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Member for: 8 months

scp: 234 (+249/-15)
ccp: 853 (+915/-62)
votes given: 1031 (+972/-59)
score: 1087


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There was a point where they made the letter Z illegal. That led to the meme with the Russian truck having all 26 letters of the English alphabet on their ID sign.

/v/War viewpost?postid=650caa4e681a8

In 1960 the average age of boomers was 5.3 years old.
In 1970 the average age of boomers was 15.6 years old.

The only ushering they were doing was in theaters and churches.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=650df986102a7

>designed to make the public afraid or at least hesitant to publicly gather

That's not what people who want to effect or prevent change do unless the effects are intended for the audience itself.

Protesting itself is a form of public weakness. "*We want things to be different so what we're going to do is tell you that.*"

What you're saying is the scuffling and brawling is actually public service theater to dissuade the discontent from dissipating their determination in a detrimental direction?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=650dfef02b2b0


Check out this 4.5mm SPS pistol cartridge for an underwater pistol with a round so long the whole cartridge is 145 mm.

/v/War viewpost?postid=650e0080ef9b3

They laid out the whole deal for us in that movie. Now they can say they told us and we didn't object.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=650d532eb30b7

Agreed. And at least one of them (in the first couple minutes) is a genetically defective bald.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=650d532eb30b7

I read they found drugs on one of his planes and held it when he was in India, so this is his hissy fit retaliation.

Have you seen that photo of him insulting the Indian leader with his homo crossed legs? Indian guy did not look happy. He had a smirk on his face.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=650d5f4064968

First of all, 30s is going to be the max age for the female if the goal is reproduction. But could you stand to live with a kid in their 30s?

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=650d65f7ba3d0

Freedom and democracy are incompatible.

/v/Technocracy viewpost?postid=650d760973d4b


Family of drug addicts. Don't be rama rama, Linda.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=650d7b120d226

Best way to reheat 'many' types of leftovers is a minute or two in the microwave *in the already used bowl or plate*.

Probably not steak, at least if it's still uncut. But cut or chopped into smaller pieces a microwave will heat that right up. Disclaimer: I don't fear 'rubbery' leftovers.

Random related fact: There was a point when I spent a year or so building giant microwave cooker tubes for industrial use, in a place that resembled Frankensteins Laboratory. One of the 'secret' projects was a microwave tube to use in attacking Chinese satellites.

/v/news viewpost?postid=650d7d27e0b4f

That was a joke on stupid people with money that somehow took on a life of its own.

Imagine paying tens of millions of $ so you can claim to "own" an arrangement of pixels.

/v/Art viewpost?postid=650d7dd237583

Women - most corrupt*able*

Men - most corrupt*ed*

People wanting to control you are not looking out for your best interests.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=650dae6b970cf

Not just civic nationalists. It's everyone. Where in Australia or the US have the 'good people' killed all the ziobots and politicians claiming "authority" over other people?

Tell me about that region.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=650da80a2f105

3:58 is excessive length for an intro.

/v/random viewpost?postid=650db55d89e63

>Calling people low IQ for

Autistically obsessing over "NASA controlling the shape of the earth", and being unable to parse and comprehend simple English sentences.

/v/SPACEisFAKEandGAY viewpost?postid=650c7336a1dc3

Say hi to Denys for me.

>Update from Ukraine | Ukraine broke through the Surovikin line near Verbove | Ruzzian attack Failed - Denys Davydov

Russians will let you borrow a field for 10,000 men. How many fields do you want?

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=650ca4ef319d6

People want to think they're not the cattle in the goyim/cattle meme, but the resemblance to actual cattle farming is remarkable.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=650cf51b87cf4

>Here you are defending kike NASA you dumb faggot kike.

Have you ever passed an IQ test?

/v/SPACEisFAKEandGAY viewpost?postid=650c7336a1dc3

That was analyzed and worked out on telegram a couple weeks ago. The reflection in the car roof of the missle coming from the Ukrainian city to the northeast, and the posts from that city saying something like "missiles just launched two minutes ago" match.

They've done this repeatedly, yet don't have to be (or "didn't") careful because the media does as they're told.

They shot down that civilian plane back in 2014 or whenever, and all the NATO proxies covered for them and blamed Russian Separatists.

They did the Bucha massacre. They've hit their own civilians numerous times. And remember, they shelled Ukrainian cities in east Ukraine for 8 years, with a total of 14,000 dead on both sides.

elensky himself is on video laughing and bragging about killing ethnic Russian school kids.

And remember the videos they posted of torturing and burning people alive.

/v/War viewpost?postid=650caa4e681a8

Ukraine has been behind most or all of the so-called Russian atrocities, either intentionally or out of stupidity and incompetence. The NYTimes just admitted a missile attack Ukraine blamed on Russia a week or two ago was from Ukraine. The video proof was posted on telegram back then, showing the missile image reflected in a car roof coming from the Ukrainian city where reports of "missile firings two minutes ago" were posted.

Most everything you see coming from western 'journalists' is CIA propaganda. But there are even people here on upgoat who believe.

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=650ca4ef319d6

Government agencies and/or NASA don't affect the shape of our planet.

>Founded: July 29, 1958, United States

NASA didn't even exist until a few decades ago. But the obsession with NASA is pretty interesting. 'Someone' apparently wants NASA to become relevant again...

/v/SPACEisFAKEandGAY viewpost?postid=650c7336a1dc3

Everyone admits it's the tax payers financing all of this degeneracy and anti-Whiteness, but no one does anything about them.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=650c71eb203c3

You only think it's propaganda because you're brainwashed. That's why it's so effective. Reality stares you in the face, but you see something completely different.

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=650bdcbd0b721