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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 818 (+846/-28)
ccp: 209 (+210/-1)
votes given: 180 (+157/-23)
score: 1027


I think the first one got in just under the line to be able to be released as it was. I liked it but a lot of people didn't. I would hear complaints about how the protagonist was basically just Batman but in my mind I like Batman so it wasn't a problem. It had more of a dark, atmospheric noir tone to it and your guy seemed cool.

The second one made your guy into a black San Francisco hipster dipshit and it was such a disappointment to be playing as a guy that I was already cooler than. The hell kind of fantasy entertainment is that? Also they made the weapons gayer. Like they took away all the guns with bullets and replaced them with guns that shoot electric shocks at people or some crap. They just made everything weak and gay. But there were more ways to screw around with your hacking abilities and that was the only better thing.

Never played the third. If it came out sooner I might have but I pretty much stopped caring.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=6627a89ea7e4c

The part with the arrow is referring to the people who develop the severe form. The circled part says that most people only get the mild type.

Though with that part at the end, it seems like "one out of every 50 to 1000" people is a pretty crazy range. It sounds suspiciously as if they don't really know for sure.

/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=66168bfb46c19

Could be. Or maybe it's a clipped toenail on the floor. Either way, beautiful.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6614f952bdfc7

One of my dogs is pretty crazy and eats pretty much everything. Rocks, grass, scrap wood, a hole in the drywall one time. Those are things he actually eats and swallows but he'll also chew on pretty much everything until it is in little pieces. But he's still picky with food sometimes.

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=65f39852b345d

[Ms. 45](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/22171-ms-45)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ded8a58e244

Whatever you decide, it's worth keeping in mind that your messages won't be any more secure than whatever's going on with the other end. If you're exchanging emails with a gmail user (also noting that they host email services for a ton of other private domains as well) then all those emails are being scanned by them as well.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=65de8225d34d0

Shouldn't a comic try to have a joke or something? This is exactly what it was doing. Why did someone draw this? You could just show the actual screenshots of the same thing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d7cda9d2fc5

It shouldn't even have had to take "working to improve." It took extra work to make it act stupid in the first place.

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=65d7539baa15b

I always like to link this Onion article from 1999 back when The Onion was actually pretty funny.

[Eggs Good For You This Week](https://www.theonion.com/eggs-good-for-you-this-week-1819565159)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65caab683703c

I wonder if that quote will be remembered throughout history just like JFK's saying the exact opposite.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65c94aa3b3a62

Instead it was a variation of [this one](https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=65a2c50fdd64a) that was posted right here a few weeks ago.

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=65c42e5e926e6

This video was edited. She didn't abruptly shut it down like that. She got all pissy and said she wasn't going to go down that rabbit hole.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65c3b59a72161

What are the legal implications of passing a resolution there? I assume it's not the same as passing a law but is there anything legally binding about it in terms of enforcement?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65bd003d2cdd6

For some reason my mind initially interpreted this as being about a live chicken. I think it is because my dog was recently accused of killing one belonging to a neighbor.

/v/GuessTheRace viewpost?postid=65b809890eee0

A postal money order will be refunded after some number of months of not being cashed. I forget the number of months though. You could probably ask them for details or look it up.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=65af68b887810

Depends on what's being modernized. If you just mean the visual style, that gets tried here and there and sometimes does ok. If you mean everything else, you probably can't because of regulations, and they probably wouldn't because the vehicles might actually last.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=65a3f72323649

I wonder how much of that benefit comes from what they're not drinking instead. I'd bet at least some.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=659b6715f0fd3

>the opposing team started shouting ‘Free Palestine’ and other antisemitic slurs
So that's their example of a hateful slur?

>Students at the $ 45,000-a-year private day school were shocked by the on-court hate.
Yeah I'm sure it ruined their lives.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=659a0ce937a77

Yeah probably. Maybe there's some sort of symbolic victory or line in the sand being drawn. For example, taking the book 'This Book is Gay' (which teaches kids how to use gay dating apps to meet up with adults) out of public schools is something I'm all for, but I'm not sure how much practical impact it has when all kids have cell phones with access to everything anyhow. It might still be worth building the wall even if there are ways to get through it, so to speak. I don't really know.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6598dcabda11f

It probably means they restrict access based on the geolocation associated with the IP address trying to connect to it. You can use a VPN or just use another site but people in those states trying to go to that specific site won't be able to or will have to jump through some hoops.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6598dcabda11f


/v/Goyslop viewpost?postid=6592eed516ec1

Those universal sockets suck. It might be useful to have one or two around for a couple of one-off jobs with some oddly shaped thing or if a particular bolt is stripped in such a way this could grip onto it. But they're not very strong and the pins get worn out pretty easily. The commercials try to make it seem like it is a replacement for all of your sockets but it can't be used like that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=658bc238613bf

Frontier Gal. I looked it up by searching phrases from the clip and found it by way of some feminist article complaining about it. I downloaded the movie and I noticed she made no mention of the fact the lady spent the first part of the movie slapping him in the face over and over and then forced him at gunpoint to marry her so she wouldn't look silly in front of the people she knew. That's it so far. Still watching it.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6589fde4c7a86

Also that looks like a heat sink on that magical energy creating device. Anything using enough energy to generate heat such that it needs one of those isn't going to be pulling it from ambient radio waves. But mostly that bit caught my attention because they pretty much exist to dissipate wasted energy as heat and something tells me his design is not so efficient that there's anything to spare.

/v/science viewpost?postid=6582d9156bd79

He's a scammer. I was sort of surprised that when I started searching for info, it was mostly a bunch of retarded websites praising him without the tiniest bit of skepticism.


/v/science viewpost?postid=6582d9156bd79