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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 7 (+7/-0)
ccp: 672 (+693/-21)
votes given: 1055 (+999/-56)
score: 679


“I can’t believe I voted for this”

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6640eebf3863b

I didn’t click, thanks for the warning!

/v/funny viewpost?postid=663765d98fac2

If you had in fact been going over the speed limit, you would have been safely beyond them when they pulled into the intersection. This is why I always speed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629a79c9f763

One of the better book reviews I’ve seen

/v/princeharryhate viewpost?postid=66286c3d50d6c

I’m curious which biblical verses this contradicts. If you know, please post them.

I’m not clear either how it could be demonstrated that this genetic marker had not already previously expanded across the world but was only seen here because it was preserved in ice

/v/Tartaria viewpost?postid=662010f6ce9c1

I heard a statement the other day that the world wars pulled the young men away and that the now heavily skewed female churches shifted cultural to a gynocentric perspective. I don't know about the truth of this narrative but the gynocentriism rings true. Most high T men that I know don’t connect with the church experience.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=661e793bcac48

When we moved away from agrarian lifestyles people lost the innate understanding of the importance of good breeding from no longer experiencing in animal husbandry. This gave room for the lie of self determination which is closely tied with humanism.
Yes, understanding this eliminates any and all precepts of dei, it is in fact the big lie.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=660eade54ceb5

Would you rather them robbing a 7-11? What separates this thought pattern from the blue hairs ree’ing about cultural appropriation when you make stir fry?

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=660eaf06af02b

9gag keeps moving further and further to the right. The comments from the community are where the real gold is. It can be hilarious at times but the ammount of funny content is slipping which I worry will reduce the attraction to the site along with it opportunities to redpill edgy teens.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=660e664184e02

Very symbolic as US/Ukraine took out a bridge in Russia

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=660c3ce12660d

Except that this isnt based in space, it is based on earth. Coukd this platform be operated in space? Possibly but probably not. A lot of these larger lasers are chemically based which means you need to replenish them after use. A nuclear reactor would he needed otherwise.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f03eddabc97

Let’s be honest, she probably coted for this. I’ve saved a number of women in distress but I think anymore it is good for them to really understand the results of their policies.

/v/based_department viewpost?postid=65ecddddf2caf

Woman do seem to have a hard time with contentment. Do you have reason to believe she wishes she made more than you for leverage?

It could be she feels guilty about how nice you guys have it.

It could be she feels like you spend too much money but doesn’t want to challenge you directly.

Ask her about it, if there is a deeper concern. Gently calling these things out builds trust after you have worked things out and removes places for rot to hide.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=65db787c361e9

Cash is king. Try to hang on to as much of it as possible for your money making ventures, start small if you can, get loans if you can. You can either walk away from them if there is no money in it or pay them off immediately if there is.

I suspect based on you posting this question that you aren’t seriously committed to either plan and would just be wasting your money.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d4bc12144a2

This is all hype, look at google trends. White women are the swing vote, no other block shifts so dramatically in an election. They are also some of the most susceptible to manufactured hype. I personally think they are hyping her to collect the white female block into unison and thenshe will stump for the chosen Democrat heavily when we get closer.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65ce039de8872

The US world order needs to die, a counter balancing force is the only thing that can prevent its continued shift toward totalitarianism.

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=65b4d9ea74ea9

Once you’ve paid for it, it is your property. You are under no obligation to search of your person or property as a condition of freedom/exiting. Just walk past.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65a997d07a4b6

Check out the master-built gravity smoker.

It will get you about 90% of the flavor of sticks vs traeger aboutt 75

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=65a1def8886b5

Statins are garbage, lots of side effects they are also implicated in heart damage. Lastly the published materials say they only prevent one out of 100 heart attacks. Ask your doctor, he will confirm.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659dc8e0d8834

Makes me wonder if they are pushing the margins hoping someone will go lone wolf retribution mode to provide rational for their cause.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659c62c786797

Practice you counter steering boys, every time you go out. It has to be your first instinctive reaction in a situation like this and probably would have saved this man’s life

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=659943c68ddf1