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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 212 (+250/-38)
ccp: 1752 (+1807/-55)
votes given: 1470 (+1416/-54)
score: 1964


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DopeSocksManRammer, ReportKikes,
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Bull shit. I am clearly a Dial alt.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6631783b7ef46

Does that mean no more peekaboo at the glory hole? You'll be missed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663173f0893a2

Their father, the devil is the chief liar. It is no surprise his children lie as if it were their native tongue.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=65deb8fcbf20c

No, it involves HPOP and a butt.

/v/Upgoat viewpost?postid=65dd5e02c44ea

He literally posted his name and address when someone managed to dox him a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if all sorts of shit showed up from cool, sexually active people. I hear @GrayDragon received a giant black dildo.

/v/Upgoat viewpost?postid=65dd5e02c44ea

I think the rooms may have been set to private in reaction to Chief TalkToFeds threats.

/v/Upgoat viewpost?postid=65dd5e02c44ea

Still have my "OJ in the Slammer" slammer. Nigger should have fried.

/v/Upgoat viewpost?postid=65dd5e02c44ea

Hey, at least it's just hands and he's not holding his frank and beans.

/v/Upgoat viewpost?postid=65dd5e02c44ea

Are you saying God changes his mind?

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=65a400639d72a

Nicely cherry picked. Are you unaware that Jesus himself called some people fools and idiots?

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=65a400639d72a

[You'll need these aftermarket sights. The standard Glocks ones are never even installed correctly](https://files.catbox.moe/rqydb8.jpg)

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=64f79a8cda17c

I love concentrated autism but eternal September gets tiring and I have to say, there are almost as many just plain niggers as niggerfaggots on here :-D

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6592de491d10c

That's how they manage this shit. The despicable fucks who recruit and transport these "migrants" then find equally shitty or oblivious assholes to help move them in. The Catholics involved in this kind of shit have to be incredibly fucking stupid or apostate to work with these orgs and facilitate this shit. I'd expect this from Shaniqua at NYC's Welfare Office.

/v/RomanCatholicism viewpost?postid=6593640f8dc21

Mother fucker, at least try to rhyme :-P we probably have less than 10 months left to shit post.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=65922ef23f87c

I am pretty confident that the "vooooting" will never happen. This is the year they derail the whole thing.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=65922ef23f87c

More than I trust a rabbi or blue haired public school teacher. Less than I trust a married pastor with 5 kids. Catholics fucked up by encouraging struggling homosexuals to take a vow of celibacy. That said, the only person that can keep your kid safe is you. Be very selective about who you trust your kids with and teach them to be wise themselves.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=658eb754a8f2f

I can certify that it's the real Gabs. He also posted it in Matrix and if that's not enough, he also once spent 3 months posting anal porn to a sub I made on a different link aggregator because he was mad about something.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6570fd786abbe

He's Gabara, the entire site is jealous of his shit posting power levels ;-)

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6570fd786abbe

I kept expecting one of those screaming varieties as a jump scare joke.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65708e4974598

As Bullet said, he was a linguist but I'd argue he understood the beauty in any given language, whether he was a fan of the current associated politics or not. The language of the Rohirim definitely has some German influence. He was really into Germanic myth, including having published his own translation of Beowulf and by really into I mean- we owe much of current Old English scholarship and our ability to read these works to him and men he influenced.

/v/CoalBurners viewpost?postid=655af01ed23c6

It's an actual orc name from Tolkien. There's a strong chance the similarity is not incidental.

/v/CoalBurners viewpost?postid=655af01ed23c6

You should hear Bagger's rabid coon story. Get him buzzed first.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=6549b354c6f2d

It's been a coincidence for years.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=65471fe81a084