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How homosexuality in the west is a cult     (whatever)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.3 years ago


- Homosexuals are pressured to socialize only with other homosexuals

- They recruit new members aggressively

- The see themselves as victims and outsiders and expect "persecution" and bullying simply because of who they are from people who are blinded by prejudice and fear

- They have specialized events and a specialized vocabulary

- They are encouraged to discontinue contact with family and non-heterosexual friends

- They expect other homosexuals to be of the same political leaning (liberal), express the same views, and never criticize the group

- They expect a certain kind of behavior, conduct, and appearance, and harshly criticize those who don't comply

- They demand special privileges and laws to protect their group

- They lie to themselves and people outside their group

- They expect conformity to all of these rules. If a homosexual displays defiance, he is made a social outcast and shunned
David Duke on the difference genetics makes in differentiating behavior between species and races     (whatever)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.3 years ago


This is a bit long, but it's worth it. From Duke's "My Awakening", Chapter 9, The Roots of Racial Difference. There is a link below if you want to download the book.

- - - - - -

At the age of 10 I kept two white female rats in our garage in a large wooden box that I had built. It had a wood frame and fine-grade chicken-wire top that fit poorly. On a spring day, I discovered that one of my rats was showing signs of gestation. Even though I did not understand it, I supposed that I had mistaken a male rat for a female. I couldn't understand why the father looked so female, for I had a lot of familiarity with White rats, raising and selling them to the local pet stores and the Woolworth's store near my home.

The babies were finally born little pink sacks with four extruding legs and eager mouths but just outlines of closed eyes and ears. Each day I played with the little ones, but as they grew older they seemed decidedly different from their mother and the other rat whom I presumed must be their father. As they began to grow their new coats, the fur grew out not white but gray. More dramatically, their behavior seemed strange as well.

By the time they reached a few weeks old, equivalent to a human's teenage years, no matter how often I held them, the brood acted increasingly wild and uncontrollable. They had differences that went much further than simply the gray color of their coats. Their wildness progressed to the point that whenever I put my hand into the cage, the sawdust and wood shavings went flying as they scattered fearfully from the very same human hand that had lovingly fondled and petted them from birth. They were fast, excitable, quick to bite and physically superior to the domesticated breed. Pet white rats are very passive, slow-moving, deliberate creatures, whereas their wild rat cousins are excitable, lightning quick, aggressive and violent.

Finally I came to the realization that both white rats in the cage were actually female and that a wild rat had gnawed and squeezed into the wooden cage and mated with one of them.

A few years later, as I studied the realities of human race, I understood fully that the different breeds of rats are the genetic equivalent of human races. Breeding can occur between different races, even when there may still be dramatic genetic differences between them. The contrast between races can be in physical or psychological traits and in social or individual behavior. The behavior of those half-white, half-wild rats obviously was not a result of their environment. I had provided them with the same nurturing as for my white rats. In fact, they were suckled by their white rat mother and raised with two white rat females and constant human intervention, but their behavior was *wild*.

As a teenager looking into the race question, I looked back on the rat episode of a few years earlier. It seemed obvious that the difference in the behavior of my rats was wholly the result of genetics. The fact that the environment for the mixed-breed rats was the same as that for the completely domesticated ones suggested that there was a physical difference between the brains and hormones of the domesticated white rats and those of the breed of half-wild, gray rats. These genetic differences had powerful behavioral effects.

Verbal abuse from a group of Christian evangelists: A reminiscence from 40 years ago     (whatever)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.4 years ago


I was stationed at Norfolk Naval Base in the early to mid 80s and the place was swarming with sailors. There usually wasn't much to do during liberty, but we found our own fun. One weekend I went off with a couple of friends to spend the night at a friend's house. The three of us went off to buy some beer because often that's all there is to do in a navy town.

As we approached the market there was a group, about six or so, of very loud, verbally abusive Christians trying their best to use boot camp techniques to preach the gospel. Their idea was to shout verbal abuse to sailors passing by in a threatening manner on the sidewalk. It was mostly personal taunts like "you like sucking on that pipe, boy? You think it makes you look like a man?" (I used to smoke a pipe then) and "yeah walk on by, you're the devil and you avoid the word of God!"

We hoped they wouldn't get any closer and do something physical, and they didn't, but it really upset us. It particularly upset my friends who were Christians (I was an atheist at the time) and hoped I wouldn't judge all Christians by those maniacs on the sidewalk.

We talked about it after we got our beer and got back. I told them that with the exception of those zealots, all of the Christians I knew were generally good and decent people, and that they were using the wrong approach if they wanted to convert people and save souls. They should bring them in with kindness and friendliness and find a middle ground to talk. Their approach only drove people away because they were afraid of the insane method of preaching they used.
I made paprikash about a year ago, and while the sauce was excellent, the spaetzle was doughy and chewy. Does anyone have a favorite method of making spaetzle?     (Cooking)

submitted by HughBriss to Cooking 1.4 years ago


Paprikash caught my interest about a year ago, and even though I'd never made anything like it, I found a recipe I liked and gave it a try. The sauce was flawless. I made a point of using Szeged Hungarian paprika, even though it was much more expensive. It was worth it. American paprika is fairly bland.

I had a lot of trouble with the spaetzle, though. The recipe called for a lot of flour, which made it very thick and doughy. It took forever to spoon it one by one into the water, and when it began to boil, the pieces expanded and became very large. They tasted like bland, chewy dumplings and the texture took away from the fantastic sauce.

I discovered there are spaetzle tools that will help with this, to make proper "riced" spaetzle. Some show pictures with very fluid and runny spaetzle dough, which will flow on its own through the holes in the grater.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Can anyone recommend a recipe for spaetzle or a good tool to rice it for boiling? Thanks!
It's interesting that so many atheists on Voat find it necessary to harangue and malign Christians here, while Christians don't reciprocate in v/atheism or some sub similar to v/christcucks     (whatever)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.4 years ago


I see regular posts to v/christcucks nagging everyone, but especially Christians, with their posts about how stupid and worthless Christians are, while Christians can't be bothered to post their thoughts on atheists in v/atheism. The last post to that sub was seven months ago. I don't know what to think about this. It's almost like Christians just don't give a shit about what atheists think about them except when atheists pop up on some post having nothing to do with religion and make some crass and insulting comment that's completely inappropriate to the post. Weird.
I made eggs benedict yesterday. It was delicious and surprisingly easy to make     (Cooking)

submitted by HughBriss to Cooking 1.4 years ago


It requires only four things: poached eggs, English muffins, Canadian bacon, and Hollandaise sauce. Poaching eggs properly can be tricky if you've never done it before, but it gets easy with practice. Always poach eggs in water, never dry, and leave the yolk a bit runny.

This is the recipe for Hollandaise sauce I use. I used to think it was difficult to make, but I tried this one and it worked perfectly and it requires only a few ingredients.

3 egg yolks
1/4 cup water
1 to 1-1/2 tablespoons lemon juice (try with just 1 tablespoon at first, and adjust to taste for later preparations)
1/2 cup butter, melted
salt and pepper to taste

In a double boiler or metal bowl over simmering water, constantly whisk the egg yolks, water and lemon juice until mixture reaches 160° or is thick enough to coat the back of a metal spoon. Reduce heat to low. Slowly drizzle in warm melted butter, whisking constantly. Whisk in the salt and paprika until it is thick and creamy.

This will make enough sauce for four eggs.

Fry the Canadian bacon until lightly browned. Toast the English muffins to one's preference.

I prefer using a double boiler because it's easier to control and has easy clean-up. Don't bother with Knorr's packaged mix, and the kind you buy in a jar is overpriced. This is easy enough for anyone to make.

The game "Cards Against Humanity" was created by jews. Here's a list of people involved     (whatever)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.4 years ago


This would be obvious to anyone who's played the game. The card designers have a fecal obsession. The game's co-creators are (((Max Temkin))) and (((Ben Hantoot))). This is how Crunchbase describes him: "Ben Hantoot is a Co-Founder and Partner of Cards Against Humanity. .... He writes poop jokes."

The card designers are:

Josh Dillon
Daniel Dranove
Eli Halpern
Ben Hantoot
David Munk
David Pinsof
(((Max Temkin)))
Eliot (((Weinstein)))

I can't tell if Dillon or Dranove are jews, but all of them have jewish first names. Temkin and Hantoot met in high school in Highland Park, IL, a north shore suburb of Chicago, a US city over-represented by jews.

I played it once and found it childish, in incredibly poor taste and absolutely unfunny. jews don't ever create things, they can only destroy them.
There is only one animated Christmas special worth watching, and it's the only one that's explicit in saying that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus     (archive.org)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.4 years ago


Even as a child, I always disliked Christmas cartoons, except for "A Charlie Brown Christmas". This special was very personal for Charles Schulz, who was a religious man and though what had been done to it was terrible. I disliked all of these 60s and 70s Christmas specials because they had fuck-all to do with the holiday (holy day). I never understood what Santa Claus, giving presents, snow, elves, and all of that had to do with Jesus.

Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962)
The Year Without Santa Claus (1974)
'Twas The Night Before Christmas (1974)
Frosty the Snowman (1969)
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (1964)
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town (1970)
The Little Drummer Boy (1968)

I'm kind of on the fence with "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (1966). It's heartwarming, but it still loses sight of the reason for Christmas.
I've been reading about predictive programming programming. It's more pervasive yet more subtle than one may think. Link below     (whatever)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.4 years ago


I was looking for sources on predictive programming in general. I found this book on 9/11 predictive programming and wanted to share it with everyone. It's called "Imagining 9/11".


I was looking mostly for a source documenting priming the public for a worldwide epidemic or pandemic and ensuing lockdown, as we saw with the Covid tyranny. If anyone has sources for that. I'd appreciate them.

I remember watching "The Running Man" in 1987 and thinking that that's hardly the reality now, but given time, perhaps decades, if things deteriorate enough, Los Angeles will look like that impoverished, crime-ridden rioting hell-hole shown in the movie. I recommend everyone to re-watch the movie. SO many things in that movie are becoming reality:

- Police violence against civilians, including capital violence
- Widespread rioting and food shortages
- Vast unemployment
- Entertainment consisting of dangerous endurance challenges
- Large numbers of political prisoners
- Software that can realistically replicate specific human features and faces

This last one I thought was a long way off, but it's already here.The others are anywhere between actually here and soon-to-be here.

I also wanted to mention a book cited in the book "Imagining 9/11". The 1969 movie "Marooned" closely parallels the events of Apollo 13, but the movie was based on a 1964 book of the same name. From "Imagining 9/11":

"Released *less than six months before the real-life Apollo 13*, Marooned tells the story of three astronauts who survive an accident in space, but with their lives hanging in the balance the people in Mission Control at NASA must work night and day to figure out a way to bring them home safely. Based on a 1964 novel of the same name, the correlation between reel-life and real life was uncanny that press conferences in the film were similar to those conducted by Chris Kraft for the Apollo 13 media coverage; the crew wrongly surmised they had suffered a meteor strike as did the crew of Apollo 13; a hurricane threatened the rescue as happened with Apollo 13; while both commanders of “Marooned” and Apollo 13 were named Jim."
This was just a year ago. I want to keep it fresh in your minds that Salvation Army scolded all White people that there are racists and should apologize for harboring racist thoughts     (usbacklash.org)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.4 years ago


At the time they released this, I had two cars full of stuff that I was going to donate to them. I donated a bunch of stuff earlier in the year, twice. But no more, never again. I also decided that Goodwill also isn't worthy of my charity, partly because they are no longer a real charity (I recommend reading about that) after the snide way I was treated when I didn't want to wear a mask in one of their stores.

Fuck both of them. I'd sooner give my second-hand goods to the Mormons (Deseret). Unless it's a local, single store thrift store where the proceeds are actually used for local charity, it's probably not a real charity.

E: Crap, there's a typo, one of my most common ones. It should read "that there are racists". Serves me right for not proofing it before I posted.
Even though most Z-Lib domains have been seized by the FBI, this one is a new domain and being restored as we speak. The former site had a LOT of content, to it's going to take a bit until the database is fully populated     (z-lib.is)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.4 years ago


I've kept an eye on it for a while, and I see more and more content available in the search.
I'm gonna mess up your day: You guys like Tim Blake Nelson, who was in "O, Brother Where Art Thou?" He's a full jew     (infogalactic.com)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.6 years ago


Sorry guys, it bums me out too, but ya gotta rip that band-aid off quickly. The more you know. Who even knew there were jews in Oklahoma?
Let's cast some movies about famous jews, but casting them with niggers. I have some suggestions     (whatever)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.6 years ago


In the movie "Ghandi" (1982) the lead was played by Ben Kingsley, an English jew. Apparently Hollywood jews seem to think jewish actors can disguise themselves and play anyone. Perhaps they're right. They seem to think no one is off limits. In a popular show called "Poirot", the Belgian detective created by Agatha Christie and set in the 1920s and 1930s, David Suchet, a jew, played Hercule Poirot, and notably a White European did not.

Let's reverse it, and recast famous jews with niggers. I'm really sick of "blackwashing", with niggers playing characters who could NEVER have been black in the circumstances in which the movie is set. This is especially so with the BBC remaking fucking *English history* movies cast by niggers. Horribly wrong and offensive.

Which niggers would you like to see cast in biographical movies with these subjects. This is just off the top of my head. (Some of you may have to look up a few of the people.)

- The Three Stooges
- Albert Einstein
- Anne Frank
- Milton Berle
- Sigmund Freud
- George Gershwin
- Alfred Dreyfuss
- Lev Davidovich Bronstein, AKA Leon Trotsky
- Sergei Eisenstein, faggot jew commie film director
- Benjamin Disraeli
- Lauren Bacall

Maybe you folks have some movies in mind where the the characters are clearly jewish, but should be remade and recast with the jews played be niggers.
Only White roles in TV and movies are subject to recasting, or "blackwashing" -- jews and jewish culture are NEVER recast with negroes     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.6 years ago


This is a clip from "Community" from about 2010 or so. Blackwashing was been around since the 1930s, most notably when Orson Welles produced and directed a version of Macbeth with an entirely black cast. Since negroes don't have any culture or history of their own to use as source material for performance, they have to use that of White people.

Hollywood jews do this intentionally, but they will NEVER do something like what's in the clip, a black version of "Fiddler on the Roof". Treyf! Taboo! Off limits!
Pink Floyd - "Time" (from Dark Side of the Moon)     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by HughBriss to music 1.6 years ago


This to me is the most compelling track on the album. I didn't quite understand it when I was younger, but now I find as an old man that it speaks to me with great meaning. It's surprising that Roger Waters at the age of 29 wrote such insightful lyrics, but it shows what a great lyricist is he.
Documentary: "Defamation" - Israeli jew refutes the idea that there is a "growing trend of anti-semitism" by interviewing other jews and recording their experiences. Very revealing and strangely contrary to what most jews think     (watchdocumentaries.com)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.6 years ago


Yoav Shamir uses his ethnicity as an Israeli jew to talk with insiders, who talk frankly with him as an insider, as they explain how they use "anti-semitism" as a tool to control Gentiles. Among others, he talks with that fat, vile lying piece of shit Abe Foxman, the national director of the jewish Anti-Defamation League. Coming from an Israeli jew, this is incredibly objective and balanced. This is description from the WatchDocumentaries site:

"In his exploration of modern Israeli life, filmmaker Yoav Shamir travels the world in the hunt for the most recent manifestations of anti-Semitism, and comes up with some startling answers as highlighted in his documentary Defamation. As a Jew raised and born in Israel, Shamir claims he has never experienced first-hand anti-Semitism, so he embarks on a journey to find it. He follows American-Jewish leaders to the European capitals, as they warn government officials of the rising anti-Semitism threat, and tags along with Israeli high school students on a trip to Auschwitz.

What Shamir discovers often surprises him. For instance, he accompanies a group of Israeli students on a trip to Poland, in a quest to help open their eyes to the realities of the Holocaust. Yet, the youngsters have been so groomed by their leaders to dread the worst from the local citizens that they wind up envisaging anti-Semitic views where none may really exist. Indeed, his remarkably nuanced and provocative documentary Defamation becomes more of an assessment of the internecine warfare happening amongst the Jews themselves than of the attitude portrayed by the gentiles towards Jews."
Man blames cat for child porn downloads     (www.theregister.com)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.6 years ago


I know, it's an old article, but I'd never seen it. People usually blame the dog when they fart. This guy takes lack of accountability to another level.
Remember the McCloskeys, who defended their St. Louis home from a BLM mob and were prosecuted for doing so? This is the reason why they were targeted (hint: they had a synagogue as a neighbor)     (whatever)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.6 years ago


Archived so I don't drive traffic to Snopes. Apologies for the shit source, but this is the only place I could find this information. In its defense, a lot of it was provided by Mr. McCloskey himself.


This began in 2013 with an encroachment on the McCloskey's northern property line. The synagogue acknowledged in a 2000 letter when the synagogue was built that the property line extends 10 feed beyond the north brick wall. But in 2013, the synagogue built a wooden structure and intended to keep bees for one of their pagan rituals. The structure was well within the McCloskey's property, being placed very close to the brick wall. This is shown in the article.

I examined this picture carefully and used Google Maps to identify where the structure was. It seems to have been placed to the west of the property, nearly at the corner. This can be identified by the telephone pole in the picture. He placed a notice that the structure constituted a trespass and directed the synagogue to remove it by a particular date and time. He also provided a picture of this also.

He was accused of tearing down the structure and destroying the hives. He states emphatically that he did not, nor is there any evidence whatsoever that he did.

It appears however that McCloskey had enough of these lying jews and erected a wire fence directly on the property line to prevent any such incursions. This can be seen in the link below.


I find it very easy to believe that the jews in the synagogue used the BLM mob to break into and trespass onto private property to harass and threaten the McCloskeys.

So the moral is, there's always a jew behind it.
The Gourds - Bluegrass cover of "Gin and Juice"     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by HughBriss to music 1.7 years ago


This has been attributed to a lot of people and groups, but this one of a kind cover was done by the Gourds. Unlike a lot of nigger rappers who get butthurt when White people cover their music, Snoop Dog actually liked this cover. The difference between Snoop Dog's version and The Gourds' version is that The Gourds actually incorporated music and harmony in the song.
If a bowling ball bag contains a ball, shouldn't it be called a scrotum?     (Jokes)

submitted by HughBriss to Jokes 1.7 years ago


That's it. Quick one-liner.
"We Need to Talk About the Jews" - documentary banned from almost every site, preserved on Archive - Worth watching and sharing with friends     (archive.org)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.7 years ago


It's available for download on archive.org, so get a copy and don't let this get memory holed.
Anyone here remember seeing this meme in the late 1990s? I think I found it in "Internet Underground" magazine     (web.archive.org)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.7 years ago


That magazine only lasted about a year, about 1996-1997, but it was extremely helpful finding useful sites before there were search engines (or at least, effective search engines). I'm pretty sure that's where I discovered this stupid ass cartoon. The "Ate My Balls" cartoon with Mr T was possibly one of the first truly viral memes. It sparked a million imitators.
In the 50s and 60s, Jay Ward created such beloved TV cartoon characters as Rocky and Bullwinkle and George of the Jungle. I just discovered Jay Ward was a jew     (whatever)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.7 years ago


This is his bio according to wikijewdia:

"Joseph Ward (((Cohen))) Jr. (September 20, 1920[1] – October 12, 1989), also known as Jay Ward, was an American creator and producer of animated TV cartoon shows. He produced animated series based on such characters as Crusader Rabbit, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Dudley Do-Right, Peabody and Sherman, Hoppity Hooper, George of the Jungle, Tom Slick, and Super Chicken. His company, Jay Ward Productions, designed the trademark characters for the Cap'n Crunch, Quisp, and Quake breakfast cereals and it made TV commercials for those products. Ward produced the non-animated series Fractured Flickers (1963) that featured comedic redubbing of silent films."

I started watching TV in the early 60s and I grew up on these cartoons and these characters. My jewdar is usually pretty good, but this one takes me by surprise. He didn't look like a jew and his work never demonstrated any jew depravity. It was just fun and clever stories and wordplay.

It's going to take me a while to process this. I can deal with Ward being a jew, but his cartoons and characters is another matter. I've always been willing to condemn a jew's works when I find he's a jew, but this one is difficult.
Cui bono? Who benefits? Why is there such a rush for revolution or secession? Who will take power once there is a power vacuum?     (whatever)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.8 years ago


This is why I don't trust anyone who talks about revolution or secession all the time. Almost no one has the aptitude for leadership on a large scale, and those who keep pushing for revolt have an agenda and already know who will fill the power vacuum. And they aren't White.

So what do the people who call for revolution or secession actually want? How do they benefit? Whatever it is, it doesn't involve you, except in a service capacity.

Why are the talking about so much in the media? Why do they want it done so quickly? So that no one has time to think it through clearly enough to realize that in a power vacuum, the only people who will step into power are exactly the sort of people who should never have it.

Do you have the aptitude for large scale leadership? I certainly don't, and you probably don't either. Can you tell the difference between a leader with the best interests of the people at heart and a sociopath demagogue? You probably can, but most people can't.
The guidestones were not blown up. Someone shot a grenade or RPG at it. Watch the video to see the direction of the spray of debris     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.8 years ago


If you look at the video, you'll see a short flash before the explosion, and then you'll see debris spray toward the right of a column while a large dust cloud spreads to the left of the column. This was not done by a stationary explosive.

The blast pattern shows debris spraying away but from only one stone. The other three standing stones weren't damaged much. If it were a bomb, the explosion would have projected out in 360 degrees and damaged the lower parts of the standing stones and severely damaged the capstone.

I think this is also why officials are wasting no time in knocking down the remaining guidestones. This is an active crime scene, and it could have been preserved safely by fencing it and keeping security around it, but they are intentionally destroying evidence.