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Member for: 2.1 years

scp: 7065 (+7788/-723)
ccp: 3255 (+4408/-1153)
votes given: 7987 (+5488/-2499)
score: 10320


lol asians are so submissive, she just laid there for 12 hrs before she finally stood up

/v/news viewpost?postid=662ec069429b9

1930 to 60 was the best opportunity to overthrow jewish power. never happened outside of the nazi attempt. germans did everything they could to raise awareness, populations were still all white.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662eca9e0e64a

jews do everything they can to help them and the subhumans are that fucking useless they still fuck it up. deserves a death sentence.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662efc22bca39

Weird, Zionist DailyMail also recently posted about the Simpsons predicting a solar storm doing exactly that in 2024.

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=662e016bac6bc

Well something with patriots in the name is naturally going to attract the dumbest of conservatives.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662de539d9c1d

Only a small minority of white men are leftists. Most are women, all you're experiencing is the frustration of dealing with little kids who have been told they have equal authority and get to shit all over society.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662d8284af759

CIA this, CIA that. Never Mossad. Always blame the CIA. 'It's the intelligence agencies!' No, it's Jews.

All part of the American self-hate propaganda so that the destroy the nations program is ready when pushed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662c797990122

That's great but both are controlled ops, Keith gets paid by the Kremlin. Speaking to your angst and then aligning that with what they want you to support (Russia) isn't going to solve the problem. Speaking to the solution of the problem (national socialism) is what solves your problem.

These people never just clearly outright say the truth about jewish control and tactics like Hitler did, or a genuine voice like Thomas Sewell in Australia does. It's always 'israel' 'zionists' 'satanic jews' at best. They never speak to leftists like Hitler did and try to reach them, because they are tasked with a target market. Leftists already have their own controlled voices.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=662ba44b9c811

this site is like the facebook of the far right, intelligence isn't at a premium here. most are still captured by controlled voices.

/v/news viewpost?postid=662be6b05d1c8

unless you're a genius, nobody has any point to life except to be another rung, maybe a better rung than some but nonetheless a rung, and the best purpose of a rung is to create more rungs who might one day create a genius who actually advances the species.

/v/FeminismIsCancer viewpost?postid=662b61de1dbc7

Nearly all these women have several men who tell them the truth, but they discard it like they know better. Now due to the internet that several men has turned into millions saying it all over the place, women can't avoid hearing it, but still they think they know better. They can't play victim. They are greedy by nature.. the jew exploits this greed for their purposes, but without the jew, they are still innately evil and greedy and need to be controlled.

/v/FeminismIsCancer viewpost?postid=662b61de1dbc7

the fact you need it explained to you only shows your lack of knowledge. it shouldn't need to be explained, it's very basic. and had i explained it, it still would be downvoted because it triggers the pro-russia brainwashing of most members.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6629c6a578f05

At least leftists try to take action. They'd be our best allies if we could recruit them, too bad you're all brainwashed by the jews to mindlessly hate on them, your own race, even when you agree with them on something. All you have to do is teach them the flaw of marxism, that denial of race and gender is denial of reality, and that jews are using it as a tactic to genocide us. Don't be a retard and debate them on 'socialism', agree with them on it. Both they and national socialism rightly identify that we're being exploited by an unfair system (by jewry and freemasonry), they simply get misled after that point.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=662a1b0d6f09f

It's now illegal to be antisemitic, next will be rounding them up under Trump. Good news for you guys, they're going to tie 'satanism' and anti-semitism and mostly go after leftists instead. But we'll be up right after them. Conservatives will cheer it on.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=662a60e70be54

no surprise that you take it personally, low iqs always think the world revolves around them, you can't separate your mind from yourself and understand the world in an objective manner.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6629c6a578f05

i was referring to talking heads, obviously, and those who exclusively use zionist and never jew. it's old communist rhetoric. it's extremely obvious and prevalent right now due to the war. if you had half a brain, you'd know that, but this forum is filled with dimwits who circle jerk over headlines, think they've escaped the 'matrix' only to get captured by controlled ops in the 'far right', and have no real knowledge of anything.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6629c6a578f05

citizenM Worldcenter hotel

wtf kind of orwellian name is that?

holy shit they're literally prison cells

max 2 people per room
avg room size 14 sq m
all rooms the same
wall-to-wall window


with communist pedo art throughout


they use literal cages on the only balcony area of the hotel


and you get a nice monorail running right beside your prison cell just like a crowded fictional dystopian city


/v/princeharryhate viewpost?postid=6629bb176d8d5

yeah i'm not surprised people on here like you are too low iq to comprehend it

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6629c6a578f05

leftist brainwashing triggered, can't see the sense in what i wrote, just mindlessly downvotes and spits out a retarded rebuttal.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6629bc3e47732

of course you're obsessed with celeb garbage. low iq faggot.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6627a58069a96

And his son is always promoting a tranny.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6626e6d4ec644

Proven jew: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/281150.html#281150

Strange that you're getting so triggered...

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6625de4941a59

He's a proven jew: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/281150.html#281150

Why are you lying so much?

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6625de4941a59

That's not what he says. What a surprise the person who gets triggered immediately resorts to lying. Although the grifter does contradict himself constantly as he tries to grift. And look at you rushing to the defence of 'real judaism' just like he programmed you to lmao.

Here's the cunt saying it, try to worm your way out of this: https://youtu.be/Xw4Ez4PSC50?t=1074

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6625de4941a59