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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 212 (+250/-38)
ccp: 1752 (+1807/-55)
votes given: 1470 (+1416/-54)
score: 1964


Owner of:
DopeSocksManRammer, ReportKikes,
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The absolute sovereign remedy for my kids (and nephews) has been going outside. Not for long, obviously, when it's cold but natural light and air perk can infant right up. I would also often bring my kids to another room so mother can rest and sing them to sleep. Usually, Alan Jackson's hymnal album would help me. The constant, calm, familiar voice helps. Tiger hold all the way.

I'm sorry for this hard time you're going through but most likely there is no answer to "the problem" and it'll go away in a while. You could also try driving when he's a little older. My oldest would fall right asleep when I reached highway speeds when nothing else would work. 3 weeks is a little young for that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=654538e609a08

Broke the tie! lol, you're welcome, Graveyard.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=654537c45b992

Hell is generally thought of as being downward

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=654215b5d70b3

Fuck everything about these creatures.

/v/Reptiles viewpost?postid=6541ebd89a515

That's the most retarded take I've ever read. The Pope and many Bishops were essentially apostates taking money to "forgive" you. Subversive and jewy on the highest levels. In any case, if we want to talk about allowing jewish and Islamist corruption in, the Enlightenment was far more of a problem than the Reformation.

/v/TIL viewpost?postid=65378dea1edd3

"You don't endorse slaughter of women and children, therefore you're protecting the enemy." That's the most retarded argument I've ever heard. Sounds familiar though. Oh yeah, that's right, every Zionist talking head on the news has been saying that to manufacture consent for the slaughter of the Gaza sand niggers. The fuck is wrong with you? Don't you realize that what defines us as Europeans is our moral compass? Yes, the Jews and niggers are a problem, no, that doesn't mean butchering every single one is the answer. We will not descend to the beastly levels of our adversaries.

/v/zionistpuppet viewpost?postid=652f19b64a824

What I'm hearing is that your asshole has taken miles of cock for political influence.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=652e9ceb75616

Some lawyer who helped draft the statement probably thought it was a good idea. Hell, it may even be a blatant lie. Lawyers do that shit constantly.

/v/jewsShowThemselves viewpost?postid=65268f3fb509f

He lost a little respect from me for invoking the Holohoax but he's always been a normie, what did you guys expect? Refusing to associate with Nicky is good idea in any case. Not our guy.

/v/jewsShowThemselves viewpost?postid=65268f3fb509f

Ah, so you're the Jack from The Great Divorce?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=651ebc5c1c76d

Yes, I'm an old man. My last pop culture reference on here was The Price Is Right with Bob Barker. (Fuck Drew Carey)

/v/Meme viewpost?postid=6519d271d9663

[This is the joke](https://youtu.be/NwzaxUF0k18?si=gxgqgZiUmc8t_MZ2)

/v/Meme viewpost?postid=6519d271d9663

Damn it. Scooped. Glad I'm not the only one this immediately occurred to.

/v/Meme viewpost?postid=6519d271d9663

Damn, I lost. I thought he'd get to 100.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64ea2dc65667b

No, not that. Where this German or Austrian kicking thing happened

/v/pics viewpost?postid=64e885754ffad

I'm missing the context, can you loop me in?

/v/pics viewpost?postid=64e885754ffad

He didn't, he pretended to be disarmed and Kyle was just faster than the lying jew.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64e8af29c690d

We either need to build alternative leverage and communities or push young men to get themselves into the lower level positions and start pushing up.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64e8af29c690d

Kyle should have double tapped.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64e8af29c690d


That said... I really would like to see that. Especially the part where they're all burned alive.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64e664600deb1

Governments that are successful in killing and stealing from pineapple niggers will be emboldened to try that shit with white people. I'd like to see this shit done to Martha's Vineyard and the land sold to farmers.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64e664600deb1