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1872 article on the Jewish control of Freemasonry     (books.google.com.au)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to History 1 month ago


Percentage of Jewish accounts that Elon Musk engages with     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to videos 1 month ago


No, Hitler wasn't funded by big business, a common soviet marxist propaganda line regurgitated by jews and boomer retards     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to videos 1 month ago


Gab/Torba is now straight up deleting accounts for muh hate speech that he doesn't like     (gab.com)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to TheEternalJew 1 month ago


This video series on secret societies is pretty good (jewtube, but no ads)     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to videos 1 month ago


You thought 13/50 was bad? 3.4% of NSW pop is Abo. NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research data shows more than half of the children in detention (54.8 per cent) in the 2023 September quarter were Aboriginal.     (Australia)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Australia 1 month ago


We got a 3/50 here. Oh and a lot of that 3% is 95% whites claiming to be abo. So it's more likely 1/50.
Even Wikipedia admits the Nazis did not set the Reichstag fire     (History)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to History 2 months ago


"Journalist William Shirer, writing in 1960, surmised that van der Lubbe was goaded into setting a fire at the Reichstag but that the Nazis had set their own more elaborate fire at the same time.[11] According to Ian Kershaw, writing in 1998, the consensus of nearly all contemporary historians is that van der Lubbe had in fact set the Reichstag afire.

On 6 December 2007 the public prosecutor general Monika Harms nullified the entire verdict and posthumously pardoned van der Lubbe, based on a 1998 German law that makes it possible to overturn certain cases of Nazi injustice. The court's determination was based on the premise that the National Socialist regime was, by definition, unjust, and since the case's death sentence had been motivated politically, it was likely to have contained an extension of that injustice. The conclusion was independent of the factual question of whether or not van der Lubbe had actually set the fire." (lol)
Police raid the homes of misogynists in Germany     (FeminismIsCancer)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to FeminismIsCancer 2 months ago


Investigators launch raids on misogynistic online agitators
Police across Germany have searched the homes of online agitators because they are said to have posted misogynistic posts. The BKA also has an extreme subculture in its sights.

The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and the Frankfurt am Main Public Prosecutor's Office are taking action against misogyny online one day before International Women's Day. Since six o'clock on Thursday morning, police officers have been searching the homes of 45 suspects in eleven federal states.

In addition, officials had already taken action against 37 other suspects in advance. They are accused of “misogynistic postings with criminal relevance,” as the BKA and the public prosecutor’s office explained in a joint press release.

The investigation is therefore concerned with inciting posts, but also with posts "in which women were sexualized, slandered and insulted." Other posts advocated the rape and sexual assault of women or publicly disseminated torture and killing videos, the authorities said.

An important legal basis for the current investigation is a ruling by the Cologne Higher Regional Court from 2020. The court ruled that general denigrations against women can also constitute criminal incitement.

The background to the campaign is the joint project group “Combating Misogyny on the Internet”, in which officials from the BKA and the Central Office for Combating Internet Crime (ZIT) of the Frankfurt Public Prosecutor's Office who specialize in hate speech work together. The investigators took targeted action against misogynistic hate comments online and, according to SPIEGEL information, investigated and identified hate posters in social networks, but also in special Telegram channels.

The investigators also targeted certain forums of so-called “pick-up artists” and “incels”. Both are male-dominated subcultures in which misogyny is particularly widespread. (Read more about the incel movement, which also celebrates violence and terror against women, here.)

Six months probation
The project group is intensively committed to prosecuting misogyny on the internet, said BKA President Holger Münch: “We consciously go into the spaces of hate, identify acts and perpetrators, bring them out of anonymity and hold them accountable. «

According to SPIEGEL information, there has already been a conviction as a result of the investigation. The accused, who is said to have posted numerous misogynistic posts, was sentenced to six months in prison on probation. The verdict is not yet legally binding.

Senior public prosecutor Benjamin Krause from the ZIT emphasized that perpetrators should know that systematic misogyny on the Internet is also being systematically pursued. “Many of the perpetrators publicly and blatantly rant online,” Krause told SPIEGEL. This makes identification sometimes easy. According to Krause, the accused include not only men, but also some women.

Israel threatens Biden with another 9/11 if the US doesn't fully back the total genocide of Palestine     (USPolitics)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to USPolitics 2 months ago


A former Israeli prime minister on Monday warned the U.S. it would face the consequences if it failed to fully back the war against Hamas and radical Islamic terrorism. 'We're fighting total evil, and we might be imperfect, but we’re doing everyone’s job and the world should back Israel,' Naftali Bennett (pictured) told CNN. 'Otherwise, everyone's gonna face it. These zombie murderers are gonna come right over here.'
International students are abusing food banks and bragging about it     (youtu.be)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to videos 2 months ago


The Bolsheviks called out 'Jew bankers' in order to gain support and sow confusion. Nearly all of you would've been gullible enough to support them.     (History)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to History 2 months ago


Imagine a proper political party or person today calling out jews and jew bankers. You'd all lick his feet in desperate relief. Words mean nothing, anyone can say them. You have to pay a bit more attention than that if you want to understand someone's true motivations. Elon Musk was a good test case which most of you dumb cunts failed. He said what you wanted to hear but he was always consorting with and promoting jews, it wasn't until he stupidly exposed himself time and again that most of yous figured it out. Some of yous still haven't.

' ‘Down with the Jew Kerensky, Long Live Trotsky!’'

"The Bolsheviks have seized power. The Jew Kerensky, lackey to the British and the
world’s bankers, having brazenly assumed the title of commander-in-chief of the
armed forces and having appointed himself Prime Minister of the Orthodox Russian
Tsardom, will be swept out of the Winter Palace, where he had desecrated the remains
of the Peace-Maker Alexander III with his presence. On October 25th, the Bolsheviks
united all the regiments who refused to submit to a government composed of Jew
bankers, treasonous generals, traitorous land-owners, and thieving merchants."
I thought MartinTimothy might be a bot, turns out he's just a literal schizophrenic     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to TellUpgoat 2 months ago



he's always posting massive weird posts, calling hitler a rothschild etc. the way the posts are structured looks very bot-like, maybe the bot is pretending to be schizo to cover its ass
France pre-ww2.. communists in power, jews running scams, legal system completely rigged. Pretty obvious the Nazis liberated the people hence why they won so easily, ruled easily, and the Allies brutally bombed the French people to make them submit again     (en.wikipedia.org)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to History 2 months ago


How Putin and his Jewish oligarchs Denazified Russia and are trying the same in Ukraine      (youtu.be)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Russia 2 months ago


Australian intel boss inadvertently reveals they're monitoring the private conversations of White Australians     (Australia)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Australia 2 months ago


"Over the last 18 months, we've also seen an uptick in the number of nationalist and racist violent extremists advocating sabotage in private conversations, both here and overseas.

"It's particularly pronounced among 'accelerationists' – extremists who want to trigger a so-called 'race war'," the ASIO boss added.
BASED Torba explains how White his never to be achieved idea of Christian Nationalism would be     (media.gab.com)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to videos 2 months ago


time for you christcucks to chuck this jewish garbage in the toilet where it belongs and focus solely on race
Old White Russia marching song     (History)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to History 2 months ago


Rus has been invaded
by alien forces
honor has been disgraced
the temple defiled
We bravely go into battle
for Holy Rus
and we'll kill all the Yids
no matter what

We shall drink for the Holy Cross
and the Liturgy
and for the slogan:
"Beat the Yids and save Russia!"

"Anton Denikin's White Army was a bastion of antisemitism, using "Strike at the Jews and save Russia!" as its motto.[16]"
Why am I yet to see a thread celebrating Susan Wojicki's son dying?     (Jews)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Jews 2 months ago


Jew slut spent 20 years trying to help genocide us, get our kids raped and promote degeneracy, now said degeneracy has killed her kid. Dumb cunt. Of course Elon Musk and his little jew circle on twitter all had a cry about it.
DoYouEvenShit spazzes out cause he gets exposed for not even having the slightest basic knowledge of Christian history     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to TellUpgoat 3 months ago


cry more cuck.
They're starting to shift the goalposts to labelling online anti-semitism as 'digital terrorism'... and yes voat is officially on the digital terrorists list     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to TellUpgoat 3 months ago



"Former Australian deputy prime minister John Anderson says the continually increasing amount of online attacks on Jewish people are now starting to be referred to as a form of “digital terrorism”."

"'The deliberate online targeting and harassment of Australian Jews, akin to digital terrorism, has now reached fever pitch.' Dvir Abramovich"

"The World Jewish Congress, together with the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations, held a side event as part of UN Counter Terrorism Week focusing on the nexus between online extremism and real-world terror attacks. (20th June 2023)

"Among the key takeaways from the panel discussion, moderated by WJC’s Director of Technology and Human Rights Yfat Barak-Cheney, were that the distinction between online extremism and offline acts of violence and terrorism should cease to exist as the activities offline are spread online and vice versa. It was also emphasized that just as terrorism is evolving, and structures are less organized and hierarchical, so is their spread and use of online platforms. It is becoming harder to moderate content through the designation of terrorist organizations and individuals and behavioral indicators are key to monitoring the spread of extremist content online.

The need for cooperation across sectors – between companies, governments, civil society, academia, and international bodies such as the United Nations – was a recurring theme throughout all presentations with several innovative solutions proposed, including the importance of cross-industry collaboration, fostering partnerships to leverage collective expertise and resources."


Of course, actual terrorism is a legitimate strategy if the jews do it:

"“I argue that Jewish terrorism in the 1940s was both tactically and strategically significant. At the tactical level, Jewish terrorists were able to frustrate British security forces and erode their ability to control Palestine,” wrote David A. Charters, professor of military history and senior fellow of the Gregg Centre for Study of War and Society at the University of New Brunswick, Canada.

“That played a significant role at the strategic level in persuading Britain to withdraw from Palestine, which, in turn, created the conditions that facilitated the founding of Israel"
Twitter is being run by Israeli intelligence     (media.gab.com)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to MeanwhileOnTwitter 3 months ago


if you actually needed confirmation of this, then you failed the iq test. he's made it as obvious as possible since taking over.
Remember how the Dalai Llama kissed that boy? That's because he's a legitimate pedophile.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to TellUpgoat 3 months ago


Schäfer kept meticulous notes on the religious and cultural customs of the Tibetans from their various colorful Buddhist festivals to Tibetan attitudes towards marriage, rape, menstruation, childbirth, homosexuality, and masturbation. In his account of Tibetan homosexuality, he described the various positions taken by older lamas with younger boys and then went on to explain how homosexuality played an important role in the higher politics of Tibet. There are pages of careful observation of Himalayan people engaged in a variety of intimate acts.
The eldest daughter of Queensland stabbing victim Vyleen White has joined local African community leaders to call for unity amid rising tensions and reports of racist attacks.     (WorldNews)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to WorldNews 3 months ago


Cindy Micallef said her mother, who was 70, would not have wanted her death to “divide people”. “You need to be with us because she was a leader in the community. A devoted Christian. She donated to many charities around the world including in Africa."

classic boomer

Russia's role in the migrant crisis     (www.bitchute.com)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Russia 3 months ago


joe mccarthy, fuck off, dont waste your time with ur bullshit subversive reply, nobody believes ur crap
Basically every 'anti-islam' group in the west is Jewish. Genuine far rightists focus on the Jews or the Jewish influence over their golems, not the golems themselves.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to TellUpgoat 3 months ago



target market of these jew groups is almost always christians. they do everything they can (including importing millions of muslims) to get christians to focus on muslims.