-dead primitive people wrote that God told them so.

/v/History viewpost?postid=64c4479e0bc10

From the AI's perspective, republicans are a stronger adversary than demonrats, which means it will target republicans before democrats when the time comes to drop the warhammer on humans. Strategically you want to eliminate the most dangerous targets first in an ambush, the whiney bitches are secondary targets.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=64c30a9718873

Only two weeks until the details are released.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64c4052380471

I'm holding a live grenade and I just swallowed the pin.


/v/TraditionalMen viewpost?postid=64b8d16b4b5ed

>Loses It LIVE

Loses what? Her virginity? I hope she finds it.

/v/news viewpost?postid=64b9205d57421

Tweets are almost as gay as tiktoks

/v/jewJokes viewpost?postid=64b891ee58f25

Idiocratic 1 point 10 months ago*

I have no clue what the hell MGTOW is and I've seen the term twice now on this site. People need to stop making up cryptic shit and stick to known words. Get off my fucking lawn.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64b5154d09f0d