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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 821 (+850/-29)
ccp: 209 (+210/-1)
votes given: 187 (+164/-23)
score: 1030


He's a scammer. I was sort of surprised that when I started searching for info, it was mostly a bunch of retarded websites praising him without the tiniest bit of skepticism.


/v/science viewpost?postid=6582d9156bd79

Can confirm. I flew to Chicago a few years ago to visit some family in central Illinois and was really surprised by how many tolls there were on that city's freeways.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6581b4adb64f4

This is about the best option for trying to do it in a secure manner yourself for free. OP, you'd also need to make sure you open up the correct port on your router/firewall. You could also do RDP but I'd make sure to at least configure it to work on a non-standard port and then disable it as soon as you're home again.

If you're not very technically-minded for these sorts of things and you just need to get it done in a hurry, you can sign up for something like gotomypc.com - I have a family member that uses that and it seems fine, but you'd be putting a bit of your trust in them.

One other thing to note, if you do manage to get something working, make sure you leave that laptop on and open. Disable any sort of power-saving/sleep/hibernation settings (particularly anything that suspends the hard drive or network connection). Otherwise you won't be able to remotely access and control it.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6579eceeceb83

I bet that becoming a millionaire is one of his nightmares

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=656de68a381be

Last I looked, it was still on the original site but didn't make it to the archive I linked to for whatever reason> It doesn't show much but [I mirrored it on catbox](https://files.catbox.moe/6whnob.mp4).

/v/news viewpost?postid=6568b1bd93c7a

It took me a second to parse your comment because I thought you were trying to say some "witch with a capital B" kind of thing.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6568b1bd93c7a

It looks like the two devices you linked aren't really a 1:1 comparison unless I overlooked something. That first one you linked is just a router/wi-fi access point which would require you to have a separate modem to connect to your internet provider. The second one at the Best Buy link is more of an all-in-one with a built-in cable modem which is fine if that's the type of internet service you have.

If you're using Wi-Fi, the Best Buy one supports newer/faster wi-fi standards but the devices you're connecting to it (computer/game console/phone/whatever) with would need to support those standards as well to use the extra speed.

Other than that, the memory and cpu of a router can come into play a little bit but not for general use for most people. If you have a ton of activity on your network with a lot of simultaneous connections going out, like a few users with a bunch of torrents going, some people gaming and streaming, it might matter more.

It might be worth noting that the DOCSIS 3.1 specification listed on the Best Buy one is basically the "spec level" of the cable modem built in. It would be able to support a cable modem service with up to 10gbps down.

If you do have cable modem service, it might be worth investigating what your current modem can support to see if you're taking advantage of the service you pay for.

Edited to add: Everything Kozel mentioned, I agree with but it depends on how technically proficient you are and also how much time you wanna put into it. Pretty much everything has a backdoor of some sort or another now. They're embedded into every processor. It sort of depends on how sophisticated or powerful your enemies are, but sensible measures will keep out most of the riffraff.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6560f38b8e4db

[The Sacketts (1979)](https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/23259-the-sacketts)

/v/videos viewpost?postid=654abce7329c0

Yeah it was weird. There was an article immediately underneath this one where it explicitly said it was cardiac arrest in the headline. It isn't natural for a 14-year-old kid to die that way.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=6549ea9ad5161

They should have thrown in a Tucker ["what is going on?"](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dcXxAIUqiGw)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=653cbc7d4b90e

[Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla](https://lunduke.locals.com/post/4387539/firefox-money-investigating-the-bizarre-finances-of-mozilla)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=653bd576aedcf

I suspect your mouse or keyboard is broken. Particularly if either of them has bloated drivers that let you remap keys and create macros and things like that. My son had a Razor keyboard that started to fail and would routinely make random false mouse inputs. You could try reinstalling drivers but I'd replace both devices with the most featureless and low powered most generic keyboard and mouse that you can find just to rule it out.

There are a number of other things it could be, but if your mouse is failing or has a short, depending on the nature of the failure, sometimes movements and clicks that initially failed to go through can build up and then come through all at once when the problem is cleared up.

Wish I had more but that's what comes to mind initially.

/v/strange viewpost?postid=653bdeca6f055

What the guy on the tape was saying before it was pulled out:

>So-called American Indians, Latinos, and blacks come from a genetically mediocre stock. Being a racist means being aware of racial divisions, and I am.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=653bc6c0f4162

OP clearly did the right thing and had the right attitude, but it's still a weird move from the dad for assuming a bunch of strangers will be prepared and accommodating. Probably would have been better to go to some sort of pumpkin patch in the area that had a maze and hayrides and stuff. Some of them have hay pyramids for climbing and corn pits and other activities for little kids. A lot of the little kids wear their costumes to those before Halloween.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=653af4d5c1cc6

Some guys he knew probably made some retarded tit jokes and he read too much into it and exaggerated. I mean, that's what would have happened if any of this was true, which it isn't.

/v/Faggots viewpost?postid=653b631ecee17

If you look at the list, you can tell it is diversity-minded. They included a lot of black women and really just women in general, so some better players had to be left off to make room for that crap.

/v/Guitar viewpost?postid=653774b242eed

I don't know why anyone thinks this will accomplish anything with positive results. Maybe if you're in the rims business or something. Plus, are we meant to think that after that, the black community is going to be like "thanks white guys, now we're all squared up" and stop bitching and demanding things?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6534247c81c1b

But do you have the made for TV Patty Duke Show movie 'Still Rockin in Brooklyn Heights'

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=652f6a6beed43

Well, to be fair, his post history does include him asking about this stuff and someone in one of threads told him about wiremin. Of course, it could have all been theater. I can never tell anymore.

/v/BigBadTech viewpost?postid=652f98a1e7cfc

The ease of finding something doesn't determine whether or not a network is decentralized. The physical topology and the various protocols used determine that. I mean, those things you mentioned can certainly affect its usability, practicality, and rate of adoption and things like that but it has no bearing on whether or not a network service is centrally hosted.

Mostly though, they tend to work a bit like voat/upgoat would in the sense that you're probably not going to find many links to it in the mainstream, but once you know about it, you can go there and make an account and then you're up and running. It's similar with most of the decentralized stuff, except there's no single server or entity in control of the service so it wouldn't matter if the admin decides to retire - he can't take the ball and go home.

/v/BigBadTech viewpost?postid=652f98a1e7cfc

Torrents don't necessarily need any central server. You can share magnet links anywhere. Most torrent sites just index them and provide search functionality. Plus, there's a ton of overlap between them - as in they list many of the exact same magnet links - illustrating that there's no real centralized server. You're saying the equivalent of there is no internet without google's search.

I don't know the particulars of the services OP was talking about but I've used similar things more than a decade ago and it worked by anyone being able to set up a server and peer with other trusted servers, and content such as posts and messages will be mirrored between all of the servers on the network so that if any one of them goes down, it will continue to function. There are also implementations in which there are no servers at all and all of the clients running the client software will also store and distribute random chunks of data for the network from their own machines.

When people say there's no central server, they're talking about there's no particular target you can go after to take something off of the internet in the sense where even if you had the link, it doesn't work anymore. Not a searching or indexing service to get the links.

/v/BigBadTech viewpost?postid=652f98a1e7cfc

Then there isn't a reason for the government to adopt "gender" as a legal construct. If it is subjective, concerned with social expression, and there's no firm criteria, then there isn't any reason to care about it. Go back to biological sex. You might as well be tracking if someone identifies as jock or punk or redneck or whatever the hell.

/v/Japan viewpost?postid=6529728b2d9e6

Usually you shouldn't have to do much or any soldering. If you wanted to only replace a particular failed chip on the board, then you might do something like that. But normally you'd just replace the entire board and it should do the trick. Also, sometimes you can get the logic boards by themselves without the need to buy the entire drive to pull one off of.

Your only other option would be to use a data recovery service that would charge you a lot more for what you can accomplish on your own pretty easily. A lot more.

And it probably goes without saying, if you do get it back up, copy all of your data to something else and don't trust the drive anymore even though it's probably fine with the new logic board. 15 years is a pretty good run for a spinning platter HD and other types of failures are probably right around the corner.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=65295a3e860af

I dunno if you guys actually watched it but it is pretty clearly satire and they're ripping on the shows that do that sort of thing. It looked funny to me.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6528168fe6809

Fair point. I'd edit it if I could. I'll stop doing that in the future, at least.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=6523ff9418f91